- परिचयकरण
- आह्निक १ - विज्ञानभित् — The different kinds of knowledge/consciousness
अंशों A-(१-१५०) | B-(१५१-३००) | C-(३०१-३३२) - The first आह्निक or अध्याय contains 332 stanzas
(There is) successively a nomination --i.e. a mentioning-- of all.
- आह्निक २ - गतोपायः — Devoid of means [Anupāya]
अंशों A-(१-५०) - The second आह्निक or अध्याय contains 50 stanzas
(There is) a penetration into the state or condition which is devoid of means --i.e. into Anupāya--.
- आह्निक ३ - परोपायः — The highest means [Śāmbhavopāya]
अंशों A-(१-१५०) | B-(१५१-२९४) - The third आह्निक or अध्याय contains 294 stanzas
(i) The reflection in the universal Consciousness, (ii) the method of the emergence of Consciousness (and) (iii) the unity of (all) the mantra-s, etc.
- आह्निक ४ - शाक्तोपायः — The means of Śakti [Śāktopāya]
अंशों A-(१-१५०) | B-(१५१-२७९) - The fourth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 279 stanzas
(i) Purification of vikalpa-s, (ii) the essence of superior logic, (iii) the real nature of the Guru, (iv) uselessness of the limbs of Yoga, (v) disregard for the artificial worship, etc., (vi) emergence of the wheels of Consciousness, (vii) the power of the mantra-s, (viii) the real nature of a muttered prayer, etc. (and) (ix) equality of rules and prohibitions.
- आह्निक ५ - नरोपायः — The means of the limited being [Āṇavopāya]
अंशों A-(१-१५९) - The fifth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 159 stanzas
(i) Meditation by means of the intellect, (ii) utterance through the essence of breath, (iii) rising of Consciousness, (iv) entry into the Highest Principle and (v) the characteristic of the path, (vi) concentration in which the organs are used and (vii) the principle of word.
- आह्निक ६ - कालोपायः — The means related to Time
अंशों A-(१-१५१) | B-(१५२-२५२) - The sixth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 252 stanzas
(i) The measure of the movement (of breath), (ii) vikalpa-s are about the passage from day to night, etc., (iii) difference in the destruction (and) (iv) rising of word.
- आह्निक ७ - चक्रोदयः — Rising of the cakra-s
अंशों A-(१-७१) - The seventh आह्निक or अध्याय contains 71 stanzas
(i) The different kinds of cakra-s (and) (ii) the different types of mantra-s and vidyā-s.
- आह्निक ८ - देशाध्वा — The path of Space
अंशों A-(१-१५०) | B-(१५१-३००) | C-(३०१-४५२) - The eighth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 452 stanzas
(i) A measure of the worlds and (ii) a compendium (of the worlds) (plus) (iii) union of the categories (with the worlds).
- आह्निक ९ - तत्त्वाध्वा — The path related to the categories
अंशों A-(१-१५०) | B-(१५१-३१४) - The ninth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 314 stanzas
(i) The state of cause and effect and (ii) an examination of the succession of categories.
- आह्निक १० - तत्त्वभेदनम् — The divisions of the categories
अंशों A-(१-१५०) | B-(१५१-३०९) - The tenth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 309 stanzas
(i) Nature of a thing, (ii) the way of the categories, (iii) an examination of wakefulness, etc. (and) (iv) the different experients or knowers.
- आह्निक ११ - कलाद्यध्वा — The path of the Kalā-s, etc.
अंशों A-(१-११८) - The eleventh आह्निक or अध्याय contains 118 stanzas
(i) The essential nature of the Kalā-s, (ii) contemplation of the categories by means of (the division into) one, three, five, etc., (iii) the dualistic succession of the words (and) (iv) an examination of the Power supporting it all.
- आह्निक १२ - अध्वोपयोगः — The application of the path
अंशों A-(१-२५) - The twelfth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 25 stanzas
(i) Contemplation on non-duality and (ii) removal of doubts --lit. diminution of tremors--.
- आह्निक १३ - शक्तिपाततिरोहिती — Descent of Power and Concealment
अंशों A-(१-१५०) | B-(१५१-३००) | C-(३०१-३६१) - The thirteenth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 361 stanzas
(i) Superiority with regard to Sāṅkhya, (ii) the essence of Āṇavopāya, etc., (iii) the variety of powers, (iv) the fulfillment of regardlessness/indifference --i.e. Liberation does not depend on anything an individual can do, It depends only on His Grace-- and (v) the variety of concealments.
- आह्निक १४ - दीक्षोपक्रमणम् — Approaching initiation
अंशों A-(१-४६) - The fourteenth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 46 stanzas
(i) Disappearance of concealment, (ii) Perfect Fullness by means of Knowledge (and) (iii) uselessness of dying (to attain Liberation).
- आह्निक १५ - दीक्षा सामयी — Initiation into discipline [for beginners]
अंशों A-(१-१५०) | B-(१५१-३००) | C-(३०१-४५०) | D-(४५१-६१३) - The fifteenth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 613 stanzas
(i) Regarding an inspection, etc. about the suitableness of the disciple --i.e. if the disciple is suitable--, (ii) different types of baths, (iii) performing a bath, (iv) different sorts of general nyāsa, (v) the chalice and its use, (vi) appropriateness of the substances and worship, (as well as) (vii) worshiping of the external door (of the initiation hall), in succession, (viii) entering into (the initiation hall), (ix) nature of (all) the directions and (x) purification of body, breath, etc., (xi) variety of special nyāsa, (xii) (how to use) a chalice which possesses special qualities, (xiii) worship of the body, (xiv) nyāsa and worship of the (six) courses on breath, intellect and Consciousness --in the state of void of Consciousness--, (xv) superiority (of our scriptures) over the multitude of other scriptures, (xvi) (how to) completely worship a cakra, (xvii) seizing of a holy spot, (xviii) five products coming from the cow, (xix) worship (of those very five products), (xx) worship of earth and Gaṇeśa, (xxi) worship of the weapon (mantra), (xxii) ritual of fire, and even (xxiii) dwelling in the site of the fire, (xxiv) libation of water, (xxv) complete accomplishment with respect to oblations of rice, (xxvi) death purifying consecration, in which toothbrushes are made from certain little branches (of a certain tree), (xxvii) rite of Śiva's hand, and also (xxviii) the procedure to make the bed, (xxix) the activity relating to the discipline of sleep, as well as (xxx) (all) the disciplines.
- आह्निक १६ - पौत्रिकविधिः — The method to become a spiritual son
अंशों A-(१-१५०) | B-(१५१-३११) - The sixteenth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 311 stanzas
(i) Inquiry into the nature of maṇḍala --or 'to be constantly aware of the Self in the maṇḍala-s'--, (ii) detailed description of the paśu to be offered, (iii) satisfaction of the fire, (iv) kindling of one's own essential nature, (v) entry into the body of the disciple, (vi) method of nyāsa on the (six) paths or courses (inside the body of the disciple), (vii) variety of purified, purifier, etc., (viii) different types of initiation, (ix) highest nyāsa, (x) being and use of the mantra-s, and (xi) various kinds of conjunctions, etc.
- आह्निक १७ - प्रमेयप्रक्रिया — Procedure about how to act during initiation
अंशों A-(१-१२२) - The seventeenth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 122 stanzas
(i) Making of the thread, (ii) purification of the tattva-s, (iii) burning of the noose --i.e. the bond-- and also (iv) the act of uniting, as well as (v) different paths or courses.
- आह्निक १८ - सूक्ष्मा दीक्षा — The subtle initiation
अंशों A-(१-११) - The eighteenth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 11 stanzas
(i) Being free from birth, etc. as well as (ii) a very clear (exposition about) the different sorts of mantra-s.
- आह्निक १९ - सद्यःसमुत्क्रमः — Departure (from the body) immediately
अंशों A-(१-५६) - The nineteenth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 56 stanzas
(i) Examination of Kalā, (ii) nyāsa by a sword, etc., (iii) motion in the body (of the disciple) and rite of Brahmavidyā --lit. Knowledge about the Absolute--.
- आह्निक २० - तुलादीक्षा — Scales initiation
अंशों A-(१-१५) - The twentieth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 15 stanzas
(i) Inspection of the candidate, (ii) inner purifying rite and also the scales rite.
- आह्निक २१ - पारोक्षी — Mysterious (initiation) [or initiation of the absent one]
अंशों A-(१-६१) - The twenty-first आह्निक or अध्याय contains 61 stanzas
(i) Rite of raising the dead to life, (ii) teaching about the net, (iii) group of purifications and (iv) discussion about strength and weakness.
- आह्निक २२ - लिङ्गोद्धारः — Removal of the mark or sign
अंशों A-(१-४८) - The twenty-second आह्निक or अध्याय contains 48 stanzas
(i) Acquiring knowledge by hearing and (ii) approval --authorization--, (iii) purification, (iv) disappearance of the sins (as well as) (v) removal of doubts.
- आह्निक २३ - अभिषेचनम् — Consecration
अंशों A-(१-१०३) - The twenty-third आह्निक or अध्याय contains 103 stanzas
(i) Carrying out an inspection (of the disciple) by the Guru, (ii) elimination of that vow by (merely) wishing (it), (iii) removal --lit. separation-- of that (knowledge about the Self) (and) (iv) the state of sādhaka --i.e. the state of the one doing sādhanā--.
- आह्निक २४ - अन्त्येष्टिः — Funeral rite
अंशों A-(१-२४) - The twenty-fourth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 24 stanzas
(i) The candidate and also (ii) the purifying rite (and) (iii) its purpose.
- आह्निक २५ - श्राद्धकॢप्तिः — Rite of offering to the dead
अंशों A-(१-२९) - The twenty-fifth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 29 stanzas
(i) Purpose or use (and) (ii) it is clearly (explained) here the way --also, method-- in which this can give worldly enjoyment and Liberation.
- आह्निक २६ - शेषवृत्तिनिरूपणम् — An explanation about how to behave in the remainder of one's life (after being initiated)
अंशों A-(१-७६) - The twenty-sixth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 76 stanzas
(i) The highest constant worship —(and its) (ii) purpose or use —, (which must be performed by the enlightened Yogī) during the remainder of his life.
- आह्निक २७ - लिङ्गार्चा — Worship of Liṅga
अंशों A-(१-५९) - The twenty-seventh आह्निक or अध्याय contains 59 stanzas
(i) Nature of the liṅga, and (ii) an investigation of the mālā-s in their many versions, (along with) (iii) the different types of worship.
- आह्निक २८ - बहुभित्पर्वपवित्रादि निमित्तजम् — Occasional (rituals) [e.g. the sacred thread ceremony, etc.] performed on special days
अंशों A-(१-१५०) | B-(१५१-३००) | C-(३०१-४३४) - The twenty-eighth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 434 stanzas
(i) Different sorts of special days, (ii) their particulariti(es), (iii) worship of the cakra, (iv) its praising, (v) investigation into the purpose in worshiping the Guru's first day --birthday-- and last day --mahāsamādhi--, etc., (vi) examination of death as well as (vii) the method to meet with the Great Yoginī-s, etc., (viii) the method with reference to the explanation (of the scriptures), (ix) the method with reference to listening (and) (x) the method for worshiping the Guru.
- आह्निक २९ - रहस्यचर्या — Secret rite
अंशों A-(१-१५०) | B-(१५१-२९१) - The twenty-ninth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 291 stanzas
(i) Difference in the natures of the candidates, (ii) succession of perfected beings and their consorts in the Kula school, (iii) method of worship, (iv) two kinds of behavior toward a female attendant, (v) method of the secret doctrine, (vi) initiation and ablution, and (vii) Knowledge.
- आह्निक ३० - मन्त्रौघः — A flood of mantra-s
अंशों A-(१-१२३) - The thirtieth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 123 stanzas
(i) Nature of mantra (and) (ii) its power.
- आह्निक ३१ - मण्डलम् — Circle(s)
अंशों A-(१-१६३) - The thirty-first आह्निक or अध्याय contains 163 stanzas
(i) Different (arrangements of) lotuses and tridents, (and) (ii) an inquiry into Khecarī --lit. lord of ether--, svastika, etc.
- आह्निक ३२ - मुद्रिकाविधिः — Mudrā-related method
अंशों A-(१-६७) - The thirty-second आह्निक or अध्याय contains 67 stanzas
(i) Various kinds of predominance of qualities or attributes, (ii) deliberation about the power (contained there, and) (iii) the various Kalā-s.
- आह्निक ३३ - एकीकारः — Union
अंशों A-(१-३२) - The thirty-third आह्निक or अध्याय contains 32 stanzas
Recapitulation of the teachings given in the first 32 chapters.
- आह्निक ३४ - स्वस्वरूपे प्रवेशः — Penetration into one's own essential nature
अंशों A-(१-३) - The thirty-fourth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 3 stanzas
Recapitulation of the teachings given in the first 32 chapters.
- आह्निक ३५ - शास्त्रमेलनम् — Meeting/Union of the scriptures
अंशों A-(१-४४) - The thirty-fifth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 44 stanzas
Recapitulation of the teachings given in the first 32 chapters.
- आह्निक ३६ - आयातिकथनम् — Transmission of the scriptures [lit. arrival talk]
अंशों A-(१-१५) - The thirty-sixth आह्निक or अध्याय contains 15 stanzas
Recapitulation of the teachings given in the first 32 chapters.
- आह्निक ३७ - शास्त्रोपादेयत्वनिरूपणम् — An explanation about the selection of the scriptures
अंशों A-(१-८५) - The thirty-seventh आह्निक or अध्याय contains 85 stanzas
Recapitulation of the teachings given in the first 32 chapters.
- Tantrālokaviveka (the celebrated commentary on Tantrāloka)
- अतिरिक्त सूचना