Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (Главная)

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Список составлен в санскритском алфавитном порядке (посмотреть алфавит здесь). Сокращения m. и f. = мужской и женский род. Транслитерация красного цвета (в скобках) следует схеме ITRANS, посмотреть здесь. Можно использовать Itranslator 99 вместе с выбранным именем на ITRANS для получения "прекрасного результата". Посмотреть как это сделать здесь.

Имена, начинающиеся с «TA» и «THA» (1)

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  1. Takṣa (takSa) (तक्ष) m., Takṣā (takSA) (तक्षा) f.: One who cuts through.
  2. Takṣaka (takSaka) (तक्षक) m.: One who cuts, a carpenter.
  3. Taṭinīpati (taTinIpati) (तटिनीपति) m.: One who is a lord of rivers - Epithet for the ocean.
  4. Tatkartā (tatkartA) (तत्कर्ता) m.: One who is the Creator of that (i.e. the entire universe) - Epithet for the Absolute.
  5. Tattvadarśa (tattvadarsha) (तत्त्वदर्श) m.: One who sees or perceives the Truth.
  6. Tattvadarśī (tattvadarshI) (तत्त्वदर्शी) m., Tattvadarśinī (tattvadarshinI) (तत्त्वदर्शिनी) f.: One who sees or perceives the Truth.
  7. Tanu (tanu) (तनु) m., Tanvī (tanvI) (तन्वी) f.: An emaciated man (Tanu), a delicate woman (Tanvī). [tanu - tanvI]
  8. Tanūnapāt (tanUnapAt) (तनूनपात्) m.: One who is son of himself - Epithet for the fire.
  9. Tantipāla (tantipAla) (तन्तिपाल) m.: One who is a guardian (of calves kept together or fastened) by a cord.
  10. Tantumān (tantumAn) (तन्तुमान्) m., Tantumatī (tantumatI) (तन्तुमती) f.: Uninterrupted like a thread - Epithet for a kind of fire (Tantumān), oblation offered to that kind of fire (Tantumatī). [tantumAn - tantumatI]
  11. Tantuvardhana (tantuvardhana) (तन्तुवर्धन) m.: One who increases the race - Epithet for Viṣṇu. [viSNu]
  12. Tantrāyī (tantrAyI) (तन्त्रायी) m., Tantrāyinī (tantrAyinI) (तन्त्रायिनी) f.: One who draws out threads of light - Epithet for the sun (Tantrāyī). [tantrAyI]
  13. Tanvī (tanvI) (तन्वी) m.: One who has a body.
  14. Tapaḥsuta (tapaHsuta) (तपःसुत) m.: One who is son of austerity - Epithet for Yudhiṣṭhira, the elder brother among the five Pāṇḍava-s. [yudhiSThira - pANDava]
  15. Tapatāmpati (tapatAmpati) (तपताम्पति) m.: One who is the chief or lord of burners - Epithet for the sun.
  16. Tapana (tapana) (तपन) m.: One who burns or shines - Epithet for the sun.
  17. Tapanatanaya (tapanatanaya) (तपनतनय) m.: One who is son of the sun - Epithet for the hero Karṇa, whose father was the god Sun by Kuntī. Kuntī was also mother of three of the five celebrated Pāṇḍava-s (the main heroes of the epic known as Mahābhārata). [karNa - kuntI - pANDava - mahAbhArata]
  18. Tapanasutā (tapanasutA) (तपनसुता) f.: Daughter of the sun - Epithet for the river Yamunā. [yamunA]
  19. Tapastakṣa (tapastakSa) (तपस्तक्ष) m.: One who destroys the power of austerities - Epithet for Indra. [indra]
  20. Tapurmūrdhā (tapurmUrdhA) (तपुर्मूर्धा) m., Tapurmūrdhā (tapurmUrdhA) (तपुर्मूर्धा) f.: One who has a burning head.

to be continued

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