Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (Главная)

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Имена, начинающиеся с «JA» и «JHA» (1)

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  1. Jagatkartā (jagatkartA) (जगत्कर्ता) m.: Creator of the world - Epithet for Brahmā, the celebrated creator en the well-known trilogy. [brahmA]
  2. Jagatpati (jagatpati) (जगत्पति) m.: Lord of the world.
  3. Jagatparāyaṇa (jagatparAyaNa) (जगत्परायण) m., Jagatparāyaṇā (jagatparAyaNA) (जगत्परायणा) f.: Chief of the world - Epithet for Viṣṇu [Jagatparāyaṇa].  [viSNu]
  4. Jagatpitā (jagatpitA) (जगत्पिता) m.: Father of the world - Epithet for Śiva.  [shiva]
  5. Jagatprabhu (jagatprabhu) (जगत्प्रभु) m.: Lord of the world.
  6. Jagatprāṇa (jagatprANa) (जगत्प्राण) m.: Breath of the world - Epithet for the wind.
  7. Jagatprīti (jagatprIti) (जगत्प्रीति) f.: Joy of the world.
  8. Jagatsākṣī (jagatsAkSI) (जगत्साक्षी) m.: One who is a world-witness - Epithet for the sun.
  9. Jagatsraṣṭā (jagatsraSTA) (जगत्स्रष्टा) m.: Creator of the world - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  10. Jagatsvāmī (jagatsvAmI) (जगत्स्वामी) m.: Master of the world.
  11. Jagadantarātmā (jagadantarAtmA) (जगदन्तरात्मा) m.: The inner Self of the world - Epithet for Viṣṇu. [viSNu]
  12. Jagadambā (jagadambA) (जगदम्बा) f.: Mother of the world - Epithet for the Supreme Śakti or Power. [shakti]
  13. Jagadambikā (jagadambikA) (जगदम्बिका) f.: Mother of the world - Epithet for the Supreme Śakti or Power. [shakti]
  14. Jagadatmā (jagadAtmA) (जगदात्मा) m.: Breath of the world - Epithet for the wind.
  15. Jagadādija (jagadAdija) (जगदादिज) m.: One who is the first-born of the world - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  16. Jagadīśa (jagadIsha) (जगदीश) m.: Lord of the world - Epithet for Brahmā, the celebrated creator in the well-known trilogy. [brahmA]
  17. Jagadīśitā (jagadIshitA) (जगदीशिता) m.: Lord of the world - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  18. Jagadīśvara (jagadIshvara) (जगदीश्वर) m.: Lord of the world - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  19. Jagadekacakṣus (jagadekacakSus) (जगदेकचक्षुस्) m.: One who is the only eye of the world - Epithet for the sun.
  20. Jagaddīpa (jagaddIpa) (जगद्दीप) m.: One who illuminates the world - Epithet for the sun.

to be continued

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