Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (English-Home)


अपलोड किए गए पृष्ठों की विस्तृत रिकॉर्ड


  1. 02/16: NEWS: Read! Details

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    1. I have completed my translation of the extensive Chapter 15 (in English) from venerable Tantrāloka by Abhinavagupta after nearly two months working. With 615 stanzas, Chapter 15 is the longest in this sacred scripture. Enjoy the reading!
    2. Before beginning the translation of chapter 16, and at the request of a disciple, I am finalizing my translation of the glorious Īśvarapratyabhijñākārikā-s by Utpaladeva (in English, Spanish and.... Russian, though the latter is slightly delayed for now). I update my translation almost daily, starting from verse 1.6.1 in that scripture (I had previously translated the first five subchapters of Chapter 1).
    3. Robert Bhāskara has translated three full subsections in the Sanskrit section into Hungarian: Writing, Transliterating and Numbers. Well done!
    4. My wife, Natalia Ambikā, has completed Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 of the venerable Tantrāloka by Abhinavagupta. She is now halfway through translating Chapter 8. Congratulations!
    5. New articles have been published on the official website of my Parabhairavayoga!
    6. I have begun explaining my own Vāstavāhantāpravacanam (A discourse about the Real I) on my YouTube channel: Here is the Vāstavāhantāpravacanam playlist containing all the available videos so far.
    7. I host satsaṅga-s (meetings) via Zoom all Saturdays at 16:00 (Moscow time), where I teach on various topics. If you wish to participate, ensure you are fluent in English and/or Spanish, and then fill out this form. As mentioned earlier, I am currently teaching Vāstavāhantāpravacanam. I upload new videos to the YouTube channel every weekend.
    8. Although is the central hub for all my books, they are also available on: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search for "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    9. Enjoy!


  1. 12/24: NEWS: Read! Details

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    1. I finished my translation of chapter 13 and chapter 14 in Abhinavagupta's Tantrāloka in English. Now I am working on the huge chapter 15. I am uploading more and more translated stanzas of chapter 15 to the website practically every day.
    2. Robert Bhāskara translated Sanskrit Quotes 1 into Hungarian on this website. But on the Parabhairavayoga website, he translated Part 1 and Part 2 of my Parabhairavayogasaṁsthāpanapracodanalaghuvṛttiḥ (Short commentary on the Foundational Principles of Parabhairavayoga).
    3. My wife, Natalia Ambikā, affectionately called Gurumā (mother Guru), continues to translate Abhinavagupta's Tantrāloka into Russian language. Now she finished chapter 5 in that scripture.
    4. I have started to explain my own Vāstavāhantāpravacanam -A discourse about the Real I- on my YouTube channel: This is the Vāstavāhantāpravacanam playlist containing all the available videos so far.
    5. I am holding satsaṅga-s (meetings) via Zoom all Saturdays at 16:00 (Moscow time), where I teach about different topics. If you want to participate, make sure you are fluent in English and/or Spanish and next fill out this form. As I said above, now I am teaching Vāstavāhantāpravacanam. I am uploading new videos every weekend to the YouTube channel.
    6. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    7. Enjoy!
  2. 11/23: UPĀCĀRYA-S: Read! Details

    Robert Bhāskara

    Tamás Tryambaka

    1. Important news for you now:
    2. Robert Bhāskara and Tamás Tryambaka have been promoted to the rank of "Parabhairavayogopācārya-s" —Upācārya-s (Teachers) of Parabhairavayoga— for their outstanding dedication to the study of Parabhairavayoga and Trika Shaivism, and for their love and service to their Guru. They have therefore sufficient authority, under de supervision of their Guru, to teach everything related to Parabhairavayoga and Trika Shaivism.
    3. The natural path for them both is to become first putraka-s (spiritual sons) and next Ācārya-s (i.e. Guru-s). All the info related to our Upācārya-s' activities can be found here: Upācārya-s.
    4. What is Parabhairavayoga? On the Parabhairavayoga website there is a short description of it. In Trika Shaivism there are four schools: Spanda, Pratyabhijñā, Kula and Krama. In Parabhairavayoga, I place more emphasis on Spanda and Pratyabhijñā schools and less emphasis on Kula and Krama. This is another of the features of Parabhairavayoga.
    5. Now I am translating chapter 13 in venerable Tantrāloka by eminent Abhinavagupta. I am uploading new translations practically every day when I am healthy. When I am sick like now --fortunately, the worst part of the flu is gone by now--, I cannot upload new contents daily, obviously.
    6. Like myself, Gurumā, my wife, never rests! Gurumā continued her hard job of translating Tantrāloka into Russian language: She has just finished chapter 4 now!
    7. Robert Bhāskara was also working hard with his translations into Hungarian: First Steps 4 and First Steps 5.
    8. I am holding satsaṅga-s (meetings) via Zoom all Saturdays at 16:00 (Moscow time), where I teach about different topics. If you want to participate, make sure you are fluent in English and/or Spanish and next fill out this form [for now, till I am finished with my explanation of Parabhairavayogābhyāsāḥ -Practices in Parabhairavayoga-, admission is not possible. Within one month, when I start to explain a new scripture (i.e. my own Vāstavāhantāpravacanam -A discourse about the Real I-), you will be able to request access to my satsaṅga-s].
    9. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    10. Enjoy!
  3. 10/30: More News: Read! Details

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    1. Many news for you now:
    2. Our Parabhairavayoga website is now in 6 languages like this website (English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Hungarian, Russian and Hindii).
    3. I finished translating chapter 10, chapter 11 and chapter 12 (only in English for now) in venerable Tantrāloka by eminent Abhinavagupta. My next work is now to translate the chapter 13 (only in English too). Till now I have translated 2946 stanzas into English out of 5847, which amounts to around 4 Bhagavadgītā-s plus 146 stanzas. I reached the half of the book, i.e. 50% of Tantrāloka is fully translated in English.
    4. I also finished my new Parabhairavayoga scripture in Sanskrit called "Parabhairavayogasamayāḥ" (Rules in Parabhairavayoga), where I compile all the rules my disciples must follow. What is Parabhairavayoga? It is a Yoga I founded in 2016, which is heavily based on Trika Shaivism (especially on Spanda and Pratyabhijñā schools) but it contains things of my own spiritual lineage too.
    5. Like myself, our collaborators never rest!
    6. Gurumā (my wife) continued to work hard in Russian language: Tantrāloka (chapter 3 --full-- and chapter 4 --up to to stanza 100--) and Parabhairavayogasamayāḥ.
    7. Robert Bhāskara was also working tirelessly (our website is huge and I continue to update it daily): First Steps 3 and Parabhairavayogasamayāḥ.
    8. I am holding satsaṅga-s (meetings) via Zoom all Saturdays at 16:00 (Moscow time), where I teach about different topics. If you want to participate, make sure you are fluent in English and/or Spanish and next fill out this form [for now, till I am finished with my explanation of Parabhairavayogābhyāsāḥ -Practices in Parabhairavayoga-, admission is not possible. Within one month or two, when I start to explain a new scripture (i.e. my own Vāstavāhantāpravacanam -A discourse about the Real I-), you will be able to request access to my satsaṅga-s].
    9. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    10. Enjoy!
  4. 09/06: BUILDING A FOUNDATION: Read Details

    GiveSendGo logo

    1. अर्जेंटीना में योग फाउंडेशन बनाने में हमारी मदद करें!
    2. हम परभैरवयोग हैं, जो योग विज्ञान, विशेषकर त्रिक शैव दर्शन के प्रचार-प्रसार के लिए समर्पित एक समुदाय है।
    3. हमारा इरादा ब्यूनस आयर्स, अर्जेंटीना में एक शैक्षिक केंद्र और आश्रम बनाने का है, और हम वर्तमान में इस उद्देश्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए धन जुटा रहे हैं:
    4. हम उन सभी लोगों को ईमानदारी से धन्यवाद देना चाहते हैं जिन्होंने हमारी याचिका पढ़ी, हम वास्तव में इस कार्य को पूरा करने में सक्षम होने के लिए बहुत सम्मानित महसूस करते हैं, और हम इस कठिन और कष्टसाध्य मिशन को पूरा करने में आपकी मदद के लिए बहुत आभारी हैं।
    5. सराहना और आशीर्वाद के साथ, परभैरवयोग समुदाय।
    6. अधिक जानकारी:
  5. 08/26: A LOT OF NEWS: Read! Details

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    1. A lot of news to share with you:
    2. But first you can see here all of our past and present beloved collaborators: About us.
    3. We are pleased to announce the launch of our Parabhairavayoga website created by Nicole Satī —our beloved collaborator— where you can find out about all the news and activities that will be taking place in our community! You can access the brand-new website very fast by clicking on our "sun" logo near the Facebook logo above. For now this website is only in English and Spanish.
    4. Also, we welcome you to our new Parabhairavayoga accounts on Instagram in English and Instagram in Spanish, Facebook in English and Facebook in Spanish, Reddit and Discord. Follow us on social media to find out about all the updates from our community!
    5. I finished the first part of my own scripture: Vāstavāhantāpravacanam (A discourse about the Real I).
    6. I finished translating the chapter 9 (only in English for now) in venerable Tantrāloka by eminent Abhinavagupta. My next work is now to translate the chapter 10 (only in English too). The Spanish versions will come in the future. Till now I have translated 2494 stanzas into English out of 5847, which amounts to around 3.5 Bhagavadgītā-s. Oh yes, it is huge!
    7. Gurumā (my wife) was working hard too with her translations into Russian language: Trika (overview), Meditation section, Tantrāloka (chapter 2 --full-- and chapter 3 --up to stanza 110 so far--) and the first part of Vāstavāhantāpravacanam (totally in Russian).
    8. Robert Bhāskara, our Hungarian collaborator, started to add more translations into his native language: First Steps 1, First Steps 2, Alphabet and Alphabet - variant.
    9. I am holding satsaṅga-s (meetings) via Zoom all Saturdays at 16:00 (Moscow time), where I teach about different topics. If you want to participate, make sure you are fluent in English and/or Spanish and next fill out this form.
    10. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    11. Enjoy!
  6. 05/30: SILVER ANNIVERSARY: Read! Details

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    1. Dear visitors, on June 1st we will be celebrating the Silver Anniversary of our beloved website!
    2. A little history: The website had a humble origin in 1999, in a Geocities community. I got the "" domain name later and started to pay for web hosting. So, at the beginning the website was extremely Argentinian. But this would change eventually when I decided to buy the international domain name "" in 2008. After that, in 2009, our collaborators Paulo and Claudio from Brazil commenced to translate the website into Portuguese. Until 2012 the website was static, but with the help of our programmer, Zoltán, it became dynamic at the end of that very year. In the first times of the website I had to invent my own Sanskrit transliteration system for want of Unicode fonts. With the arrival of Sanskrit Unicode fonts, I had to move the entire transliteration of the website from my own system to IAST (International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration). By the way, I myself invented the full name "International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration" and its acronym "IAST". Now there are experts in IAST online (Google it), without never giving me credit for that creative name I invented in the 2000s. Well, this world is full of fools, as you surely know. Later around 2013, an ex-collaborator from Hungary started to translate the website into Hungarian. In 2015, our collaborator Irina Vallabhā began to translate the website into Russian. Next, in 2016, my wife (Natalia Ambikā) took the baton and continued the Russian translation of the website until today. The Hindii language was added short after that. In 2017, while retaining the old domain name, I redirected the website to the brand new domain name: "". Why? Because was born in a time when the website was only in English and Spanish. Moreover, though Sanskrit continued to be important here, the emphasis moved to Trika Shaivism little by little. Accordingly, the name of the website moved from "Sanskrit & Sánscrito" to "Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism". At the end of 2016 I moved from an Argentinian hosting company to an American one. Since that time the VPS (Virtual Private Server) of the website is located in Amsterdam (Netherlands). This move improved connectivity with Europe, for example, where I had several disciples. I continue with the same hosting company till now. As the number of visitors increased a lot last year, I had to upgrade my hosting plan. Thanks to the collaboration of my disciples, I could pay all my hosting expenses these last years. Very well, this has been a summary of a 25 years journey online! Endless hours of hard efforts to keep the website up have born the fruits of around 4000 visitors coming every day!
    3. Our beloved collaborators have been at the heart of our efforts. You can see them all here: About us.
    4. Throughout the years, our website has grown incessantly. For example: In the last twelve months we have had around 1,150,000 visits, approximately 5.5 million pages, 20 million files, and a whopping 23.6 million hits, not to mention the 1.1 terabyte of consumed bandwidth and over 42,000 linked sites every month. Besides, enjoys 128,864 backlinks. For a "niche" website like ours, those numbers are remarkable.
    5. Our visitors come from many countries on the globe. Here the top 25 in 2024 by number of pages: (1) United States, (2) India, (3) Russian Federation, those are the main countries by far! Now, the list continues: (4) Japan, (5) Great Britain, (6) China, (7) Brazil, (8) Spain, (9) Poland, (10) Argentina, (11) Sweden, (12) Canada, (13) Germany, (14) France, (15) Mexico, (16) Ukraine, (17) Hungary, (18) Croatia, (19) Bulgaria, (20) Australia, (21) Chile, (22) Netherlands, (23) Colombia, (24) Romania and (25) Indonesia.
    6. Aside from the main website, we have our Facebook and Instagram pages together with our YouTube channel.
    7. I also launched recently two communities: One in Reddit about Trika Shaivism and another one in Discord about Parabhairavayoga (Trika Shaivism for Liberation). You are invited to participate! Happy Anniversary!
  7. 01/04: NEWS: Read! Details

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    1. As I said above, in the important news pinned on top: I continue to write Vāstavāhantāsūtrāṇi.
    2. My wife and collaborator was working hard translating stuff into Russian: Pātañjalayogasūtra-s, Vyāsa comments on Yoga, Aṣṭāṅgayoga, Pratyabhijñāhṛdaya, Trika (overview) (now she is about to finish Trika 5) and Vāstavāhantāsūtrāṇi.
    3. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    4. Enjoy!
  8. 01/03: IMPORTANT: Read! Details

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    1. I am composing in Sanskrit a writing about the Real I, i.e. the Real Essence in everybody: Vāstavāhantāpravacanam (The Aphorisms about the Real I). When it is finished it will contain a good portion of all my knowledge about Trika Shaivism and Indian philosophies. I am adding more aphorisms practically every day. For now it is only available in English, Spanish and Russian.
    2. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    3. Enjoy!


  1. 08/03: FRESH NEWS!: Read! Details

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    1. यहाँ कोई खबर नहीं मिलने के दो महीने से अधिक हो गए हैं। फिर भी, मैं हमेशा की तरह बहुत मेहनत कर रहा हूं।
    2. हमारी वेबसाइट एक VPS (एक वर्चुअल प्राइवेट सर्वर) पर चलती है। हमारे पास २ जीबी रैम थी लेकिन इस मात्रा की जरूरत बढ़ने लगी, ज्यादा और ज्यादा आगंतुक आने के साथ। तो, हमने अब हमारी मेमोरी ४ जीबी रैम तक बढ़ा दी है। अगर अचानक और अधिक आगंतुक नहीं आते हैं तो यह अगले कुछ वर्षों तक पर्याप्त होनी चाहिए।
    3. हमारी वेबसाइट "पूरी तरह से विज्ञापन से रहित" है। इसलिए, आपको यहाँ किसी एडब्लॉकर की जरूरत नहीं है। हम अपनी जेब से सारे बिल भर रहे हैं। इसमें हमारा लक्ष्य यह है कि आगंतुकों को वे सामग्री पढ़ते समय विज्ञापनों से परेशान नहीं करें।
    4. मैंने एक नई शास्त्र का अनुवाद शुरू कर दिया है: शिवस्तोत्रावलीविवृति (प्रसिद्ध क्षेमराज की उत्पलदेव की शिवस्तोत्रावली पर टिप्पणी)।
    5. मैंने भगवद्गीता का सातवाँ अध्याय अनुवादित कर दिया है। मैं इस साल भगवद्गीता का पूरा अनुवाद करने की योजना बना रहा हूं।
    6. इस बीच, मेरी पत्नी और सहयोगी, नटालिया अंबिका, ने क्षेमराज की पराप्रावेशिका का रूसी में अनुवाद कर दिया। इसके अलावा, उसने इन दिनों ईश्वरप्रत्यभिज्ञाकारिका का भी अनुवाद किया था। अब वह पातञ्जलयोगसूत्र का अनुवाद करने में पूरी तरह से व्यस्त है। बधाई हो!
    7. हालांकि मेरी सभी पुस्तकों के लिए केंद्रीय मुख्यालय है, वे इन वेबसाइटों पर भी उपलब्ध हैं: बार्न्स और नोबल, ईबे, बुकलुकर, बेटरवर्ल्डबुक्स, मेर्काडोलिब्रे, और कई और (इन सभी वेबसाइटों पर "गब्रियल प्रदीपका" खोजें)।
    8. आनंद लें!
  2. 05/30: वर्षगांठ: पढ़ें! Details

    पिक लोगोनयू

    वर्षगांठा: २४ वर्ष!

    1. प्रिय विदेशी मेहमानों, हम आज आपके समक्ष खड़े होकर गर्व और सम्मान के साथ एक महत्वपूर्ण अवसर का समारोह मनाने का गर्व महसूस कर रहे हैं। हमारी प्यारी वेबसाइट "संस्कृत और त्रिक का शैव धर्म" की २४वीं वर्षगांठा को मनाने पर हम गर्व करते हैं। इन २४ वर्षों में, हमारी साइट ज्ञान और सीखने का एक प्रकाशस्रोत बन गई है, जो विद्वानों और उत्साहित लोगों के लिए ज्ञान की प्राप्ति में एकीकृत है, जो प्राचीन भारतीय संस्कृति और त्रिक का शैव धर्म में ज्ञान की प्राप्ति में संगठित है।
    2. इस साधना में शामिल होना कोई आसान काम नहीं था और यह हमारी साइट को ग्लोबल संसाधन बनाने में जो समर्पण, मेहनत और अथक प्रयास दिए गए हैं, उनकी गंभीरता का प्रमाण है। हमारा यात्रा लाखों घंटों की, थकने-धक्के भरी मेहनतों की, पराजित की चुनौतियों की और लक्ष्यों की प्राप्ति की रही है।
    3. हमारे प्रयासों के मध्य में हमारे अमूल्य सहयोगी हमेशा सम्मानित रहे हैं, जो विश्व भर से हमारे साथ जुड़े हैं, साझा दृष्टिकोण और ज्ञान को फैलाने के प्रति समर्पित हैं। हम ब्राज़िल से पाउलो और क्लौदियो, हंगरी से तामास त्र्यम्बक, और रूस से नातालिया अंबिका, जिन्हें गुरुमा के नाम से प्यार से जाना जाता है, का गहन आभार व्यक्त करते हैं। उनकी मेहनत, विशेषज्ञता और समर्पण के बिना हमारी वेबसाइट की सामग्री और दिशा को आकार देने में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान हुआ है।
    4. सालों के दौरान, हमारी साइट विशाल रूप में विकसित हुई है। आँकड़े खुद बोलते हैं: पिछले साल के बड़े आगंतुकों की गिनती में करीब एक मिलियन यात्राएँ, लगभग ५.८ मिलियन पृष्ठ, १३.२ मिलियन फ़ाइलें, और वाह! १७ मिलियन हिट्स, इसके अलावा करीब १ टेराबाइट बैंडविड्थ का उपयोग और २५,००० से अधिक लिंक्ड साइटें। ये आंकड़े हमारे परिचालन के माप को न सिर्फ दर्शाते हैं, बल्कि महत्वपूर्णतम बात यह है कि हमारे कार्य का व्यापक प्रभाव और हमें सेवा करने का गर्व करने वाला व्यापक दर्शक समूह दिखाते हैं।
    5. आगे की दिशा में, हमारे पास उत्कृष्ट योजनाएं हैं। हमें खुशी है कि हम "परभैरवयोग" ब्लॉग के पुनर्लोचन की समीक्षा करने का घोषणा कर रहे हैं। यह प्लेटफ़ॉर्म हमारे मूल्यवान आगंतुकों के लिए और संस्कृत और त्रिक का शैव धर्म के रहस्यमय और समृद्ध सीमाओं में और गहराई तक प्रवेश करने का एक अवसर प्रदान करेगा।
    6. वर्षों के दौरान, हमारी पहुंच विश्वासू भू-भागों को आवश्यक रूप से प्रतिबिंबित करती रही है। संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका, भारत, रूसी संघ, ग्रीस, महान ब्रिटेन, ईरान, पोलैंड, फ़िनलैंड, यूक्रेन, और नीदरलैंड विश्व में हमारे दर्शकों के शीर्ष दस देश हैं। यह वैश्विक पहुंच संस्कृत और त्रिक का शैव धर्म की सार्वभौमिक प्रतिध्वनि की प्रमाणित करती है, जो सीमाओं, संस्कृतियों और भाषाओं को पार करके वैश्विक रूप से व्यक्तियों के साथ सहमत होती है।
    7. भविष्य की ओर हम दृढ़ता और महत्वाकांक्षा के साथ देख रहे हैं, उच्चतम गुणवत्ता की सामग्री और ज्ञान को संस्कृत और त्रिक का शैव धर्म पर आपके दर्शकों को प्रदान करने का वादा करके। आपका रुचि और सहयोग हमारी कार्य में प्रगति के लिए हमारी प्रतिबद्धता को बढ़ाते हैं।
    8. हम गुरुजी के कृपा पर जो संयुक्त हैं, जो भगवान शिव के साथ एक हैं, वह जीवनदाता हमारी वेबसाइट की नींव पर खड़े हैं। उनका आशीर्वाद पिछले २४ वर्षों में हमारी साइट को पल्लवित करने में महत्वपूर्ण रहा है। उनके आशीर्वाद ने हमारी पथ पर चलाया है और हमारी यात्रा को प्रकाशित किया है। हम उनकी छाप में चलते हैं और उनके ज्ञान में विश्वास करते हैं।
    9. हम इस महत्वपूर्ण उपलब्धि को चिह्नित करते हुए और भविष्य की ओर देखते हुए अत्यधिक कृतज्ञता के साथ अपार समर्थन और संलग्नता के लिए धन्यवाद व्यक्त करते हैं। हम आपको आमंत्रित करते हैं कि आप हमारी कहानी का हिस्सा बनें और "संस्कृत और त्रिक का शैव धर्म" पर संगठित अन्वेषण और खोज की इस निरंतर यात्रा में हमारे साथ जुड़ें। सीखने और मिलकर बढ़ने के अगले कई वर्षों के लिए धन्यवाद।
  3. 05/02: अधिक समाचार: यहाँ पढ़ें! Details

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    1. मैंने संस्कृत से अंग्रेजी में अभिनवगुप्त का तन्त्रसार अनुवाद पूरा कर लिया। मैं कई महीनों से इस महत्वपूर्ण ग्रंथ पर काम कर रहा था। अब यह पूरा हो गया है! इसका स्पेनिश में अनुवाद बाद में किया जाएगा। मैं भविष्य में स्पष्टीकरण के नोट्स भी जोड़ने की योजना बना रहा हूं, अन्यथा अधिकांश लोग इसे सही से समझ नहीं पाएंगे।
    2. मैंने उत्पलदेव की ईश्वरप्रत्यभिज्ञाकारिका-स का अनुवाद भी शुरू कर दिया है, अंग्रेजी और स्पेनिश दोनों में। यह ग्रंथ त्रिक शैविज्ञान के साहित्य में प्रत्यभिज्ञा खंड का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है। ठीक है, इसे पूरा करने के लिए मजबूत प्रयास की आवश्यकता होगी क्योंकि पाठ अत्यंत सूक्ष्म और जटिल है। मुझे शुभकामनाएं दें!
    3. नटालिया अम्बिका (मेरी पत्नी, प्यार से "गुरुमा" कहा जाता है) ने तन्त्रसार के सभी अध्यायों का (20 वें और 21 वें अध्याय को छोड़कर) अपनी मातृभाषा (रूसी) में अनुवाद किया। बधाई!
    4. इवान नंदी, मेरे यूट्यूब चैनल के एक सहयोगी, मेरी स्वयं की किताब से संबंधित वीडियो के लिए अंग्रेजी सबटायटल बना रहे हैं: त्रिकमुख्यमतानि (त्रिक शैविज्ञान के मुख्य सिद्धांत).
    5. मैं हर सप्ताह अंत में ऑनलाइन सत्संग करता रहता हूं। अब मैं अपनी स्वयं की किताब: "आध्यात्मिकता - खंड 1" की व्याख्या कर रहा हूं। मैं हर सप्ताह "आध्यात्मिकता - खंड 1" प्लेलिस्ट पर अपने यूट्यूब चैनल पर एक नई ~1 घंटे की वीडियो जोड़ता हूं। अब तक प्लेलिस्ट में 27 वीडियो हैं। आखिरी वीडियो 4K में है (ज़ूम अब इस संकल्प में रिकॉर्ड करता है)। इसे देखें! — हमारे सत्संग हर शनिवार को दोपहर 4 बजे (मॉस्को समय) होते हैं और वे लगभग दो घंटे चलते हैं (सत्संग का मुख्य भाग लगभग 1 घंटा होता है, जो वीडियो में रिकॉर्ड किया जाता है; सत्संग का बाकी हिस्सा प्रश्नोत्तर, किसी विषय पर बातचीत आदि में होता है)। क्या आप भाग लेना चाहते हैं? केवल तीन आवश्यकताएँ: (1) सुनिश्चित करें कि आप मेरी शिक्षा में गंभीर रूप से रुचि रखने वाले हैं और आप केवल उत्सुकता के लिए नहीं हैं (मैं लोगों को आते-जाते नहीं चाहता), (2) धाराप्रवाह अंग्रेजी या स्पेनिश (मैं दोनों भाषाओं में एक साथ बोल रहा हूं), और (3) एक नि:शुल्क ज़ूम खाता प्राप्त करें और वहां अपनी वास्तविक तस्वीर और वास्तविक नाम वाले प्रोफ़ाइल को संपादित करें। इसके बाद, इस वेबसाइट के नेविगेशन बार में ऊपर के CONTACT पर क्लिक करें, और मुझे एक संदेश भेजें जिसमें आपका वर्णन किया गया हो। यदि आपको अनुमोदन मिलता है, तो आपको टेलीग्राम या व्हाट्सएप (जिसे आप चुनते हैं) के माध्यम से मीटिंग में शामिल होने के लिए एक लिंक प्राप्त होगा। कृपया मेरा समय न बर्बाद करें। सत्संग, निःशुल्क होते हैं।
    6. हालांकि मेरी सभी पुस्तकों के लिए केंद्रीय मुख्यालय है, वे इन वेबसाइटों पर भी उपलब्ध हैं: बार्न्स और नोबल, ईबे, बुकलुकर, बेटरवर्ल्डबुक्स, मेर्काडोलिब्रे, और कई और (इन सभी वेबसाइटों पर "गब्रियल प्रदीपका" खोजें)।
    7. आनंद लें!
  4. 04/17: गुरुजी: योग में 40 वर्ष! Details

    Gurujī celebrating his 40 years in Yogaगुरुजी योग में अपने 40 वर्षों को मना रहे हैं!:

    गैब्रियल प्रदीपका (प्यार से "गुरुजी" कहलाते हैं) ने 40 सालों से योग का अनुभव प्राप्त किया है, उन्होंने आध्यात्मिक उन्नति के खोज में एक विस्तृत यात्रा तय की है। वर्षों से गुरुजी ने हठयोग, अष्टांगयोग, कुण्डलिनीयोग और ज्ञानयोग जैसे विभिन्न योग के रूपों को अन्वेषण और अभ्यास किया है। आध्यात्मिक उन्नति की खोज ने उन्हें सिद्धयोग समुदाय का हिस्सा बनने को प्रेरित किया, जहां उन्होंने उनके शिक्षकों के मार्गदर्शन में छह साल सीखा और अभ्यास किया। सिद्धयोग समुदाय में उनके समझ में आध्यात्मिक मार्ग की एक गहरी समझ मिली और उन्होंने अपने अभ्यास को और उत्कृष्ट बनाया।

    सिद्धयोग समुदाय छोड़ने के बाद, गुरुजी अकृत्रिमो योगः समुदाय में शामिल हुए, जहाँ उन्होंने ट्रिका शैविस्म और संस्कृत के जटिलताओं का खोज करने के लिए लगभग आठ साल खर्च किए। समुदाय की शिक्षाएं ध्यान की शक्ति और प्राकृतिक तरीके से आत्म-साक्षात्कार को बल देती थीं, जो गुरुजी की आध्यात्मिक आकांक्षाओं के लिए गहरी तरह से संवेदनशील थी।

    सिद्धयोग और अकृत्रिमो योगः समुदायों में कई साल बिताने के बाद, गुरुजी ने आध्यात्मिक उन्नति की ओर एकाकी यात्रा पर निकलने का निर्णय लिया। तेरह साल तक, गुरुजी अपनी साधना में खो गए, गहराई से ध्यान किया और ट्रिका शैविस्म शास्त्रों के विभिन्न पहलुओं की जांच की, शारीरिक और मानसिक दोनों तरीकों से। इस समय, गुरुजी ने एक गहन आध्यात्मिक जागरण अनुभव किया था, जो उन्हें जन्म और मृत्यु के चक्रों से मुक्ति देने वाला था।

    आध्यात्मिक मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के बाद से, गुरुजी ने अपने आप को अपने आध्यात्मिक यात्रियों के मार्गदर्शन में समर्पित कर दिया है और पिछले तेरह सालों से एक गुरु के रूप में सेवा की है। गुरुजी के उपदेशों में त्रिका शैवदर्शन के समर्पण की महत्वता और उस प्रणाली के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण शास्त्रों के अध्ययन को बढ़ावा दिया जाता है, और छात्रों को अपनी खोज में उत्तरों के लिए अपने अंदर देखने का प्रोत्साहन दिया जाता है। आध्यात्मिक मार्ग की विस्तृत अनुभव और गहन ज्ञान के माध्यम से, गुरुजी उन लोगों के लिए एक प्रकाश की तरह हो गए हैं जो अपनी आध्यात्मिक यात्रा में मार्गदर्शन और दिशा की तलाश में हैं। उनके उपदेश और मार्गदर्शन ने असंख्य व्यक्तियों को शांति, संतुष्टि और आध्यात्मिक पूर्ति प्राप्त करने में मदद की है, जो गुरुजी को योग और आध्यात्मिकता के विश्व में एक वास्तविक प्रेरणा और पूज्य आदर्श बनाता हैं।

  5. 02/17: MORE NEWS: Read here! Details

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    1. Was I doing nothing again?: NO, I finished my translation of Chapter 13, Chapter 14 and Chapter 15 in Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra "in English".
    2. The translation of Chapter 16 —dealing with the initiation of the absent one— in English already started!
    3. Chapters 13, 14 and 15 (and Chapters 16-19 and 22 too) deal with ritualistic activities. Abhinavagupta is a big fan of rituals as he is predominantly a follower of the Kula school in Trika Shaivism. So, you find that half of his Tantrāloka is rituals, and half of his Tantrasāra (the summary of Tantrāloka) is also rituals, of course. I am predominantly a follower of the Spanda school in Trika Shaivism (the other two schools are Pratyabhijñā and Krama). Consequently, I am not interested at all in ritualistic activities. In my opinion, Knowledge is much more important than rituals. That is why in Parabhairavayoga (the Trika Shaivism-based Yoga I created), rituals occupy a minimal portion, if any. Anyway, here you have Abhinavagupta with his detailed descriptions of rituals for those of you who like them. To each their own!
    4. Now, there is a controversy coming up in Chapter 14 when Abhinavagupta describes animal sacrifices. I am completely against the killing of animals in rituals, even if it is for their Liberation. It is a horrible thing indeed! Nonetheless, when you read that chapter, you should take into account the place and the time when Abhinavagupta wrote all that: Kashmir in the 12th century.
    5. Another important thing happened: The Kindle version of my brand-new book "Parabhairavayogābhyāsāḥ - Volume 1" (Practices in Parabhairavayoga - Volume 1 - Śāmbhavopāya) is now available. In this book I wrote in Sanskrit (there is a translation, obviously) a full study of the "highest level" of Self-realization according to Trika Shaivism. The printed version of the book will be available soon as well.
    6. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own book: "Spirituality - Volume 1". I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the "Spirituality - Volume 1" playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 16 videos. Check it out! — Our satsaṅga-s are held every Saturday at 4 pm (Moscow time) and they last around two hours. Do you want to participate? Just two requirements: (1) Very fluent English, and (2) your Skype ID (click on CONTACT above, in the navigation bar, to send me an email with your Skype ID and a message describing who you are). Satsaṅga-s are, of course, for free.
    7. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    8. Enjoy!
  6. 01/13: BIG NEWS: Read here! Details

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    1. Was I doing nothing?: NO, I finished my translation of Tantrasāra's Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 in English.
    2. The translation of the monster Chapter 13 —dealing with initiation into discipline— in English already began!
    3. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished translating the Tantrasāra's Chapter 10 into Russian! Very good!
    4. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own book: "Spirituality - Volume 1". I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the "Spirituality - Volume 1" playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 11 videos. Check it out! — Our satsaṅga-s are held every Saturday at 4 pm (Moscow time) and they last around two hours. Do you want to participate? Just two requirements: (1) Very fluent English, and (2) your Skype ID (click on CONTACT above, in the navigation bar, to send me an email with your Skype ID and a message describing who you are). Satsaṅga-s are, of course, for free.
    5. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    6. Enjoy!
  7. 01/01: NEW YEAR: More news! Details

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    1. I finished my translation of Tantrasāra's Chapter 10 in English. A short chapter indeed, but complicated to translate.
    2. The translation of Chapter 11 in English already started!
    3. When I finish my English translation of Tantrasāra completely, I will add translations in Spanish.
    4. My wife and collaborator finished translating the Meditation FAQ into Russian! Long FAQ really (and still in progress). Great effort!
    5. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own book: "Spirituality - Volume 1". I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the "Spirituality - Volume 1" playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 10 videos. Check it out!
    6. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    7. Enjoy!


  1. 12/20: MORE STUFF: Read here! Details

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    1. I finished my translation of Tantrasāra's Chapter 9 in English. A long and complex chapter indeed. You can enjoy it!
    2. Moving now to chapter 10 fast. I will be uploading updates in English soon. When I finish my English translation of Tantrasāra completely, I will add translations in Spanish.
    3. My wife and collaborator finished translating into Russian the following chapter in Tantrasāra: Chapter 22. She also translated the Trika FAQ and the whole Website Tour. Thanks to her vigorous work, now Russia is "second" in 2022 regarding number of website visitors, only behind USA. Congratulations!
    4. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own book: "Spirituality - Volume 1". I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the "Spirituality - Volume 1" playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 8 videos. Check it out!
    5. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    6. Enjoy!
  2. 11/16: MASSIVE UPDATE: Read here! Details

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    1. Massive update: I published 252 new pages (42 pages x 6 languages). Firstly, I mounted 54 pages (9 pages x 6 languages) containing the whole Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī (3983 aphorisms). Secondly, I mounted 198 pages (33 pages x 6 languages) containing the same scripture but with a rather complete explanation. Of course, I will be translating and explaining Aṣṭādhyāyī little by little over the months or years (especially because of the explanations, which will be huge sometimes), but now the whole framework to do so is completely ready.
    2. Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī: I started in English with the Chapter 1. I will be updating it regularly.
    3. I also continue with my work on Tantrasāra's Chapter 9 in English. I am updating it regularly too.
    4. My wife and collaborator finished translating into Russian the following chapters in Tantrasāra: Chapter 6, chapter 7 and chapter 8. Fantastic!
    5. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own book: "Spirituality - Volume 1". I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the "Spirituality - Volume 1" playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 3 videos. Check it out!
    6. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    7. Enjoy!
  3. 10/21: Aṣṭādhyāyī: Read here! Details

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    1. Front page in Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī has been published! The whole scripture contains 8 chapters containing 351, 268, 631, 635, 564, 736, 438 and 369 aphorisms, respectively, totaling 3992. In turn, each of those chapters is divided into four subchapters. The writing style is, anyway, very concise. Why? Because those 3992 aphorisms were supposed to be memorized by apprentices of Sanskrit grammar. So, Pāṇini tried to write so briefly as possible in order to make memorization any simpler. Of course, that brevity made the aphorisms more cryptic!
    2. In Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra: Chapter 7 and chapter 8 are fully available now in English (though no polishing so far). Chapter 9's English translation is in progress right now!
    3. Translations to Spanish and other languages are in process.
    4. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, was translating hard again in Russian language!: Tantrasāra's chapter 4 and chapter 5. VERY WELL!
    5. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own Trikamukhyamatāni (Main Tenets of Trika Shaivism). I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the Trikamukhyamatāni playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 19 videos, i.e. around 19 hours full of teachings. Check it out!
    6. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    7. Enjoy!
  4. 09/27: MORE NEWS: Read here! Details

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    1. In Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra: Chapter 5, chapter 6 and chapter 22 are available now in English (though no polishing so far). Chapter 7's English translation is in progress (it started today)!
    2. Translations to Spanish and other languages are in process.
    3. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, was on a translation spree again!: Tantrasāra's chapter 1, chapter 2 and chapter 3, along with chapter 1 in Tantrāloka (fully translated into Russian language). EXCELLENT!
    4. I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own Trikamukhyamatāni (Main Tenets of Trika Shaivism). I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the Trikamukhyamatāni playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 16 videos, i.e. around 16 hours full of teachings. Check it out!
    5. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    6. Enjoy!
  5. 09/13: Chapter 4: Read here! Details

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    1. I published now the long fourth chapter in Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra. It deals with a person who has attained the enlightenment of his own mind. He stays completely absorbed in the pure thought. This is Śāktopāya (the means of Śakti). When he finally understands that his mind is just Śakti (the Power of the Great Lord), then he is promoted to the higher level (a.k.a. Śāmbhavopāya).
    2. English speakers have also access to chapter 5 and chapter 22 (in progress both) in Tantrasāra, as well as the 8th chapter in Tantrāloka. Translations to Spanish and other languages are in process.
    3. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, was on a translation spree!: Bodhapañcadaśikā, Trikamukhyamatāni, Kalpanāṣaṭkam and chapter 1 in Tantrāloka (the latter is work in progress yet). VERY WELL!
    4. Moreover, I continue with my on-line satsaṅga-s every weekend. Now I am explaining my own Trikamukhyamatāni (Main Tenets of Trika Shaivism). I add a new ~1 hour video every week to the Trikamukhyamatāni playlist on my YouTube channel. So far the playlist contains 14 videos, i.e. around 14 hours full of teachings. Also, our collaborator, Ivan, has added "polished" subtitles in English in the first three videos there. Check it out!
    5. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    6. Enjoy!
  6. 08/30: NEWS: Read here! Details

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    1. My wife, Natalia Ambikā, finished her translation into Russian up to the stanza 105 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. With this, she has completely finished translating the venerable scripture from English into Russian. It has taken months of hard effort indeed. Far from taking a deserved rest, she is already working on her next translation. CONGRATULATIONS!
    2. I published now the long third chapter in Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra. It deals with a person who has attained the dissolution of his own mind. He can stay at will with his mind completely arrested. This is Śāmbhavopāya (the means of Śambhu). Liberation is here practically on the palm of your hand.
    3. I am already starting my translation of the "longer" fourth chapter. To translate Abhinavagupta's scriptures is always uphill. It is very heavy as the sage is extremely scholarly and... confusing too. And do not expect him to be didactic or something. If to read Abhinavagupta's stuff is already a hard task, you can imagine how hard is to translate his writings from Sanskrit. I do not wish this on anyone, really, and I am not joking. I have headaches many times because of him. Other symptoms that you are translating Abhinavagupta's stuff is that things begin to get broken around you (Tantrasāra was NO exception), and sometimes people die, or you experience some other mysterious mishaps happening exactly when you start to translate Abhinavagupta's writings. This is very normal and again I am not joking. That is why to deal with the energy contained in his books is a pain always. Kind of radioactivity. For all that, I am not certainly in love with translating his scriptures. I never revealed this before, but I am doing it right now. I only make this great effort now for the sake of my own disciples, as I said before in a previous news.
    4. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    5. Enjoy!
  7. 08/23: NEWS: Read here! Details

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    1. As I promised, I started to publish my own writings in Sanskrit at "Scripture/Gurujī's writings" (check the accordion menu on the right, please). The first two writings I added are: Kalpanāṣaṭkam (Six stanzas about imagination) and Trikamukhyamatāni (Main tenets of Trika Shaivism). I am very happy with sharing my simple writings with the whole world!
    2. My wife, Natalia Ambikā, finished her translation into Russian up to the stanza 99 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. She is now very near the end of the scripture, which consists of 105 stanzas. Great job, as usual!
    3. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    4. Enjoy!
  8. 08/20: SHORT NEWS 2: Read here! Details

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    2. As I promised, I am publishing now the famous Abhinavagupta's Bodhapañcadaśikā (Fifteen stanzas about Knowledge/Consciousness). This short scripture is a summary of Trika Shaivism. It is intended for all those people with weak intellects who cannot deal with massive treatises like Tantrāloka, Tantrasāra, Parātrīśikāvivaraṇa, etc. (written by Abhinavagupta too). Despite its brevity, Bodhapañcadaśikā is very famous in the Trika Shaivism community.
    3. Now I will prepare the subsection for my own writings under "Scriptures" (check the menu on the right), as I promised too. At first, I will include a short poetry I composed many years ago.
    4. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    5. Enjoy!
  9. 08/18: SHORT NEWS: Read here! Details

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    1. SHORT NEWS!
    2. I published now the short second chapter in Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra. It deals with a person who attains Liberation instantly after hearing only once that "he is Śiva Himself" from his own Guru. This is Anupāya (devoid of means) as there is no means (practices) to achieve the final Goal of a human being.
    3. I will publish another short but famous Abhinavagupta's scripture soon.
    4. I am planning to add my own writings (scriptures?) to this website. As my "scriptures" are written in very simple Sanskrit are not on a par with the ones of Glorious Śiva, Majestic Abhinavagupta, Sublime Kṣemarāja and the rest of great Trika sages, and I cannot include them in the "धर्मग्रंथ/त्रिक धर्मग्रंथ" subsection together with those of the tremendous authors of yore. I am not so arrogant and crazy yet. Consequently, I will create a special subsection under the "धर्मग्रंथ" section called "Gurujī's writings" or something. This will enrich the website, I hope. Wish me luck!
    5. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    6. Enjoy!
  10. 08/16: GREAT NEWS: Read here! Details

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    2. Our Canadian collaborator, Marlon Melin, launched the 2022 version of his fantastic Sanskrit Editor. It is ready for you to download it, but before installing it remember to uninstall first the previous version of the Sanskrit Editor you might be using. Now his editor is fully functional in Windows 11! Many fixes and improvements have been made. Additionally, there is now support for more languages in the download file: English (default), Spanish, German, French, Hungarian, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian and Tamil. It is very easy to change to your native language other than English (check the Help menu). If you think that a particular language pack is in need of a correction, you can send Marlon an email at with your correction. Sanskrit Editor (2022) is the software Gabriel Pradīpaka uses on this website. It is not only for Sanskrit scholars, anyway, but for any person who is searching a very handy tool like this one for all his Sanskrit needs.
    3. I, Gabriel Pradīpaka, after a long time dedicated to writing my books, undertake now the translation of venerable Abhinavagupta's Tantrasāra (Essence of Tantra), a summary of voluminous Tantrāloka. I finished the first chapter dealing with an explanation of the different kinds of knowledge/consciousness. This chapter 1 is a good summarized version of the first chapter in Tantrāloka. I am making this great effort only for the sake of my own disciples. The rest of fit people in this irrelevant humankind will benefit from my effort anyway. Tantrasāra was written by request of Abhinavagupta's disciples, as they could not properly deal with extensive Tantrāloka. Abhinavagupta then composed a sizable summary of his Tantrāloka in the form of this Tantrasāra.
    4. My wife finished her Russian translation up to the stanza 95 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. Great effort, as always! She is very near the end of the scripture.
    5. I will start to score websites in my Sanskrit Directory very soon! The greatest websites there will receive the maximum number of stars. If your website is included there, check the Sanskrit Directory regularly to see your score.
    6. Also, I published in and other important bookstores my Spanish translation of the first volume of Abhinavagupta's Tantrāloka (Chapters 1, 2 and 3).
    7. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    8. Enjoy!
  11. 06/14: Important news: Read here! Details

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    1. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished in Russian up to the stanza 82 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. Since the whole scripture contains 105 stanzas, she is, little by little, approaching the end of it. She is doing an excellent job with this. Her translation is permitting Russian-speaking visitors to drink from the Nectar of Wisdom contained in sublime Paramārthasāra. Congratulations!
    2. Another important news: My private satsaṅga-s by Skype started to become public. I began explaining my book "Trikamukhyamatāni" (Main Tenets of Trika Shaivism) last Saturday and already published the first video on my YouTube channel: Trikamukhyamatāni playlist is here.
    3. Currently I am working on my translation of Tantrāloka. I am polishing many things there and I will add another chapter soon. I translated by now around 37% of the entire scripture (very loooooooooooooooooooooooong indeed). If I had been Abhinavagupta, I would have written something much shorter in order not to demolish the weak intellects of most people in this foolish world. Therefore, my work will take some time (ages, maybe :D). The intellects of most people are weak because they try to satisfy every desire they have, because they give themselves over to stupid emotions the whole day, because they do not think by themselves but they rather blindly follow others' opinions, because they live inside a nut their entire lives and at the same time aspire to reach Heaven, because they are mostly frivolous and trivial, because they worship their bodies as if these ones were the eternal Truth, because they are based at the end on violence, because their supposed sense of self-importance is false, because they are completely lost despite they pretend to be "in control", and so on and on. For all those reasons, they are not ready to understand such a lengthy/complex scripture like Tantrāloka. Anyway, I continue with my efforts for the 0.00001% of the world population.
    4. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    5. Enjoy!
  12. 05/31: 23rd anniversary: Read here! Details

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    1. We —all the collaborators, disciples and I— are extremely happy with a new anniversary of our beloved website. 23 years giving free stuff without the least advertising!
    2. To keep a big website running is expensive in efforts and money. We have managed to do it for 23 years by now without pestering you with annoying ads. By the way, right today I received another email from another advertising company suggesting me to put ads on our website. No way they will convince me because I dislike ads in all of their forms.
    3. Total yearly visits are around 1 million. This is a healthy number if you consider the topics being dealt with here. Obviously, if I published pictures of naked women, I would get 1 million visits per day! Such is the nature of this foolish world.
    4. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished in Russian up to the stanza 78 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. Massive effort!
    5. The Sanskrit Directory contains now 200 links to relevant websites! To filter 200 links I needed to check 2000+ websites, of course, which has been exhausting to me. Hopefully it was worth the effort. My first goal is to reach 300 links, the number of links the directory had many years ago. I continue my work on that.
    6. I published the first volume of my Tantrāloka collection in English (the Abhinavagupta's Magnum Opus). To translate such a long scripture is a very hard work. For now, I am publishing the first three chapters in this first volume. The entire Tantrāloka contains 37 chapters.
    7. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    8. Happy anniversary! Enjoy!
  13. 04/11: A promise is a promise: Read here! Details

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    1. A promise is a promise. I am rebuilding the link directory (Sanskrit Directory) with a brand-new software we bought. In the past we used two softwares: Jade and phpMydirectory. Now, we are using "Link Directory Pro".
    2. The previous Sites of the Year (from 2004 to 2014, except two of them which were discontinued) were duly added. I am still NOT scoring websites with stars (I will do it soon as this new software naturally evolves). For now, I am only marking very-high-quality websites with a "featured" mark. Anyway, the visitors can score the websites "with stars" inside the "redirection page".
    3. You can access the Sanskrit Directory by clicking on कड़ियाँ in the above navigation bar.
    4. If you want your Sanskrit-universe-related website on the directory, you can send me an email with your suggestion. I will check it out and decide. I will be adding more and more websites during this week (and the next too maybe). Therefore, you will see new sites appearing day after day. And yes, I am also planning for the future to add the "Site of the Year" feature to the directory. I am very glad with all these announcements!
    5. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished in Russian up to the stanza 66 now in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. Incredible efforts! Congratulations!
    6. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    7. Enjoy!
  14. 03/16: Another book: Read here! Details

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    1. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished in Russian up to the stanza 58 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. Great effort, as usual! Congratulations!
    2. I updated the Parabhairavayoga Gallery with 141 pictures of the last year! Check them out!
    3. A brand-new book in Spanish is available now for people: "Tres himnos en honor de Śiva y Guru" (hard cover version). The Kindle version is in the works and coming soon.
    4. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    5. Enjoy!
  15. 02/22: New book: Read here! Details

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    1. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished in Russian up to the stanza 50 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. Enormous efforts made by her here as this scripture is very tricky for translators. Congratulations!
    2. A brand-new book in English is available now for people: "Three hymns in honor of Śiva and Guru". This book contains three hymns that the participants must recite while they are worshiping: Śivamahimnaḥ stotram, Śivamānasapūjā and Gurugītā. It is indeed recommended for a wide range of spiritual seekers from different spiritual traditions.
    3. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    4. The Spanish version of "Three hymns in honor of Śiva and Guru" is coming soon! Tamás István Énisz is editing it. Stay sharp!
    5. Russian readers cannot buy from the paper versions of my books (because it is not shipping to Russia from there). Instead, they should buy them from (from Spain). Kindle versions (electronic versions) of my books are, of course, available from
    6. Enjoy!


  1. 12/12: SOMETHING NEW: Read here! Details

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    1. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished in Russian up to the stanza 23 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. The Yogarāja's commentary included in this page is particularly difficult to understand. So, she was making vigorous efforts to translate that commentary into her native language so accurately as possible. Congratulations!
    2. And now more great news for the Spanish-speakers, because a new book in Spanish is available: "Parabhairavayogasaṁsthāpanapracodanam: Principios Fundacionales del Parabhairavayoga (Spanish Edition)". This book is very important. It contains the 92 principles my Parabhairavayoga is based on. I must specially thank Tamás István Énisz for having edited this beautiful book.
    3. Although is the central headquarters for all my books, they are also available at: Barnes & Noble, Ebay, Booklooker, Betterworldbooks, MercadoLibre, and many more (search "gabriel pradiipaka" on all those websites).
    4. A new book in Spanish is coming soon! Tamás István Énisz is editing it. Stay sharp!
    5. Additionally, I am also writing a nice little book about Haṭhayoga. I guess it will be available in January/February (next year).
    6. Enjoy!
  2. 11/20: MORE GOOD NEWS: Read here! Details

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    1. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished in Russian up to the stanza 15 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. She has been working for months! Keep it up!
    2. And now more great news for the Spanish-speakers, because two new books are now available: "Libro de Canto" and "Libro de Canto para el Ritual de Adoración". The former contains all the chants that are approved to use in our Parabhairavayoga community, while the latter includes all the chants to use during a Yajña or Ritual of Worship, such as we perform it in our community as well. I must specially thank Tamás István Énisz for having edited the books.
    3. Two new books in Spanish are coming soon! Tamás István Énisz is editing one and I am revising the other. Stay sharp!
    4. Additionally, I am writing a long new book in English (several volumes). It will arrive next year! Expect a Spanish version too after that.
    5. Enjoy!
  3. 06/30: VERY GOOD NEWS: Read! Details

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    1. Our collaborators from Brazil, Paulo y Claudio, translated the stanzas 87-91 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. Congratulations on such great efforts, friends!
    2. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished in Russian up to the stanza 3 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. Congratulations for her too!
    3. And now great news for the Spanish-speakers: My first book in Spanish is already a reality: "Principios Fundamentales del Shaivismo Trika"; on paper and also in digital Kindle format. It took me several days of hard effort to translate the English version into Spanish. I must specially thank three people for the making of this first edition in Spanish of the "Principios Fundamentales del Shaivismo Trika": István Tamás Énisz for having edited the book, Balázs Zubák for having supervised the edition, and Diana de Santiago for having revised everything regarding Spanish language in this important text. Thank you very much!
    4. In this book I describe in Sanskrit poetry (with meter) the 25 main tenets of the system it is my specialty: Trika Shaivism, also known as Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir, or simply Kashmir Shaivism (plainly). The present text consists of twelve introductory stanzas, twenty-five stanzas describing the twenty-five principles, two stanzas like a kind of epilogue, and a final stanza. In total, 40 stanzas written in meters Ārya and Āryagīti, non-strict, for the delight of the readers.
    5. The book on paper contains 366 pages, while the Kindle edition 266. Enjoy!
  4. 06/04: ANNIVERSARY: 22 YEARS! Details

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    1. We, all the collaborators, disciples and I, are very happy with this new anniversary of our free and ad-free website! We are celebrating another year on-line!
    2. This year, like the last one, I have been very busy with my books. Anyway, soon I will publish something big here... as a matter of fact, two big things, if everything goes as planned! I announced the first big thing before, if my memory serves me well, but the second big thing will be a surprise.
    3. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, finished translating into Russian the entire Spandanirṇaya (a lengthy and very important scripture)! In the process, she had to update the Russian translation of Spandakārikā-s (Spandanirṇaya is its main commentary) too. It has been a very long journey indeed. She has begun to translate another scripture into Russian now: Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. Congratulations for your great efforts, Natalia, and keep it up!
    4. Happy anniversary! Enjoy!
  5. 04/14: New collection: Read here! Details

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    1. The first volume of the five volume "Spirituality" collection is here!
    2. I am very happy to present you, dear visitor, this series of books about Spirituality in general. The whole collection acts like a kind of handbook for all the spiritual aspirants who are desirous of attaining the goal of life: Liberation from never-ending suffering. These books are being published in several volumes. In them, from volume to volume, I, little by little, increase the depth and difficulty of my teachings. Why? In order to give you a very systematic spiritual knowledge by including more and more Sanskrit, more and more quotes from different scriptures accompanied with my detailed explanations, and such. I am making this great effort for two reasons: To reconnect spiritual aspirants with their own Self and to make Trika Shaivism knowledge up to date and fully alive. These books are therefore a complete encyclopedia of Spirituality. Systematizing this divine spiritual knowledge in my usual consistent manner, I explain at first everything in a very simple way. Next, I start to gradually increase the difficulty. On that account, my teachings will be understandable to spiritual aspirants of different degrees, since the complexity will increase from volume to volume in a gradual way.
    3. I also continue with the translation of my books into Spanish: Svādhyāya -Chanting book- (completed and now under review). Yajñagītapustakam -Chanting book for the ritual of worship- (completed and now under review). Trikamukhyamatāni -Main principles of Trika Shaivism- (completed and now under review). Parabhairava-yoga-saṁsthāpana-pracodanam -Foundational principles of Parabhairavayoga- (42 % completed so far - in full process of translation right now).
    4. Enjoy!
  6. 03/22: New translations: Read here! Details

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    1. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, has translated the first ten aphorisms of the third chapter in Spandanirṇaya (the famous Kṣemarāja's commentary on Spandakārikā-s) into Russian language. Since she has so far translated into Russian 42 aphorisms out of 53, she will be finishing her translation of the whole scripture sooner than later. Great effort!
    2. This week or the next one the first book of the upcoming collection of five volumes (for now) will be published at Amazon (and other on-line bookstores). In the meantime I am translating all my previous books in English into Spanish. I already finished three books: Trikamukhyamatāni, a chanting book, and the chanting book for the ritual of worship. They are in revision now and will be published during this year (sooner than later, I hope). I am currently translating Parabhairavayogasaṁsthāpanapracodanam into Spanish. All this work with books prevents me from publishing more often here, on my website. Hopefully, this will change in the future, when I finish my Spanish translations. It is about time then.
    3. Enjoy!
  7. 01/25: More translations: Read here! Details

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    1. Our collaborators from Brazil, Paulo and Claudio, have translated into Portuguese up to the stanza 86 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. This book is a complete mini-encyclopedia about Trika Shaivism. Everybody who is interested in this philosophy should read it. Massive effort! Congratulations!
    2. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, has translated the second chapter of Spandanirṇaya into Russian. This chapter deals with the emergence of natural knowledge, i.e. it explains the theoretical and practical aspects of Śivavyāpti (inherence in Śiva). Huge effort!
    3. The first book of the upcoming collection of five volumes (for now) is being edited. It will be published sooner than later, I hope.
    4. Enjoy!


  1. 12/15: Tantric Sex: Final volume published! Details

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    1. "Tantric Sex - Volume 2 (the final volume)" has been published on Amazon!
    2. Tired of the constant association of Tantra with sex alone, tired of so many distortions in the original teachings, etc., I decided to help alleviate the situation, a little at least. To do so, I decided, first, to translate the whole 29th chapter of venerable Tantrāloka into English, in which Abhinavagupta, its author, speaks about Tantric sex as a part of the complex Kula ceremony (Kula is one of the four schools of Trika Shaivism). Next, I began with the hard task of translating from Sanskrit the complete Jaryaratha's commentary on this very chapter. Finally, I added my own explanations when necessary. Many times, I did not need to explain anything at all since Abhinavagupta and Jayaratha were clear enough, but at other times I needed to add explanations of different extensions according to the complexity of the subject under discussion.
    3. In this final volume there is also a complete glossary of all the Sanskrit words which required an extra definition.
    4. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, has translated the first chapter of Spandanirṇaya into Russian. Right now she is in the process of translating the second chapter. Expect a future update of this. Enormous effort!
    5. And right now I am about to finish the first volume in English of a new collection of four or five volumes (the topic will be a surprise!). Also, I plan to translate my books in Spanish in the future. Oh yes, it will be a great effort on my part.
    6. Enjoy!
  2. 11/16: Special news: Read here! Details

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    1. My wife and collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, has translated a big portion of Spandanirṇaya into Russian since her start in May. She reached up to the aphorism I.21 by now. Great effort!
    2. Right now I am writing another book that is the first volume of a collection of three or four or five (still not deciding). When I finish with this first volume, I will upload the eight chapter of Tantrāloka (already fully translated in English and partly in Spanish). It is a massive chapter with more that 450 stanzas, hence the delay. My task writing books forces me to reduce my time updating this website, unfortunately. Anyway, now you have more Russian translations to quench your thirst for Trika knowledge!
    3. Enjoy!
  3. 10/05: Another book: Read here! Details

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    1. "Tantric Sex - Volume 1 (out of two volumes)" has been published on Amazon!
    2. Tired of the constant association of Tantra with sex alone, tired of so many distortions in the original teachings, etc., I decided to help alleviate the situation a little at least. To do so, I decided, first, to translate the entire 29th chapter of venerable Tantrāloka into English, in which Abhinavagupta, its author, speaks about Tantric sex as a part of the complex Kula ceremony. Next, I started with the hard task of translating from Sanskrit the complete commentary by Jayaratha on this very chapter. Finally, I added my own explanations when necessary. Many times, I did not need to explain anything at all as Abhinavagupta and Jayaratha were clear enough, but at other times I needed to add explanations of different extensions according to the complexity of the topic under discussion.
    3. Every volume of this collection of two consists of around 500 pages. In the second volume there is also a complete glossary of all the Sanskrit words requiring an extra definition.
    4. Although I finished already the second volume, its edition is still in the works. It will be published as soon as possible.
    5. May you have so much delight reading this book as I had writing it!
    6. Enjoy!
  4. 07/02: New book: Read here! Details

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    1. "Yajñagītapustakam: Chanting Book for the Ritual of Worship" has been published on Amazon!
    2. I am very happy to present for the first time a chanting book for the 'Yajña' or 'Ritual of Worship'. This small book contains all the mantra-s to successfully perform a 'standard' ritual of worship in the Tantric way. Additionally, I have included information about what to do in every portion of the ceremony. This kind of Worship is exceedingly permeated by the very core of Tantricism, including philosophical viewpoints as well as inner experiences.
    3. This standard Tantric ritual of worship is using the Śrīyantra. Why? Because this yantra or diagram (lit. machine) admits any deity. You can use it for worshiping Parabhairava or any other deity of your choice. That is why it is a 'standard' Tantric ritual of worship.
    4. What makes Tantric ritual unique is that during the act of worship, the practitioners go through the spiritual path, rendered outside as the ritual itself and experienced inside as the Reality behind.
    5. To fully learn how to perform the ritual, check this video where we are carrying out the full ceremony.
    6. Enjoy!
  5. 06/29: Tantrāloka: Chapters 6 and 7 Details

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    1. Now, a great announcement: Chapter 6 (part 1 and part 2) and chapter 7 in Tantrāloka are completely translated and published. This amounts to 323 new stanzas totally translated. Near 30% of the whole book is already finished then!
    2. The chapter 7 was extremely difficult to translate. Till now it is the most difficult chapter I have translated. It contains only 71 stanzas but, due to its difficulty, I had to read practically vast portions of the commentary by Jayaratha in order to understand what Abhinavagupta meant to say by all that.
    3. I am translating the chapter 8 beforehand as well. I reached the stanza 120 out of 452 by now!
    4. For you to have an idea of the size of my translations, take into account that Bhagavadgītā (using the same meter as Abhinavagupta here, in Tantrāloka... though Abhinavagupta uses longer meters now and then) contains 700 stanzas. So, with chapters 6 and 7 I translated almost half of Bhagavadgītā. And the total of stanzas I have already translated and published in Tantrāloka amounts to 1728... that is, it is almost 2.5 Bhagavadgītā-s... and I translated them into Spanish too! I mentioned all that for some of you to be patient while I am translating. Yes, it would be fantastic to finish Tantrāloka in one week, but this treatise is extremely long and complex. Without reading the commentary to some extent it is impossible to translate.
    5. Enjoy!
  6. 06/12: GOOD NEWS!: Read here! Details

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    1. Good news!!!!: Trikamukhyamatāni - 'Main Tenets of Trika Shaivism' is now available in Kindle version at Amazon (the paper version is hopefully coming in a couple of days). As I explained in advance on the previous news, Trikamukhyamatāni is a ~350 pages book where I explain, in simple terms, the basic teachings of Trika Shaivism (a.k.a. Non-dualistic Kashmir Shaivism). I wrote the book totally in Sanskrit verse by using non-strict Ārya and Āryāgīti meters. It contains 27 stanzas by which I explain the '101' about Trika Shaivism. Of course, there is also the transliteration and translation of every stanza, plus long explanations in prose of their meaning.
    2. Additionally: I finished translating into English the chapter 6 in Tantrāloka. Now I am 'slowly' translating it into Spanish (a super boring task). I mitigate the massive boredom by already translating the chapter 7 (I translated the first 25 stanzas by now).
    3. Enjoy!
  7. 06/01: ANNIVERSARY: 21 YEARS! Details

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    1. We, all the collaborators, disciples and I, are very happy with this new anniversary of our free and ad-free website! We are celebrating!
    2. This year I did not publish a lot 'yet' because I was working on more books: (1) A ~350 pages book where I explain, in simple terms, the basic teachings of Trika Shaivism (a.k.a. Non-dualistic Kashmir Shaivism) is coming soon this month on Amazon; (2) A ~700 or 800 first volume (editing in process) where I explain Śāmbhavopāya (the highest type of practices) in Parabhairavayoga (a Non-dualistic Kashmir Shaivism-based Yoga I founded in 2016); (3) A ~1000 pages (divided into two volumes of ~500 each) book that is finished and in process of revision now, and that it will be published this year... it will be a surprise for all of you! I wrote the first two books in full Sanskrit from beginning to end. There are transliteration and translation, obviously. There is a fourth little book (less than 100 pages) about one of the rituals we perform in Parabhairavayoga, containing a brief explanation of the ritual itself and, of course, all the mantra-s and diagrams for you to be able to chant like us.
    3. As you can see, I never rest. If I am not working on the website, then I am writing books (~2200 pages of pure knowledge and mantra-s in all those four books). But for the rest of the year, I plan not to write more books (I will continue next year if this body is still alive!). I want to apply my efforts on the website itself. And I am in full process of translating the 6th chapter in Tantrāloka (I already translated into English 107 stanzas out of the 252 the chapter contains). I am devoting many hours to this extremely difficult chapter where Abhinavagupta is also speaking about astrology and mythology. So, I have to study astrology and mythology even more in order to be able to follow his teachings. With Abhinavagupta, due to his magnitude, everything is always uphill. This Master is not for the faint of heart, who just give up at the least obstacle. With Abhinavagupta, practically every stanza is an obstacle, I am not joking. OK, wish me luck!
    4. And now some statistical data. Remember that this website deals with topics that are not very popular in this childish world: (1) ~3000 visits daily. (2) The main countries visiting 'Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism' in 2020 are, in this order: United States, India, Russian Federation, Brazil, Spain, Hungary, Finland, China, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain and Argentina.
    5. Happy anniversary! Enjoy!
  8. 05/25: MORE GREAT NEWS!: Read here! Details

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    1. More good news!!!! "Foundational principles of Parabhairavayoga" is now available in Kindle version too. This ~700 pages book contains the 92 foundational aphorisms of Parabhairavayoga (a Non-dualistic Kashmir Shaivism-based Yoga Gurujī founded in 2016) in Sanskrit, plus a short commentary also in Sanskrit written by Gurujī. All Sanskrit is obviously translated into English. Additionally, Gurujī has composed a complete explanation in English of the meaning of every aphorism and its respective commentary. The book also contains several charts and a vast glossary for readers to enjoy.
    2. Both the hardcover version and the Kindle version are now available in Europe too. Check this out: Kindle version in United Kingdom, hardcover version in Germany and United Kingdom.
    3. Enjoy!
  9. 05/17: More translations: Read here! Details

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    1. By my command, my collaborator and wife, Natalia Ambikā, started to translate the sublime scripture called Spandanirṇaya (one of the most important scriptures in Trika Shaivism). Now she has finished to translate the first three documents into Russian language: Spandanirṇaya (Introduction and index), Spandanirṇaya I.1 and I.2, and Spandanirṇaya I.3 to I.5.
    2. It has been a very great effort on her part. Congratulations on that and keep it up with the rest of the scripture!
    3. Enjoy!
  10. 03/23: GREAT NEWS!: Read here! Details

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    1. Good news!!!! "Foundational principles of Parabhairavayoga" has been published. This ~700 pages book contains the 92 foundational aphorisms of Parabhairavayoga (a Trika-based Yoga Gurujī founded in 2016) in Sanskrit, plus a short commentary also in Sanskrit written by Gurujī. All Sanskrit is obviously translated into English. Additionally, Gurujī has composed a complete explanation in English of the meaning of every aphorism and its respective commentary. The book also contains several charts and a vast glossary for readers to enjoy.
    2. This book is the culmination of decades of effort, study and spiritual service of Gurujī Gabriel Pradīpaka.
    3. Moreover, we are announcing that we have added, on our Parabhairava Gallery, all the pics related to the recent visit of Gurujī to Budapest!
    4. Enjoy!
  11. 03/13: Budapest: February-March Details

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    1. Now we published a new playlist on our YouTube channel: Budapest, February 2020.
    2. In this new playlist we included all the videos for the two satsaṅga-s and the two-day seminar held by Gurujī in Budapest. The first satsaṅga dealt with: 'Who is meditating?'. The second satsaṅga dealt with: 'How to recognize the true Guru?'. The seminar dealt with selected aphorisms in 'Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra'. Paramārthasāra (lit. The essence of the Highest Reality) consists of 105 stanzas dealing with Trika philosophy in general. In this sense, it is like a practical handbook for spiritual aspirants desirous to attain Final Liberation. Gurujī not only explained those stanzas but also the respective commentaries by Yogarāja!
    3. Enjoy!
  12. 02/23: New translations: Read here! Details

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    1. Our collaborator, Natalia Ambikā, after a great effort, translated these three pages into Russian language: 'How to decline numbers in Sanskrit', 'Tantrāloka: Chapter 1 - stanzas 151 to 300', 'Tantrāloka: Chapter 1 - stanzas 301 to 332'.
    2. Right now, she has started to translate 'Spandanirṇaya' as well.
    3. Congratulations and keep it up!
    4. Enjoy!
  13. 02/06: Tantrāloka: Chapter 29 (full) Details

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    1. After millions of hours working, I completely finished the extremely abstruse... and maddening... 29th chapter in Tantrāloka (Part 1 and Part 2). In this chapter, the entire Kula's secret rite or procedure is taught by Abhinavagupta. One part of this rite consists in Tantric sex. That is why I translated this chapter before the predictable 6th chapter in Tantrāloka, in order to shed light on such a topic which has been excessively distorted by ignorant minds (specially in the West).
    2. Someone can find it difficult to understand this chapter. There is no surprise in this. That is why the Jayaratha's commentary exists. But obviously, to translate this commentary I will need more millions of hours. And this is not enough -except you are an accomplished scholar with a right understanding about these practices-, that is to say, I will have to explain the whole thing to you too. Oh well, the entire Tantrāloka is always too heavy, you know!
    3. Enjoy!


  1. 12/29: New pics and videos: Read here! Details

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    1. On our YouTube channel, I published all the videos associated with my last visit to the Parabhairavayoga Center in Budapest.
    2. Also, on our Parabhairavayoga Gallery, I published a collection of pictures about that visit. To get the right pictures, you have to surf there through the categories till you reach the pics of November 2019.
    3. I am exactly in the middle of the process of translating more Tantrāloka stuff for you! I will publish a long chapter soon! Stay sharp!
    4. Enjoy!
  2. 12/16: Books: New feature! Details

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    1. Amazon released 'Author Central', a new feature which permits all the authors to have their own profiles and books in one place. Of course, I created mine there and included the two books I have already published some time ago. Now you can reach my profile at Amazon and follow my updates: Books (there is a book icon in the navigation bar above for fast access).
    2. I already finished my fourth book totally in Sanskrit!
    3. The third book and the fourth book will be published soon at Amazon.
    4. Moreover, I plan to publish 15 books in a period of two years. Therefore, be ready to receive plenty of updates next year.
    5. Right now I am translating another chapter of Tantrāloka for you here!
    6. Enjoy!
  3. 11/10: Translations news: Read here! Details

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    1. Natalia Ambikā was working very hard 'again' on her translations into Russian: (1) Sanskrit numbers (Cardinals), (2) Sanskrit numbers (Ordinals), (3) Tantrāloka - Introduction and (4) Tantrāloka - Chapter 1 (stanzas 1-150). Enormous effort! Congratulations!
    2. I am in the last part of the process of writing my fourth book totally in Sanskrit. It will be a 500 page book, I guess. I hope to publish it at the end of this year or beginning of the next year!
    3. Enjoy!
  4. 09/24: More news: Read here! Details

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    1. I published on our 'Parabhairavayoga Gallery' website all the pictures taken during my stay in Budapest in August!
    2. Natalia Ambikā was working very hard on her translations into Russian: (1) How to write in Sanskrit, (2) First strokes 1, (3) First strokes 2, (4) Tables, and (5) Ancient Sanskrit characters. In this way, the translation of the entire Writing section is completed. Congratulations!
    3. I am still writing my fourth book totally in Sanskrit. I finished the first half!
    4. Enjoy!
  5. 09/03: YouTube channel: Update Details

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    1. Update for my YouTube channel after my activities in Budapest during two weeks: All the '8 main videos' covering my spiritual activities in Budapest during August are now published on YouTube. Near 900 minutes (15 hours) of footage full of Trika Shaivism knowledge and Tantric ritual!
    2. What is next? Soon, Natalia Ambikā, my wife -generally called 'Gurumā'-, will publish 'on Facebook' short (or sometimes not so short) videos taken with another camera. These videos will show the things from other viewpoints. For example, some of those videos will 'hopefully' show the fire in the ritual (which was not shown in the main video of the ritual as the camera was kept fixed on us, the chanters). Obviously, I will have to edit all those numerous videos first, which is very time-consuming, as usual. I am on the move then! I never rest!
    3. Enjoy!
  6. 08/11: New translations: Read here! Details

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    1. On the one hand, our collaborator Natalia Ambikā translated into Russian three new documents: Learning Sanskrit - Sanskrit Quotes 1: Celebrated Sanskrit quotes - Part 1, Learning Sanskrit - First Steps (5): Sanskrit alphabet and the levels of Creation - Part 2 and Learning Sanskrit - First Steps - 1: Appendix of Learning Sanskrit - First Steps (4) and (5). Incredible work! Congratulations!!!
    2. On the other hand, our collaborators Paulo and Claudio finished the translation into Brazilian Portuguese of the stanzas 75 to 78 in Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra. Congratulations too!!!
    3. In the meantime, I continue to compose my fourth book, which is written totally in Sanskrit (obviously, I provide too the translation). I completed around one third of it!
    4. Enjoy!
  7. 07/11: Tantrāloka: Chapter 5 Details

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    1. The fifth chapter in Tantrāloka, dealing with Āṇavopāya (the means pertaining to 'aṇu' or limited being), is published!
    2. So far I have translated 1114 out of 5847 stanzas (around 19% of the whole scripture).
    3. In this fifth chapter, Abhinavagupta explained: (i) Meditation by means of the intellect, (ii) utterance through the essence of breath, (iii) rising of Consciousness, (iv) entry into the Highest Principle and (v) the characteristic of the path, (vi) concentration in which the organs are used and (vii) the principle of word.
    4. I want now to explain some things: In my translation of the whole Tantrāloka, I include many portions coming directly from Jayaratha's commentary called Viveka. Why? In order to add vital information without which it is practically impossible to understand the Abhinavagupta's teachings. This forces me to read the commentary directly in Sanskrit. Till now, I have read more than 1100 pages out of 4000! I am not joking. And this explains why I delay some time in publishing my translations. But there is another reason for my delays: Books. So far I have written three books this year, and I am going now for the fourth one. They are not very little books really... you know how prolific I am in all I do, right? So, expect the first two books to be not very small indeed (both can count around 800 pages or more). And the fourth one I am about to write could become quite a Bible in size. Consequently, for the publishing of the Tantrāloka's sixth chapter there will be an understandable delay.
    5. Other updates: Dávid Durvāsās translated into Hungarian the entire chapter 3 in Tantrāloka. And Natalia Ambikā translated into Russian the following pages: Learning Sanskrit - First Steps (3), Learning Sanskrit - First Steps (4), Tattvic Chart - Categories of the manifestation according to Trika system and Tattva-s & Sanskrit - Relationship between Sanskrit letters and Trika tattva-s. Congratulations to both on a massive and perfect job!
    6. Enjoy!
  8. 06/01: ANNIVERSARY: 20 YEARS! Details

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    1. In April of 1999, after having studied many things (Sanskrit, Trika Shaivism, Vedānta, Sāṅkhyayoga, etc.) for sixteen years, I started wondering what to do with all that knowledge. Despite I taught to people in my city at that time, it was not enough. I internally knew that I needed an expansion but I did not know how to do it. Anyway, I continued for some time in a state where I was constantly besieged by thoughts about an expansion. Finally, I decided to ask Parabhairava (the Self of everybody) for a solution to this serious dilemma. In my meditations I began to ask Him about what I had to do to generate an expansion of knowledge. Suddenly, one day, He replied. His inner Voice clearly told me: 'Build a website!'. In my tradition we know that when a message repeats by itself constantly, it comes from the Lord and not from ego. So, I keep asking Him every day about the same thing, and the answer was always the same thing: 'Build a website!'. After having followed this course of action for one month, at last I understood that that message was genuine and not a fantasy of my ego. There was another thing that made me understand that it was His message and not my ideas: I hardly knew what a website was!

      So, with the help of the co-founder Andrés Muni (who is not participating in my community right now), I founded the website. Nonetheless, at that time I did not even have a telephone at home (no jokes). Therefore, I had to install one to have Internet, because at the moment one had to have a modem connected to the telephone line to enjoy the Internet. Besides, it was very expensive and restricted by a certain number of hours per month. I remember that I applied for a plan giving me 50 hours every month. Consequently, I had hardly near 2 hours daily. After all that hassle I started to learn how to build a basic website. The first location for the website was some place in the Geocities neighborhood. At first, I did not have domain name and a private paid server, obviously. This would come later. My first program to design the website was a very basic and uncomfortable Adobe GoLive. It was a pain to work with that software indeed. I currently use Dreamweaver, of course. I worked off-line in the building of the pages, and in my almost 2 hours per day Internet limit I uploaded the new contents and surfed the Web for more knowledge about how to build a website even better. The first page I uploaded (the oldest one at the website) was 'Learning Sanskrit - First Steps (1)'. But this is the current name. Its first name was something like: 'Sanskrit in Argentina - 1'. An absolutely nationalist name indeed, I must confess!

      All the primitive website was in simple HTML (no CSS, let alone PHP). I was studying and polishing the website for five years till in 2004 I could present something more or less 'acceptable' to be called 'a website' (I abandoned a couple of years ago the domain name '', as you surely know). Additionally, I added a satellite Blog. At first, there was no IAST (International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration) available in Unicode fonts like now. I used a primitive ANSI font called 'Sanskrit 98' till 2003, when I moved to the 'Sanskrit 2003' font (an Unicode font). And this lack of support for IAST forced me to create my own transliteration system, the ASTHA (Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration for HTML, made in Argentina), haha! I was very Argentinian at that moment, it seems!

      The constant advance of technology forced me to learn new things and to polish the entire website. For example, I spent an insane number of hours converting the ASTHA to modern IAST in the whole website, I spent one month of my life only to convert HTML to XHTML Strict, etc. Along with those vigorous efforts to keep the website so updated as possible, I continued to publish long pages full of relevant content. Additionally, in 2005, being my work on the website so demanding, I decided not to earn my living anymore in order to dedicate all my time to the website. In 2009, the site expanded to another language: Brazilian Portuguese. The Brazilian collaborators started to arrive. I had to do a lot of work to include the new language certainly. At that time, the website was still a static one, which implied that all the changes had to be 'manually made'. In 2010, with my attainment of Liberation and Guruhood, the website started to be more specifically related to Trika Shaivism. Anyway, I did not change the site title and the domain name yet.

      In 2012, at last, a professional Hungarian programmer came to me and proposed to move the whole website to a dynamic format based on PHP and HTML 5. I accepted and he was working really hard for some months. We were in constant contact in order to keep the process moving in the right way. Millions of emails were written in the whole process, as you surely guess. On November 12, we could finally publish the new dynamic format of the website. It was a very drastic change for the better! And though I changed the design two times since then, the website never abandoned its solid dynamic nature. In 2014, a Hungarian collaborator proposed me to expand the website even more in order to include a section in Hungarian language. I accepted and the process of updating started. Again, all this consumed an insane number of hours! To keep a website moving you need to work a lot really. At the end of such a tremendous effort, the Hungarian section was available to visitors. Now the website could boast about having four versions in four languages. And in 2015, another language was added: Russian! And finally, at the end of 2016, the last language was added: Hindi. All in all, the website currently supports 6 languages.

      At the end of 2016, I moved to a new fast server (a VPS), and in August of 2017 I decided to change the title and URL of the website from 'Sanskrit & Sánscrito' and '' to 'Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism' and ''. Why? I changed the title because 'Sanskrit & Sánscrito' was created when the website was in English and Spanish only. With the addition of four more languages, the title stopped communicating the real content of the website. Besides, the old URL demanded a extremely bureaucratic process to renovate every year (remember that I live in Moscow and Argentina is very far). While I kept the old international URL ( ''), I implemented a new URL which could communicate the real content of the website: ''.

      Over these 20 years, I have fully translated several scriptures such as Śivasūtra-s, Śivasūtravimarśinī, Spandakārikā-s, Spandanirṇaya, Paramārthasāra, Pātañjalayogasūtra-s, etc. And many other scriptures are in process such as Parātrīśikāvivaraṇa, Ṣaṭtriṁśattattvasandoha, Tantrāloka, etc. To translate scriptures (let alone to explain them to the visitors) is very time consuming as I have to check that the meanings of many terms are completely accurate. This forces me to read a lot. For example, to currently translate Tantrāloka, I am reading practically the whole Jayaratha's commentary directly from Sanskrit. The process is hellish, obviously. And to make the things even more complicated, my method of translation is a word for word one. Why I am translating word for word and not as most translators do, i.e. in a running way? For two reasons: Because in this way, if someone is doubtful about my translation of a certain term, he can search it in a Sanskrit dictionary. Moreover, this website also deals with Sanskrit language. Therefore, it is very useful for Sanskrit students to have a scripture completely dismantled. In this way they can see the way it was assembled by the original author.

      If I reached this point in the development of my teachings, it is all due to the website, which was built by express command of the Great Lord. For example, through mysterious processes, the website brought me to Moscow, from where I could expand my teachings much faster and so on. There is a mystery in His commands that cannot be unraveled at first. One just must do His bidding to the letter and everything will be OK. I have just done that!

      Allow me to express my heartfelt thanks to the currently active collaborators, i.e. to Paulo and Claudio from Brazil, to Marlon Melin from Canada, to Dávid Durvāsās and Tamás István Énisz from Hungary, and to my own wife, Natalia Ambikā, from Russia. Also, my sincere thanks to Zoltán Kṣemarāja (the developer) who, despite not participating in my community right now, continues to help me from time to time when the website needs some technical fix. Furthermore, I want to extend my thanks to all the people who collaborated with me to expand the website, but who, for the nature itself of the Play of Parabhairava, are now gone. It has been a 20 years adventure into the Massive Being of the Great Lord indeed!

      Finally, I consider this website to be my 'sevā' or service to Parabhairava (the Supreme Being). Therefore, in spite of the upcoming expansions in my mission, I will continue to strive to keep the website as it has been so far: A totally free website totally devoid of advertising. May the Supreme Bhairava be pleased with my service!
    2. And now some statistical data. Remember that this website deals with topics that are not very popular in this world. I guess that if I published a website about Yoga postures, I would be receiving more visitors: (1) 2000 to 3000 visits daily. (2) The main countries visiting 'Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism' are, in this order: United States, India, Spain, Brazil, Canada, Argentina, Russian Federation, Mexico, Great Britain and Hungary.
    3. Happy anniversary! Enjoy!
  9. 05/28: Tantrāloka: Chapter 4 (part 2/2) Details

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    1. Now it is finally published the second last portion (stanzas 151 to 279) of the fourth chapter in Tantrāloka!
    2. The fourth chapter in Tantrāloka, dealing with Śāktopāya (the means pertaining to Śakti), is completely finished.
    3. So far, I have translated 955 out of 5847 stanzas (around 16% of the whole scripture).
    4. In this fourth chapter, Abhinavagupta explained: (i) Purification of vikalpa-s, (ii) the essence of superior logic, (iii) the real nature of the Guru, (iv) uselessness of the limbs of Yoga, (v) disregard for the artificial worship, etc., (vi) emergence of the wheels of Consciousness, (vii) the power of the mantra-s, (viii) the real nature of a muttered prayer, etc. (and) (ix) equality of rules and prohibitions.
    5. Now I am going for the fifth chapter!
    6. Enjoy!
  10. 04/28: More translations: Read here! Details

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    1. Our collaborator Natalia Ambikā finished her translation into Russian of Learning Sanskrit - First Steps (2). Congratulations on your great effort!
    2. I finished my Parabhairavayoga book!
    3. But I started a second small book about Trika Shaivism. I had to write 40 aphorisms in Sanskrit and in verse. At this moment I am about to finish the second book... and there will be no third book for now. I plan to publish both books during this year.
    4. After finishing my second book, I will be able to continue with my translation of Tantrāloka here.
    5. Enjoy!
  11. 03/24: Sanskrit Editor NUI: New software! Details

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    1. Our collaborator Marlon Melin launched a new version of his software: Sanskrit Editor NUI.
    2. Marlon explains what brand-new Sanskrit Editor NUI is: "Sanskrit Editor NUI - defaults to Microsoft Nirmala UI font for Devanāgarī script (available on Windows 8.1 and up) . Use this version if you are unable to install fonts on your computer due to Administrator restrictions. This will fix the issue of the script showing as little boxes instead of characters. For best results always use the original version with recommended fonts if possible (unless you have a preference for Nirmala UI!)".
    3. So, Sanskrit Editor NUI changes the default Devanāgarī Sanskrit font from 'Sanskrit 2003' to 'Nirmala UI'. This is very important for people who cannot install fonts (in this case 'Sanskrit 2003') due to restrictions by Administrator. This situation is very likely to happen when one is in his job. The new Sanskrit Editor NUI comes to help people out of that issue. Good work, Marlon!
    4. I am almost finishing my Parabhairavayoga book. Just adding charts and stuff like this. It will be published during this year, I hope.
    5. Enjoy!
  12. 03/07: Brand-new translations: Read here! Details

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    1. Natalia Ambikā, our collaborator, translated into Russian Learning Sanskrit - First Steps (1) [our oldest page on the website]. Awesome!
    2. Additionally, she also translated into Russian both the Traditional arrangement of the Sanskrit alphabet and A better variant arrangement of the Sanskrit alphabet. Congratulations!
    3. My work on the Parabhairavayoga book is taking me longer than planned. Though the main content of the book is already written, now I am adding more stuff (I have a tendency to make the things huge, you know). Besides, the size of the glossary will be enormous (till now around 400 entries). It will be the basic book for students of Parabhairavayoga. As always, in practice the things are not so simple as in theory. Anyway, I plan to finish the whole thing this month.
    4. Enjoy!
  13. 02/11: Tantrāloka: Chapter 4 (part 1/2) Details

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    1. Now it is published the first portion (stanzas 1 to 150) of the fourth chapter in Tantrāloka!
    2. The fourth chapter in Tantrāloka deals with Śāktopāya (the means pertaining to Śakti). In this first part, Abhinavagupta explains the purification of the vikalpa-s (putting it simple, 'thoughts'), the essence of superior logic, the real nature of the Guru, uselessness of the limbs of Yoga (of Patañjali's Yoga), disregard for the artificial worship, etc., and he starts to explain the emergence of the wheels of Consciousness (a topic he will complete in the second part).
    3. So far, I have translated 826 out of 5847 stanzas (around 14% of the whole scripture).
    4. It has been a very hard translation due to the complexities of the subjects being dealt with (and Abhinavagupta's Sanskrit is never a stroll in the park). I needed practically all the time the help of the Jayaratha's commentary in Sanskrit too (not so hard as that of Abhinavagupta, but anyway it is not simple because the topics are not simple at all). Very deep teachings then.
    5. The whole fourth chapter contains 279 stanzas. Therefore, the remaining 129 stanzas will be published in the near future.
    6. Now I need two weeks or so to complete my book about Parabhairavayoga. Indexes, glossary, etc. will be written later (oh yes, it is a very hard work really). This book will be a kind of main book on Parabhairavayoga. In short, it will be the corner-stone of all the teachings on which my Yoga is based. I plan to publish it during this year! After this short but hard work, I will continue with Tantrāloka.
    7. I never stop and even when I look like resting only, I am not just resting but creating something new in my intellect!
    8. Ah! Something much bigger is also slowly but firmly approaching! I will leave you with the mystery!
    9. Enjoy!
  14. 01/31: New translations: Read attentively! Details

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    1. Dávid Durvāsās, our collaborator, finished translating the first portion (stanzas 1 to 150) of the third chapter in Tantrāloka into Hungarian. Very good job!
    2. Natalia Ambikā, another collaborator, finished translating into Russian the last portion of section 3 in Śivasūtravimarśinī. With this update, Natalia has completely finished the entire Śivasūtravimarśinī. Congratulations on this immense effort!
    3. Both collaborators continue to work on more stuff, of course.
    4. On my part, I continue to work (half-way by now) on the fourth chapter of Tantrāloka. There will be an update soon!
    5. Enjoy!
  15. 01/23: Tantrāloka: Chapter 3 (part 2/2) Details

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    1. The second part of the third chapter in Tantrāloka is finished. And with this update, I can affirm that the whole third chapter is now completely translated.
    2. In this second part, Abhinavagupta finishes his explanation of Mātṛkācakra (The group of letters), and after that he makes an exposition about Pratyāhāra (the combination of the first letter and the last letter of the Sanskrit alphabet).
    3. Śāmbhavopāya, the means of Śambhu, is called by Abhinavagupta: 'Dissolution of the mind'. It is characterized by the absence of thoughts and the constant rising (the State of Śiva is constantly active).
    4. Now I continue working on chapter 4 —dealing with Śāktopāya— of this beautiful scripture!
    5. Enjoy!
  16. 01/06: Tantrāloka: Chapter 3 (part 1/2) Details

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    1. Now the first 150 stanzas of the chapter 3 in Tantrāloka about Śāmbhavopāya are totally translated!
    2. By means of these aphorisms, Abhinavagupta explains completely the Bimbapratimbimbavāda (The theory of the object and its reflection). Next, he starts to explain Mātṛkācakra (The group of letters), a topic that he will finish in the remaining stanzas of the third chapter.
    3. Our collaborator Dávid Durvāsās finished his translation from English into Hungarian of the second chapter in Tantrāloka. Congratulations again!!!
    4. Enjoy!


  1. 12/18: Tantrāloka: Chapter 2 Details

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    1. The second chapter in Tantrāloka is finished. I will add notes of explanation in the future.
    2. This second chapter deals with Anupāya (lit. devoid of means). This is the Highest State in Trika Shaivism. Two kinds of people reach that condition: (1) It is the Final State that a Yogī attains, generally, after endless years of massive efforts. (2) Very few 'specially blessed' people can enter this stage from the start due to a very intense Grace bestowal from Śiva.
    3. In Anupāya there is nothing to do (no meditation, no worship, no study of scriptures, etc.). It is simply the uninterrupted State of the Supreme Śiva, which, once It is attained, permits the Yogī to continue with his life as usual. If he is eating, he keeps eating, if he is speaking, he keeps speaking, etc. There is no sādhanā in this, as it were, 'path'.
    4. Our collaborator Dávid Durvāsās finished translating into Hungarian the second page and the third page of the first chapter in Tantrāloka. Congratulations!
    5. Now I continue working on chapter 3 —dealing with Śāmbhavopāya— of this very important scripture!
    6. Enjoy!
  2. 12/10: Tantrāloka: Improvement in the index page Details

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    1. I polished the index page of Tantrāloka so that it can now be much more useful.
    2. I added three features: (a) I replaced the previous titles of every chapter with the original titles given by Abhinavagupta in Sanskrit at the end of the first chapter; (b) I added the respective translations of the titles of the chapters, obviously; (c) I added a short description —given by Abhinavagupta at the end of the first chapter— of every chapter for the visitors to have a good idea about the contents which are included there.
    3. Now I go on working on chapter 2 of this very important scripture!
    4. Enjoy!
  3. 12/08: Tantrāloka: Chapter 1 (part 3/3) Details

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    1. Good news! With the publication of the translation of the stanzas 301 to 332 in Tantrāloka, the entire chapter 1 is completely translated!
    2. According to what Abhinavagupta wrote at the end of the first chapter, this book is only for 'super' Guru-s. Look:
      'Guru-s are authorized to examine/discuss (these teachings of mine) who have (their three) mala-s destroyed, who know the supreme and the inferior --i.e. who know 'a' and 'ha'--, who are established in the real being of Śiva'.
      With this in mind, there is no surprise if most people cannot understand 'something' in Tantrāloka. On top of that, I am not adding yet the notes of explanation. So, my point here is that you should not feel frustrated if after reading you still cannot fully get it. It requires a hight level of scholarship and direct experience.
    3. My work on this scripture continues!
    4. Enjoy!
  4. 12/05: New translations: Read! Details

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    1. First of all, our collaborator Dávid Durvāsās finished his English to Hungarian translation of the first chapter in Tantrāloka. And the index page was translated too, of course. Congratulations!
    2. Secondly, Natalia Ambikā finished her English to Russian translation of the aphorisms III.23 to III.33 in Śivasūtravimarśinī. Congratulations too!
    3. Well, our Hungarian and Russian translators are working hard evidently. It is a massive effort to translate such intricate scriptures full of so many complicated technical terms in Sanskrit indeed. Keep it up!
    4. Enjoy!
  5. 11/28: Tantrāloka: Chapter 1 (part 2/3) Details

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    1. Another big effort and the stanzas 150 to 300 in Tantrāloka (chapter 1 dealing with the different kinds of knowledge) are now fully translated.
    2. The scholarly style of Abhinavagupta is becoming more and more difficult. No surprise in this! He uses special terminology now and and then, which is extremely difficult to translate. Also, his writing style is involved enough as to say that half of the effort with every stanza is exerted to overcome this obstacle. Again, no surprise! Abhinavagupta has been always the bogeyman in Trika Shaivism and there are serious reasons for him to be labeled like this.
    3. Only 32 stanzas are left to finish the first chapter then. A little more effort and it will be done.
    4. Enjoy!
  6. 11/01: Tantrāloka: Chapter 1 (part 1/3) Details

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    1. First of all: The first 150 stanzas of Tantrāloka (chapter 1 dealing with the different kinds of knowledge) are completely translated. Enormous effort really! A high IQ is not enough to do that, you need extra help from Paramaśiva. Apart from this help, I constantly resorted to the Jayaratha's commentary for some light too. Without this extra help you cannot cross the ocean of knowledge in Tantrāloka even if your intellect is quite a champion. What is divine cannot be understood by what is not divine. I am very happy!!!!
    2. Dávid Durvāsās (ex Dávid Farkas) was working a lot too. He finished (1) the second chapter of Mālinīvijayottaratantra; (2) the Part 3 (stanzas 3 to 4) in Parātrīśikāvivaraṇa and (3) the Part 4 (stanzas 3 to 4) in the same scripture. Incredible effort!!!!
    3. We are extremely pleased!!!!!!!
    4. Enjoy!
  7. 10/20: Several news: Read! Details

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    1. Natalia Ambikā published her Russian translation of Śivasūtravimarśinī III.12-22. Congratulations on your strenuous efforts, Gurumā!
    2. Dávid Farkas completely finished his Hungarian translation of Spandanirṇaya. Now he has started his translation into Hungarian of Mālinīvijayottaratantra, and the first chapter of this scripture is already available! Massive effort, Dávid!
    3. In the meantime, I, Gabriel Pradīpaka, have finished translating the first 95 stanzas of the first chapter in Tantrāloka. Did you think I had gone away on vacation? Nope, I am always working hard in the shadows. I will be able to publish my translation of the first 150 stanzas of this initial chapter in the near future, I hope, because to fight this terrifying monster is never an easy task for any intellect. The depth of Abhinavagupta's teachings forces me to read many other things apart from Tantrāloka (e.g. other scriptures, commentaries, one million possible interpretations and things like that). This is always a time-consuming process, hence the delay. Sanskrit is always the least of the problems when it comes to translating Abhinavagupta's writings.
    4. Enjoy!
  8. 10/07: Mālinīvijayottaratantra: Chapter 4 Details

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    1. I published my translation and explanation of the 4th chapter of Mālinīvijayottaratantra.
    2. In this chapter our beloved Śiva speaks about many mysteries: e.g. the relationship between Mātṛkā/Mālinī and the tattva-s, the different types of Yoga and Knowledge, etc.
    3. Because in all my explanations of Mālinīvijayottaratantra I have to translate many aphorisms occurring in Tantrāloka, possibly I will soon undertake the translation of the whole Tantrāloka (but without any explanation, in order to move faster) so in my future explanations of Mālinīvijayottaratantra I do not have to translate so many aphorisms from Tantrāloka. As both scriptures are complementary, what I do in one is useful for the other. Explanations of Tantrāloka should come later, when Mālinīvijayottaratantra is finally finished. Oh yes, this will take a few years of very hard work, but the final result will be a massive treasure of Trika knowledge available for free.
    4. Enjoy!
  9. 09/24: The Tour: Read! Details

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    1. What is the point of spending plenty of time searching for what you want to find on the website? Simply visit the Tour (look up!).
    2. I specially built the Tour for making searching stuff here much faster and intuitive. This is accomplished by presenting the information in a very organized way.
    3. So, instead of spending hours trying to find something, instead of sending me messages for help about finding what you need, it is a much better solution to use the Tour really.
    4. Enjoy!
  10. 09/20: Other two important news: Read! Details

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    1. I completely updated the Tour, e.g. I updated the innumerable links in the Russian and Hindi sections, I updated my recommendations about browsers and so on.
    2. I updated the Privacy and Security Statement, specially regarding cookies.
    3. We are not collecting information from our visitors in order to create profiles and things like this. The use of cookies here is for tasks that are strictly indispensable for the functioning of the website. Anyway, we use, to a very limited extent, the services of Facebook, Google and Paypal. In this case, you must abide by their own policy about use of cookies.
    4. Enjoy!
  11. 09/18: Two important news: Read! Details

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    1. Natalia Ambikā finished her translation into Russian of the 1st to 11th aphorism in Kṣemarāja's Śivasūtravimarśinī (third section). Good work!
    2. The Parabhairavayoga Gallery has been updated with all the pictures of 2018.
    3. Parabhairavayoga Gallery is one of our three websites (the other two are and the one you are on right now). It is dedicated to show pictures of Guru Gabriel Pradīpaka (Gurujī) along with disciples and family during his mission of spreading the teachings of his own Parabhairavayoga system. Additional photos of Gurujī's daily life are shown as well.
    4. Enjoy!
  12. 09/15: Tantrāloka: Full transcription Details

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    1. I transcribed the entire Tantrāloka (a massive Trika scripture composed by Abhinavagupta, the greatest Trika Master of all time).
    2. It was a tremendous effort on my part, but now the scripture is ready to be translated.
    3. Now you have 330 new documents (55 per language) here. So the size of our website increased its number of documents in around 17% all of sudden.
    4. When I translate this scripture in the future, I plan on adding, as always, my own explanations. So, it will become an immense source of Trika knowledge available for free in many languages.
    5. Enjoy!
  13. 09/13: Navigation bar: Updated and polished Details

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    1. The navigation bar (look up!) has been updated and polished with new links.
    2. There are new links to our Facebook Page, to our YouTube Channel and to the mini-biography of Gurujī and other collaborators.
    3. Also, we are 'testing' a new way to show news on the website (e.g. by adding pictures to make the news more colorful). Additionally, the plan is to post more frequently news about different topics, e.g. about guiding our visitors to different areas of our website.
    4. If everything is OK with this prototype regarding showing news, the new system will be permanent.
    5. Enjoy!
  14. 07/22: Mālinīvijayottaratantra: Full transcription Details
    1. I transcribed all the remaining stanzas (since chapter 4 to chapter 23) of Mālinīvijayottaratantra. Now the full text is transcribed into devanāgarī (original signs) and IAST transliteration.
    2. Of course, I had to do all this for the other five languages too. Huge effort!
    3. Enjoy!
  15. 07/13: DFSL updated: Read the news! Details
    1. After a long task of 'purification', now the DFSL (Directory of Free Sanskrit Links) is totally 'up-to-date'.
    2. Because I did not touch the DFSL for some years, I had to remove many websites which had been discontinued. Besides, I made the most of this opportunity to score the websites without score yet, and also I 're-scored' some other websites.
    3. I also added a few new websites!
    4. Enjoy!
  16. 06/25: Two things: Read the news! Details
    1. After my seminar in Budapest —since June 1st to June 3rd— I published on my YouTube channel the six long videos (more than 17 hours) in which I briefly explained the teachings contained in the celebrated Śivasūtra-s (The aphorisms of Śiva).
    2. Our collaborator Sāī Abhinavagupta changed the software on which our DFSL (Directory of Free Sanskrit Links) was running. The old DFSL software was very good but already too old after serving for fourteen years without updates as the developer discontinued it. After all this hard time-consuming work, now we can say that the whole website is running on fully modern technology. Great effort, Sāī!
    3. Enjoy!
  17. 05/21: Mālinīvijayottaratantra: Chapter 3 Details
    1. I published the third chapter of Mālinīvijayottaratantra containing 68 stanzas (the most sacred Tantra of Trika Shaivism).
    2. In this chapter Śiva extracts (but in a veiled way) tons of mantra-s which are sacred to the śaiva-s.
    3. Natalia Ambikā translated the second section of Śivasūtravimarśinī into Russian language. Great effort!
    4. Dávid Farkas (Dávid Durvāsās) translated the Main Page of Mālinīvijayottaratantra (introduction and links to the chapters). Congratulations!
    5. May all this massive effort be for the elevation of all the sincere devotees of Śiva!
    6. Enjoy!
  18. 04/04: बुडापेस्ट में सेमिनार: जून के पहले तीन दिन, २०१८ Details


    Gabriel Pradīpaka

    1. This is the schedule of my next seminar in Hungary during the first three days of June.
    2. The subject to be dealt with in this seminar will be 'Śivasūtra-s' (the aphorisms of Śiva revealed by Śiva Himself twelve centuries ago in the region of Kashmir, India). This scripture contains the most esoteric teachings of Trika Shaivism. It consists of 77 aphorisms revealed to the venerable sage Vasugupta. There are several commentaries on these aphorisms but Kṣemarāja's Śivasūtravimarśinī is regarded as the most authoritative one. Sage Kṣemarāja was the main disciple of the greatest Trika Master: Abhinavagupta. I will include some portions of his vast commentary in the seminar.
    3. Also, there is more information about this important event on the Hungarian Trika Page on Facebook.
    4. And my disciples in Hungary also created an event in
    5. In addition, there is a group on Facebook exclusively created to speak about my upcoming seminar in Budapest.
    6. Enjoy!
  19. 03/29: मालिनीविजयोत्तरतन्त्र: अधिकार २ Details
    1. मैंने मालिनीविजयोत्तरतन्त्र (त्रिक शैवदर्शन का सबसे पवित्र तन्त्र) का दूसरा अध्याय प्रकाशित किया।
    2. मैंने ६० श्‍लोकों के प्रत्येक श्‍लोक का मेरा सम्पूर्ण स्पष्टीकरण जोड़ा।
    3. आनंद लें!
  20. 03/01: मालिनीविजयोत्तरतन्त्र: अधिकार १ Details
    1. ५० श्‍लोकों के पहले अधिकार के प्रकाशन के साथ, विशाल मालिनीविजयोत्तरतन्त्र (त्रिक शैवदर्शन का सबसे पवित्र तन्त्र) का मेरा अनुवाद आरंभ होता है!
    2. मेरे प्रयास से महान शिव के सच्चे अनुयायियों के कल्याण में वृद्धि हो!
    3. आनंद लें!
  21. 02/15: स्पन्दनिर्णय IV.१ to IV.२: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. I published the translation/commentaries/explanations of the entire fourth section of Spandanirṇaya (the most authoritative commentary on Spandakārikā-s, which was written by the great Kṣemarāja). My work on the fourth section of Spandanirṇaya is now finished! And with this, I can announce that the whole Spandanirṇaya has been then translated and explained by me completely! May there be welfare for all!
    2. It took me many months of strenuous efforts to finish such a sacred scripture. If you print it out, you will get a few hundreds of pages indeed! I dedicate all my work to Paramaśiva, of whose Body this colossal universe is just a small particle situated in a corner of His Being!
    3. I am already working hard with the next scripture!
    4. Enjoy!
  22. 02/08: विभिन्न अपडेट: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. हमारे सहयोगी, डाविड फार्कस ने क्षेमराज के स्पन्दनिर्णय में तीसरे अनुभाग (केवल १ से १० तक सूत्र) को हंगेरियन में अनुवाद किया। इसके अलावा, उसने परात्रीशिकाविवरण के श्लोक ३ और ४ के भाग १ और २ का अनुवाद भी समाप्त कर दिया। अपने विशाल प्रयासों पर बधाई, डाविड!
    2. इसके अतिरिक्त, हमारे सहयोगी नतालिया अंबिका ने क्षेमराज के शिवसूत्रविमर्शिनी में ११ से २२ तक सूत्रों को रूसी में अनुवाद किया। अब इस महत्वपूर्ण धर्मग्रंथ का संपूर्ण पहला अनुभाग पूरी तरह से रूसी भाषा में है। बधाई हो, नतालिया!
    3. अंत में, हमारे सहयोगी मार्लोन मेलिन ने अपने सभी सॉफ्टवेयर को नए संस्करणों में अपडेट किया: जाएं और उसके प्रोग्रामों को डाउनलोड करें! बधाई हो, मार्लोन!
    4. हमारे विभिन्न अपडेटों का आनंद लें!
  23. 01/26: स्पन्दनिर्णय III.11 to III.19: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. I published the translation/commentaries/explanations of the aphorisms 11 to 19 in the third section of Spandanirṇaya (the most authoritative commentary on Spandakārikā-s, which was written by the great Kṣemarāja). My work on the third section of Spandanirṇaya is now finished!
    2. I am intent on completing the fourth section (the last part of this scripture)!
    3. Enjoy!


  1. 12/30: स्पन्दनिर्णय III.1 to III.10: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. मैंने स्पन्दनिर्णय के तीसरे अनुभाग के १ से १० तक सूत्रों (स्पन्दकारिकाँ पर सबसे आधिकारिक विवरण, जो कि महान क्षेमराज द्वारा लिखा गया था) का अनुवाद/विवरण/स्पष्टीकरण प्रकाशित किया। स्पन्दनिर्णय के तीसरे अनुभाग पर मेरा काम केवल अर्ध-समाप्त ही हुवा है!
    2. अब मैं शेष अर्ध-भाग को पूरा करने के लिए तैयार हूं!
    3. आनंद लें!
  2. 12/09: विशाल अद्यतन: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. गुरुजी नवंबर के महीने में गणेशपुरी (भारत) में थे —उनकी आध्यात्मिक वंश की पवित्र भूमि—!
    2. गणेशपुरी में गुरुजी के काम के कारण, आपके लिए ये नई चीजें उपलब्ध हैं: (1) विशाल सेमिनार जो यूट्यूब पर प्रकाशित की गई है, (2) हमारा परभैरवयोग गैलरी भी कई नई तस्वीरों के साथ अपडेट किया गया है, और (3) फेसबुक पर हमारा पृष्ठ इसी तरह सभी समाचारों और मीडिया के साथ अपडेट किया गया है।
    3. यूट्यूब पर वीडियो अपडेट के अलावा, चैनल भी पूरी तरह से पुनर्निर्मित किया गया है।
    4. हमारा यूट्यूब चैनल तेजी से बढ़ रहा है। अब इसमें १८३ (आम तौर पर लंबे) वीडियो हैं जो ३०,००० से भी अधिक बार देखे गये हैं। चैनल में ३३८ सदस्य भी हैं!
    5. इसके अतिरिक्त, हमारे सहयोगी भी कड़ी मेहनत कर रहे थे: (1) डाविड फार्कस ने स्पन्दनिर्णय के दूसरे अनुभाग को पूरी तरह से हंगेरियन में अनुवाद किया (भारी कार्य!) और (2) नतालिया अम्बिका ने शिवसूत्रविमर्शिनी के पहले दस सूत्रों का रूसी में अनुवाद पूरा किया (एक और बड़ा प्रयास!)।
    6. आनंद लें!
  3. 11/08: सॉफ्टवेयर अद्यतन: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. कनाडा के हमारे सहयोगी, मार्लन मेलिन ने उनके सभी तीन सॉफ्टवेयर को विंडोज १० पर बेहतर काम करने के लिए अद्यतन किया!
    2. बधाई हो, मार्लोन, हमेशा की तरह!
    3. आनंद लें!
  4. 10/21: स्पन्दनिर्णय अनुभाग २ (सम्पूर्ण): समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. मैंने स्पन्दनिर्णय के संपूर्ण दूसरे अनुभाग (स्पन्दकारिकाँ पर सबसे आधिकारिक विवरण, जो कि महान क्षेमराज द्वारा लिखा गया था) का अनुवाद/विवरण/स्पष्टीकरण प्रकाशित किया। यह दूसरे अनुभाग में केवल सात सूत्र हैं, लेकिन उनका अर्थ बेहद गहरा है। इस कारण, मुझे कई महत्वपूर्ण विषयों को विस्तार से समझाने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा। तो, हाँ, यह एक बहुत लंबा पृष्ठ है, शायद अब तक मेरे द्वारा प्रकाशित किया गया सबसे लंबा पृष्ठ।
    2. अब, मैं तीसरे अनुभाग के पहले सूत्रों को अनुवाद करना शुरू कर रहा हूं।
    3. आनंद लें!
  5. 09/17: स्पन्दनिर्णय I.२२ से I.२५ तक: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. मैंने स्पन्दनिर्णय के पहले अनुभाग के २२ से २५ तक सूत्रों (स्पन्दकारिकाँ पर सबसे आधिकारिक विवरण, जो कि महान क्षेमराज द्वारा लिखा गया था) का अनुवाद/विवरण/स्पष्टीकरण प्रकाशित किया, और इसके द्वारा मैं घोषणा कर सकता हूं कि मैंने स्पन्दनिर्णय के पहले अनुभाग के साथ अपना काम समाप्त कर दिया।
    2. अब मैं गति प्राप्त कर रहा हूं और तेजी से आगे बढ़ रहा हूं!
    3. इसके अलावा, हमारे सहयोगी नतालिया अंबिका ने ब्लॉग पर "परभैरवयोग में अभ्यास - भाग २" का रूसी में अनुवाद समाप्त कर दिया, और अब वह शिवसूत्रविमर्शिनी का अनुवाद शुरू कर रही है। अत्युत्तम प्रयास!
    4. आनंद लें!
  6. 09/02: स्पन्दनिर्णय I.१७ से I.२१ तक: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. यह मुख्य वेबसाइट पर तीन साल से बिना किसी त्रिक धर्मग्रंथ के अनुवाद के बाद, मैं स्पन्दनिर्णय के पहले अनुभाग के १९ से २१ तक सूत्रों (स्पन्दकारिकाँ पर सबसे आधिकारिक विवरण, जो कि महान क्षेमराज द्वारा लिखा गया था) का अनुवाद/विवरण/स्पष्टीकरण प्रकाशित करते हुए अपना कार्य पुनः प्रारम्भ कर रहा हूँ।
    2. मुझे आशा है कि आप इस अचानक अद्यतन से खुश हैं!
    3. आनंद लें!
  7. 08/25: और अनुवाद: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. डाविड फार्कस ने परात्रीशिकाविवरण (सबसे कठिन त्रिक शास्त्र) में १ और २ श्लोक के चौथे भाग तक अनुवाद किया। अतः उसने पहले दो श्लोक और उनकी टिप्पणियों का हंगेरियन में अनुवाद पूरी तरह से समाप्त कर दिया।
    2. हमारे सहयोगी, ब्राज़ीलियाई जुड़वाँ ने अभिनवगुप्त विरचित परमार्थसार में श्लोक ७४ (और उसके संबंधित टिप्पणी) तक अनुवाद किया।
    3. बधाई हो, सहयोगी, अपने महान कार्य पर!
    4. आनंद लें!
  8. 08/24: नया यू.आर.एल और शीर्षक: यहां पढ़ें! Details

    इस वेबसाइट के डोमेन नाम और शीर्षक, दोनों में बदलाव आया है!

    1. नया डोमेन नाम: « » —पुराना डोमेन नाम,, निश्चित रूप से अब भी पृष्ठभूमि में काम कर रहा है, और तुरंत आपको नए डोमेन नाम पर पुनर्निर्देशित करता है—।
    2. नया शीर्षक: « संस्कृत & त्रिक शैवदर्शन » (पुराना शीर्षक: संस्कृत & सन्स्क्रितो)। यह वेबसाइट इन अठारह वर्षों के दौरान विकसित हुई है, और हमने सोचा कि चीजों की वर्तमान स्थिति को व्यक्त करने के लिए एक परिवर्तन आवश्यक है। प्रारंभ में, मैंने वेबसाइट को 'संस्कृत और सन्स्क्रितो' का नाम दिया था क्योंकि इसमें दो वर्ग शामिल थे - एक वर्ग अंग्रेजी में और दूसरा वर्ग स्पेनिश में। मगर, वर्षों से (इस क्रम में) पुर्तगाली, हंगेरियन, रूसी और हिंदी वर्गों के जोड़ से वेबसाइट के शीर्षक ने सच्चाई को व्यक्त करना बंद कर दिया। इसके अलावा, त्रिक शैवदर्शन (कश्मीर का महान अद्वैत शैवदर्शन) धीरे-धीरे हमारी साइट पर अपना महत्व बढ़ाते हुए ऐसे स्तर पर पहुंच गया है जहां से वह लगभग अत्यन्त महत्वपूर्ण है। इस कारण से, नये शीर्षक में उत्तरी भारत के इस महत्वपूर्ण दार्शनिक प्रणाली का नाम शामिल है। इसके द्वारा त्रिक शैवदर्शन से संबंधित खोज भी ज्यादा आसान और अधिक महत्वपूर्ण बनेंगे।
    3. संक्षेप में, हम दोनों डोमेन नाम रखते हैं: और (नया और पुराना, क्रमशः) ताकि आगंतुकों को हमें ढूंढने में कोई समस्या न हो।
    4. चेतावनी: हमने « » डोमेन नाम छोड़ दिया है। इसलिए, इस डोमेन नाम का उपयोग करने वाली किसी भी भविष्य वेबसाइट का हमारे साथ कोई रिश्ता नहीं है
    5. जो लोग हमें बैकलिंक दे रहे हैं, कृपया अपने पन्नों पर पुराने/छोड़े हुए (साथ ही साथ पूरी तरह से काम करने वाले को नई से अपडेट करें।
    6. आनंद लें!
  9. 07/19: एक विशाल अद्यतन: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. हमारे सहयोगी, डाविड फार्कस ने आदरणीय अभिनवगुप्त विरचित परमार्थसार का हंगेरियन में अनुवाद पूरा किया। (बधाई हो, डाविड!)
    2. उस विशाल अनुवाद को पूरा करने से प्रसन्न न हुए, उसने परात्रीशिकाविवरण (सबसे कठिन त्रिक शास्त्र) को अनुवाद करना प्रारम्भ किया। अब तक उसने परिचय तथा १ और २ श्लोकों के पहले भाग को अनुवाद किया है। (बहुत बढ़िया, डाविड!)
    3. हमारे सहयोगी, नतालिया आम्बिका (गुरुमा के नाम से भी जानी वाली) ने ब्लॉग पर मेरी "परभैरवयोगसंस्थापनप्रचोदनम लघु वृत्ति" - (भाग १ - भाग २ - भाग ३) का रूसी में भारी अनुवाद पूरा किया। (अत्युत्तम!)
    4. और उसने ब्लॉग पर अनुवाद जारी रखा: परभैरवयोग में अभ्यास - भाग १। (इसे जारी रखो!)
    5. आशापूर्वक आप इस विशाल अद्यतन से खुश हैं।
    6. आनंद लें!
  10. 05/24: एक और महत्वपूर्ण ब्लॉग अद्यतन: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. मैंने ब्लॉग पर 'परभैरवयोग में अभ्यासों के बारे में मेरे लंबे निबंध का दूसरा भाग' प्रकाशित किया!
    2. इस दूसरे भाग में मैं शाम्भवोपाय के बारे में सिखाता हूं, जो कि त्रिक शैवदर्शन में सबसे आसान और साथ ही सबसे कठिन विधि है। मैंने शाम्भवोपाय के साथ मेरा अपना अनुभव भी वर्णित किया ताकि पाठक इस विधि को अधिक वास्तविक तरीके से जान सकें।
    3. आदरणीय अभिनवगुप्त विरचित परमार्थसार में हमारे सहयोगी, डाविड फार्कस ने ५१ से ७० श्लोकों (टिप्पणियाँ और नोट्स सहित)... को हंगेरियन में अनुवाद किया... एक और बड़ी छलांग! महान प्रयास! अनुवाद करने के लिए केवल ३५ पन्ने बचे हैं। हम लगभग वहां हैं!
    4. आनंद लें!
  11. 03/26: ब्लॉग अपडेट: समाचार पढ़ें! Details
    1. मैंने ब्लॉग पर 'परभैरवयोग में अभ्यासों के बारे में अपना लंबा निबंध' प्रारम्भ किया!
    2. मेरा काम अभी शुरू हो रहा है और यह बड़े पैमाने पर होगा जब मैं अधिक से अधिक स्पष्टीकरण जोड़ूंगा। परभैरवयोग (जो कि ज्यादातर त्रिक दर्शनशास्र और अभ्यासों पर आधारित है) के मार्ग पर चलने वाले लोगों के लिए यह एक पूर्ण मार्गदर्शक होगा।
    3. अभिनवगुप्त विरचित परमार्थसार में हमारे सहयोगी डाविड फार्कस ने १२ से ५० तक श्लोकों का अनुवाद किया (टिप्पणियाँ और नोट्स सहित)... एक विशाल छलांग!!!... हंगेरियन में। बढ़िया प्रयास!
    4. आनंद लें!
  12. 02/03: हंगरी में परभैरवयोग सेमिनार: अनुसूची! Details

    Gabriel Pradīpaka
  13. 02/02: महत्वपूर्ण अपडेट: पूरी सूची पढ़ें! Details
    1. A new gallery-type website fully dedicated to show pictures of me together with disciples and family during my tours, seminars, etc, and even during my daily life, has been built and published for your delight!
    2. An enormous work (in effort and money) to build and finally publish the website for our visitors!
    3. Dávid Farkas, our collaborator, translated stanzas 4 to 11 (plus commentary and notes) in venerable Abhinavagupta's Paramārthasāra into Hungarian. Good!
    4. Paulo and Claudio, our collaborators, translated stanzas 36 to 39 (plus commentary) in the same above-mentioned scripture into Brazilian Portuguese. Cool!
    5. Enjoy!


  1. 12/23: सुरक्षा: स.स.ल (सुरक्षित सॉकेट लेयर) दोनों वेबसाइटों की सुरक्षा कर रहा है Details

    अब स.स.ल (सुरक्षित सॉकेट लेयर) और दोनों की सुरक्षा कर रहा है।

    इसका मतलब है कि हमारी वेबसाइटों के साथ आपका कनेक्शन एन्क्रिप्ट किया गया है और इसलिए आप उन्हें सर्फ करते समय सुरक्षित रहेंगे।

    इसलिए, अब आपके बुकमार्क इस तरह दिखने चाहिए:

  2. 12/21: नया ब्लॉग: और पढ़ें! Details
    1. ब्लॉग 'पूरी' तरह से बदल दिया गया है! अब यह परभैरवयोग का घर है।
    2. नया डिजाइन पूरी तरह से पेशेवर है और इसमें नई विशेषताएँ शामिल है, जैसे कि 'फीचर्ड' (विशेष रूप से प्रदर्शित) वीडियो और पोस्ट, फेसबुक पर हमारे पेज के साथ सीधा कनेक्शन, आदि।
    3. यह ब्लॉग अब वास्तव में एक वेबसाइट की तरह है, जो निवसित पर है (न केवल अलग यू.आर.एल लेकिन अलग आई पी (IP) एड्रेस भी)।
    4. संक्षेप में, ब्लॉग हमारे एकदम नये परभैरवयोग के बारे में सभी प्रमुख प्रकाशनों का निवास-स्थान होगा!
    5. क्या आपको और चाहिए? लीजिए!: मुख्य वेबसाइट को भी पूरी तरह से बदल दिया गया है! डिजाइन भी पेशेवर है, जाहिर है। अब यह एक पुराने चर्मपत्र जैसा दिखता है जिस पर भारतीय मंदिरों का चित्र है। इस नई शैली के पूरक के लिए फ़ॉन्ट को तदनुसार डेस्कटॉप और मुद्रण के लिए अंदिका से जेन्टियम में बदल दिया गया है (पठनीयता कारणों के लिए टैबलेट और फोन के लिए अंदिका रखा गया है)।
    6. क्या आप और भी चाहते हैं? और लीजिए!: ब्राज़िली जुड़वाँ ने अभिनवगुप्त विरचित परमार्थसार के अपने अनुवाद को श्लोक ३५ (और उसके संबंधित लंबी टिप्पणी) तक विस्तार किया! इस तरह के एक विशाल प्रयास के लिए पौलो और क्लौदियो को मेरी शुभकामनाएं!
    7. हमारे सहयोगी डाविड फार्कस ने इसी धर्मग्रंथ का अनुवाद शुरू किया, लेकिन हंगेरियन में, बेशक। बहुत बढ़िया!
    8. ठीक है, यह सभी नवीकरण और विस्तार को प्राप्त करने के लिए एक महान प्रयास किया गया है (कई घंटों का काम और इस प्रक्रिया में काफी सारा पैसा भी डाला गया है)। आशापूर्वक आप इसके साथ खुश हैं!
    9. आनंद लें!
  3. 12/11: NEW SERVER: Read more! Details
    1. New hosting company, new server, more for you!
    2. We left behind 'shared hosting' and embraced 'Virtual Private Server' (VPS): Read this to learn more.
    3. Advantages: (1) Access to more resources (better RAM, more CPU power, more bandwidth which translates into faster page load, etc.), (2) Customizable, (3) We pay for what we need and we can later easily expand to accommodate our future needs, (4) Much more control and the ability to use scripts with more freedom.
    4. Extra advantages in our new hosting plan: (1) Fully managed server plus full access to the 'root', (2) Superb support, (3) Very fast server located in Amsterdam (hosting company based in the United States but with a subsidiary in Netherlands).
    5. Do you want more? You have it: SSL for our site so you can safely surf our contents. In the past it was like this: and now it looks like this:
    6. And the disadvantages? Oh, it is more costly than shared hosting. Well, you cannot have it all, you know!
    7. And we have more in the near future: New design of the website and blog (the latter is locked by password till the process of redesigning it ends).
    8. Bookmark our new address:
    9. Anyway, the old URL (abandoned domain name) should seamlessly redirect you to the new one, while the old address of the blog, i.e. will redirect you to (temporarily locked while we redesign it).
    10. Enjoy!
  4. 03/16: मेरी पुस्तकें: उन्हें यहाँ प्राप्त करें! Details

     मेरी सारी पुस्तकें आपके लिए यहां उपलब्ध हैं:

    Recognizing the Self: Introduction

    अमेज़न - फ्लिपकार्ट - शॉपक्लूस - पेटीएम् - वाइट फाल्कन

    आनंद लें!

  5. 01/25: त्रिक गुरु गब्रिएल प्रदीपक: उनके बारे में Details

    Trika Guru Gabriel Pradīpakaगब्रिएल प्रदीपक

    आध्यात्मिक नाम: प्रदीपक (अक्षरशः "वह व्यक्ति जो प्रकाश डालता है", अर्थात वह व्यक्ति जो धर्मग्रंथों के गुप्त अर्थों पर प्रकाश डालता है)।

    राष्ट्रीयता: अर्जेंटीनी। वह रोसारियो में पैदा हुए थे, किन्तु मॉस्को में रहते हैं।

    Spiritual lineage: १९८३ (अप्रैल) में उन्होने शक्तिपात (शक्ति का अवरोहण, अर्थात अनुग्रह) के रूप में सहज दीक्षा प्राप्त किया जब वह स्वामी मुक्तानन्द की एक तस्वीर देखते वक्त पवित्र मंत्र "ॐ नमः शिवाय" का जाप कर रहे थे। इसलिए, १९८२ में स्वामी मुक्तानन्द के समाधि लेने के बावजूद, गब्रिएल प्रदीपक उन्हे अपना गुरु मानते है। कुछ महीने बाद (अक्टूबर, १९८३) उनको स्वामी अलक्षानन्द (मुक्तानन्द के आध्यात्मिक वंश के एक सदस्य) ने "नियमानुसार" दीक्षा दिया। जैसे आप निश्चित रूप से जानते हैं... या शायद नहीं... मुक्तानन्द वह उस्ताद है जिन्होने पश्चिम को सिद्धयोग पथ से परिचित किया। १९८९ तक गब्रिएल प्रदीपक प्रसिद्ध सिद्ध योग समाज में सीख/काम कर रहे थे। १९८९ के पिछले भाग से १९९१ के अंतिम भाग तक और १९९४ के पिछले भाग से १९९७ के अंतिम भाग तक वह एक और शिक्षक (महान मुक्तानन्द के एक और शिष्य) के साथ सीख/सिखा/काम कर रहे थे, जो उनके योगी जीवन में महत्वपूर्ण थे। और १९९७ के बाद से वह "अपने दम पर" हैं।

    वह स्वामी लक्ष्मण जू को अपने गुरु के रूप में पहचानते हैं।

    २०१६ के फरवरी में उन्होंने परभैरवयोग की स्थापना की, जो एक नवीनतम आध्यात्मिक आंदोलन है और जिसकी दुनिया भर में फैलाव की शुरुआत हुई है।

    संक्षेप में, वह संस्कृत भाषा और त्रिक दर्शन से परिचित एक आध्यात्मिक गुरु है, जो संपूर्ण आध्यात्मिकता पर प्रकाश डालते है और आत्मख्याति या अंतिम मुक्ति के नाम से जाने गए प्रक्रिया के साथ आध्यात्मिक उम्मीदवारों की मदद करते है।
    और पढ़ें


  1. 01/20: यूट्यूब पर मेरा चैनल: इसमें मेरे वीडियो सेमिनारों का एक संग्रह है Details

    यह मेरा यूट्यूब चैनल है, जिसमें विभिन्न वीडियो सेमिनारों का एक संग्रह है