Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (Главная)

Изучение санскрита - Письмо - 2

Изучение санскрита - Письмо: Практика с использованием терминологии Трики


Hi, this is Gabriel Pradīpaka. In this Appendix you will be able to practice Sanskrit by using Trika (Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) terminology.

Warning: "You may either utilize this document as a mere Sanskrit practice or as a means to learn Trika or to kill two birds with one stone (to practice Sanskrit and to learn Trika). If you want to learn Trika, so go to the documents dealing with Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir (Trika section) for more information. And if you do not want to learn it, just practice Sanskrit. This time I am using Trika terminology, but in the future I will be using Pātañjalayoga terminology and so on, for you to practice. I say this because I do not want to urge people to learn Trika and other philosophies if they do not want to do it, but at the same time I know very well that the terminologies used by these philosophical systems are an extraordinary source of terms for you to practice how to write in Sanskrit. There is also a consistence in your practice of Sanskrit since all terms are related to each other."

Ah!, have Sanskrit Alphabet, Conjuncts and Transliterating (2) (English) at hand always. Should you did not print these documents, do it right now if you can. They will prove very useful, no doubt.

This document (Part 1) and the next parts contain technical words used in Trika. Therefore, the meanings are strictly Trika-oriented. For example, if you are a Vedānta follower, perhaps you will discover that a particular term's meaning is different from that of Vedānta. Every philosophical system has a definite terminology and even though some meanings will remain the same, others will not. Please, keep it in mind when you study this document. I do not want to receive e-mails from followers of Vedānta, Sānkhya, etc. all of them saying: "hey the meaning of this word is not correct" and so on. In short, I will be giving the meanings pertaining to Trika exclusively.

Well, I am sure you will be happy with this document. Have fun and learn Sanskrit!


 Set 1: Words beginning with "A"

This is your chance to practice Sanskrit. Write all these words in Devanāgarī script (original Sanskrit signs). Below this table you will find another one with the respective solutions and translations. The words are in "Sanskrit" alphabetical order.

1.A 2.Akala 3.Akula 4.Akrama 5.Akṛtrima
6.Akhyāti 7.Agni 8.Agniṣomātmikā 9.Agniṣomamaya 10.Ajñāna
11.Aghora 12.Aghoraśaktayaḥ 13.Aghoreśa 14.Aṇu 15.Atiśāntapada
16.Advaya 17.Adhaḥkuṇḍalini 18.Adhikāra 19.Adhiṣṭhātṛ 20.Adhiṣṭhāna
21.Adhvan 22.Anacka


24.Anāśritaśiva 25.Anāhata
26.Anugraha 27.Anuttara 28.Anupāya 29.Anusandhāna 30.Anusandhātā
31.Anusyūta 32.Anusvāra 33.Antaḥkaraṇa 34.Antaḥstha 35.Antakoṭi
36.Antarātmā 37.Antarmukhībhāva 38.Antarvyoma 39.Apara 40.Apavarga
41.Apavedyasuṣupti 42.Apaśuśakti 43.Apāna 44.Abuddha 45.Abhāva
46.Abhinna 47.Abhiyoga 48.Amāyīya 49.Amūḍha 50.Amṛta
51.Amṛtavarṇa 52.Artha 53.Ardhacandra 54.Ardhendu 55.Alaṅgrāsa
56.Avadhāna 57.Avasthā 58.Avikalpa 59.Avikalpapratyakṣa 60.Aviveka
61.Avyakta 62.Aśuddhavidyā 63.Aśūnya 64.Aśuddhi 65.Asat
66.Ahaṁkāra 67.Aham 68.Ahantā -- --

Solutions and translations for "A"


 Set 2: Words beginning with "Ā, I and Ī"

And now, words beginning with Ā, I and Ī:


1.Ākāśa 2.Āgama 3.Āṇavopāya 4.Āṇavasamāveśa 5.Āṇavamala
6.Ātmā 7.Ātmalābha 8.Ātmaviśrānti 9.Ātmavyāpti 10.Ātmasātkṛ
11.Ādikoṭi 12.Ānanda 13.Ānandopāya 14.Ābhoga 15.Āveśa
16.Āśaya 17.Āsana -- -- --

Solutions and translations for "Ā"


1.Icchā 2.Icchopāya 3.Icchāśakti 4.Idantā 5.Idam
6.Indu 7.Indrajāla 8.Indriya -- --

Solutions and translations for "I"


1.Īśāna 2.Īśvaratattva 3.Īśvarabhaṭṭāraka

Solutions and translations for "Ī"


 Set 3: Words beginning with "U, Ū, E and Au"

So, here you are technical terms beginning with U, Ū, E and Au:


1.Uccāra 2.Ucchālatā 3.Udaya 4.Udāna 5.Udyama
6.Udyantṛtā 7.Udyoga 8.Udvamantī 9.Unmanā 10.Unmeṣa
11.Unmīlanasamādhi 12.Upalabdhṛ 13.Upalabdhi 14.Upādhi 15.Umā

Solutions and translations for "U"


1.Ūnatā 2.Ūrdhvakuṇḍalinī 3.Ūrdhvamārga 4.Ūṣmā --

Solutions and translations for "Ū"


1.Ekāṇavā -- -- -- --

Solutions and translations for "E"


1.Aunmukhya -- -- -- --

Solutions and translations for "Au"


 Concluding remarks

This first page of the Writing's Appendix 2 is finished. All technical terms beginning with vowels have been written. But, maybe some other ones will be added later. You have now plenty of words to practice your Devanāgarī. You should not learn anything by heart. No. Practice simply using your reasoning; search for the proper signs and place them according to the rules I taught in Writing. You will make many mistakes, but lastly you will succeed. This is the method you should follow. Do not get discouraged, be patient.

Besides, if you like Trika (Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir), this is a great chance to learn more. For those who are "addicted" to Trika, I will compiled all these words in a glossary.

Enjoy Sanskrit and be happy.


 Further Information

Габриэль Pradīpaka

Этот документ был составлен Габриэлем Pradīpaka, одним из двух основателей этого сайта, духовным гуру, экспертом в санскрите и философии Трика.

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