Изучение санскрита - Письмо - 1
Изучение санскрита - Письмо: Слова для практики
Common words in Sanskrit for you to practice writing. Have Sanskrit Alphabet and Conjuncts at hand always. If you did not print these documents, do it right now if you can. They will prove very useful, no doubt.
Well, I am sure you will be happy with this document. Have fun and learn Sanskrit!
Word samples
Śiva | Sadāśiva | Śakti | Yoga | Mantra |
Dhyāna | Āsana | Guru | Saṁskṛta | Trika |
Mudrā | Bandha | Paramaśiva | Prakāśa | Vimarśa |
Īśvara | Yantra | Upaniṣat | Veda | Tantra |
Mahābhārata | Rāmāyaṇa |
Word samples: Solutions and Translations
And now the words fully written along with their translations (elementary translations obviously, because each word has a lot of translations according to the context):
शिव | Śiva | Auspicious, etc. |
सदाशिव | Sadāśiva | Ever-Auspicious, etc. |
शक्ति | Śakti | Power, etc. |
योग | Yoga | Union; uniting, etc. |
मन्त्र | Mantra | Advise; sacred sound, etc. |
ध्यान | Dhyāna | Meditation, etc. |
आसन | Āsana | Posture, etc. |
गुरु | Guru | Heavy; one who dissipates darkness by means of his light, etc. |
संस्कृत | Saṁskṛta | Sanskrit (lit. polished, refined, etc.) |
त्रिक | Trika | An epithet of Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir (lit. triple, threefold, forming a triad) |
मुद्रा | Mudrā | Seal, parched or fried grain, etc. |
बन्ध | Bandha | Bondage, bond, lock, etc. |
परमशिव | Paramaśiva | The Supreme Auspicious, the Highest Śiva |
प्रकाश | Prakāśa | Visible, clear, manifest, splendour, brightness, etc. |
विमर्श | Vimarśa | Examination, knowledge, intelligence, etc. |
ईश्वर | Īśvara | Lord, master, one who is able to, etc. |
यन्त्र | Yantra | Any instrument for holding or restraining or fastening, support, machine, engine, mystical diagram, etc. |
उपनिषत् | Upaniṣat | Esoteric doctrine, secret doctrine, the celebrated and well-known philosophical writings, etc. |
वेद | Veda | Sacred knowledge, the famous and well-known four books which constitute the basis of Hinduism, etc. |
तन्त्र | Tantra | Loom, the leading or principal or essential part, framework, doctrine, rule, the celebrated books which constitute the basis of many philosophical systems (e.g. Trika), etc. |
महाभारत | Mahābhārata | The great war of the Bhārata-s. Name of the great epic poem describing the acts and contests of the sons of the two brothers Dhritarāṣṭra and Pāṇḍu |
रामायण | Rāmāyaṇa | The Vālmīki's celebrated poem, describing the "goings" of Rāma and his wife Sītā |
More words for you to practice
And now a list of words for you to practice. The solutions and translations come later.
Tattva | Ṛgveda | Yajurveda | Sāmaveda | Atharvaveda |
Ahaṅkāra | Śivasūtra | Spandakārikā | Pratyabhijñā | Utpaladeva |
Arjuna | Kṛṣṇa | Rāma | Buddha | Vasugupta |
Kallaṭa | Kṣemarāja | Vasiṣṭha | Buddhi | Manaḥ |
Indriya | Jñāna | Kriyā | Icchā | Sadvidyā |
Māyā | Kañcuka | Karma | Mahābhūta | Tanmātra |
Kuṅkuma | Agni | Vāyu | Ākāśa | Pṛthivī |
Apaḥ | Puruṣa | Prakṛti | Kaṇṭhya | Tālavya |
Mūrdhanya | Dantya | Oṣṭhya | Antastha | Svara |
Mahāprāṇa | Ūṣma | Kūṭabīja | Ācārya | Deva |
More words for you to practice: Solutions and Translations
तत्त्व | Tattva | Thatness, category of Manifestation |
ऋग्वेद | Ṛgveda | "Hymn-Veda" or "Veda of praise". It is the most ancient sacred book of the Hindus |
यजुर्वेद | Yajurveda | "The sacrificial Veda", the collective body of sacred Mantra-s or texts which constitute the Yajurveda |
सामवेद | Sāmaveda | "Veda of chants". It contains a number of verses or stanzas nearly all of which (except about 78) occur in the Ṛgveda |
अथर्ववेद | Atharvaveda | Name of the fourth Veda, which is said to have been composed by the sage Atharvā |
अहङ्कार | Ahaṅkāra | Ego, false I-sense. Tattva 15 according to Trika (Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) |
शिवसूत्र | Śivasūtra | "The aphorisms of Śiva". A very important scripture in Trika (Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) --It came directly from Śiva, the Supreme Being-- |
स्पन्दकारिका | Spandakārikā | "The aphorisms of Supreme Vibration". Another crucial scripture belonging to Trika, but its author is a human being. |
प्रत्यभिज्ञा | Pratyabhijñā | Recognition. According to Trika, Śiva is not to be known but reconognized. He is not an object to be known but the Highest Subject. |
उत्पलदेव | Utpaladeva | A great Trika master . He wrote "Īśvarapratyabhijñā", a very celebrated scripture of Trika |
अर्जुन | Arjuna | "White". One of the Bhārata brothers. See Mahābhārata above. |
कृष्ण | Kṛṣṇa | "Black". Even though He was God Himself, He played the role of Arjuna's charioteer in the Mahābhārata. See Arjuna and Mahābhārata above. |
राम | Rāma | God Himself playing the role of a prince in the Rāmāyaṇa |
बुद्ध | Buddha | "Awakened, awake". It is also the name of the sage who was born at Kapilavastu about the year 500 B.C. Śākyamuni was his familiar name. |
वसुगुप्त | Vasugupta | The sage who practically founded Trika. He received the Śivasūtra-s from Śiva. |
कल्लट | Kallaṭa | A celebrated disciple of Vasugupta. He is said to have composed the Spandakārikā, but according to the sage Kṣemarāja, Vasugupta was the real author. |
क्षेमराज | Kṣemarāja | The great sage who was a disciple of Abhinavagupta. He wrote many important commentaries on Trika's scriptures: e.g. Śivasūtravimarśinī, Spandanirṇaya, etc. |
वसिष्ठ | Vasiṣṭha | Name of a celebrated Vedic sage. He was the Rāma's guru. |
बुद्धि | Buddhi | Intellect, intelligence, the power of forming and retaining conceptions and general notions. It is the tattva 14 in Trika. |
मनः | Manaḥ | Mind. It is the tattva 16 in Trika. |
इन्द्रिय | Indriya | Power, force, power of the senses, etc. |
ज्ञान | Jñāna | Knowledge |
क्रिया | Kriyā | Activity, action |
इच्छा | Icchā | Will |
सद्विद्या | Sadvidyā | Pure knowledge. Name of the tattva 5 in Trika. |
माया | Māyā | Illusion, deception, unreality, etc. Name of the sixth tattva in Trika. |
कञ्चुक | Kañcuka | Cover, envelope, the skin of a snake, etc. "Sheath of ignorance" (tattva-s 7 to 11 in Trika) |
कर्म | Karma | Action, act, rite, etc. |
महाभूत | Mahābhūta | Gross element. There are 5 Mahābhūta-s: ether, air, fire, water and earth. |
तन्मात्र | Tanmātra | Subtle element. There are 5 Tanmātra-s. |
कुङ्कुम | Kuṅkuma | Saffron |
अग्नि | Agni | Fire. The third Mahābhūta-s. See above. |
वायु | Vāyu | Air. The second Mahābhūta. See above. |
आकाश | Ākāśa | Ether, space. The first Mahābhūta. See above |
पृथिवी | Pṛthivī | Earth. The fifth Mahābhūta. See above. |
अपः | Apaḥ | Water. The fourth Mahābhūta. See above. |
पुरुष | Puruṣa | Person, individual soul, etc. Name of the tattva 12 in Trika. |
प्रकृति | Prakṛti | The original or natural form or condition of anything, original or primary substance, cause, original source, etc. Name of the tattva 13 in Trika. |
कण्ठ्य | Kaṇṭhya | Guttural |
तालव्य | Tālavya | Palatal |
मूर्धन्य | Mūrdhanya | Cerebral |
दन्त्य | Dantya | Dental |
ओष्ठ्य | Oṣṭhya | Labial |
अन्तस्थ | Antastha | Semivowel |
स्वर | Svara | Vowel |
महाप्राण | Mahāprāṇa | Aspirate or hard breathing (heard in the utterance of certain letters, specially consonants: kha, gha, tha, etc.) |
ऊष्म | Ūṣma | Sibilant |
कूटबीज | Kūṭabīja | Esoteric name of "kṣa" (क्ष) conjunct |
आचार्य | Ācārya | Spiritual guide or teacher, etc. |
देव | Deva | God |
Concluding Remarks
In the second Appendix more and more words will be available for you to practice. My best wishes and... keep practicing!
Further Information
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