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I. 1-25
I. 26-50
I. 51-75
Tantrālokaviveka (Тантралока-вивека) - Недвойственный Кашмирский Шиваизм
Комментарий Джаяратхи (Jayaratha) к Тантралоке (Tantrāloka)
- Introduction
- Āhnika 1 - Vijñānabhedaprakāśana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-102) | E-(103-126) | F-(127-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-250) | K-(251-275) | L-(276-300) | M-(301-332) - The first Āhnika or Chapter contains 332 stanzas
- Āhnika 2 - Anupāyaprakāśana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-50a) - The second Āhnika or Chapter contains 49 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 3 - Śāmbhavopāyaprakāśana
Parts A-(0b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-250) | K-(251-275) | L-(276-294a) - The third Āhnika or Chapter contains 294 stanzas
- Āhnika 4 - Śāktopāyaprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-250) | K-(251-279a) - The fourth Āhnika or Chapter contains 278 stanzas
- Āhnika 5 - Āṇavopāyaprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-159a) - The fifth Āhnika or Chapter contains 158 stanzas
- Āhnika 6 - Kālatattvaprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-252a) - The sixth Āhnika or Chapter contains 250 and a half stanzas (stanza 251th is a half stanza)
- Āhnika 7 - Cakrodayaprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-71) - The seventh Āhnika or Chapter contains 70 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 8 - Adhvaprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-250) | K-(251-275) | L-(276-300) | M-(301-325) | N-(326-350) | O-(351-375) | P-(376-400) | Q-(401-425) | R-(426-452) - The eighth Āhnika or Chapter contains 451 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 9 - Tattvaprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-250) | K-(251-275) | L-(276-300) | M-(301-314a) - The ninth Āhnika or Chapter contains 313 stanzas
- Āhnika 10 - Tattvabhedaprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-250) | K-(251-275) | L-(276-300) | M-(301-310a) - The tenth Āhnika or Chapter contains 309 stanzas
- Āhnika 11 - Kalādipradarśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-118a) - The eleventh Āhnika or Chapter contains 117 stanzas
- Āhnika 12 - Adhvopayogaprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-26a) - The twelfth Āhnika or Chapter contains 25 stanzas
- Āhnika 13 - Śaktipātapradarśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-250) | K-(251-275) | L-(276-300) | M-(301-325) | N-(326-350) | O-(351-362a) - The thirteenth Āhnika or Chapter contains 361 stanzas
- Āhnika 14 - Dīkṣopakramaprakāśana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-47a) - The fourteenth Āhnika or Chapter contains 46 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 15 - Samayadīkṣāprakāśana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-250) | K-(251-275) | L-(276-300) | M-(301-325) | N-(326-350) | O-(351-375) | P-(376-400) | Q-(401-425) | R-(426-450) | S-(451-475) | T-(476-500) | U-(501-525) | V-(526-550) | W-(551-575) | X-(576-600) | Y-(601-613) - The fifteenth Āhnika or Chapter contains 613 stanzas
- Āhnika 16 - Prameyaprakāśana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-250) | K-(251-275) | L-(276-300) | M-(301-311) - The sixteenth Āhnika or Chapter contains 311 stanzas
- Āhnika 17 - Vikṣiptadīkṣāprakāśana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-122a) - The seventeenth Āhnika or Chapter contains 121 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 18 - Saṅkṣiptadīkṣāprakāśana
Parts A-(1-11) - The eighteenth Āhnika or Chapter contains 11 stanzas
- Āhnika 19 - Sadyautkrāntiprakāśana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-56) - The nineteenth Āhnika or Chapter contains 56 stanzas
- Āhnika 20 - Tulādīkṣāprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-16a) - The twentieth Āhnika or Chapter contains 15 stanzas
- Āhnika 21 - Paro'kṣadīkṣāprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-61) - The twenty-first Āhnika or Chapter contains 60 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 22 - Liṅgoddhāraprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-48) - The twenty-second Āhnika or Chapter contains 47 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 23 - Abhiṣekaprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-103) - The twenty-third Āhnika or Chapter contains 102 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 24 - Antyeṣṭiprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-24a) - The twenty-fourth Āhnika or Chapter contains 23 stanzas
- Āhnika 25 - Śrāddhaprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-29) - The twenty-fifth Āhnika or Chapter contains 28 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 26 - Sthaṇḍilapūjāprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-76) - The twenty-sixth Āhnika or Chapter contains 75 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 27 - Liṅgārcāprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-59) - The twenty-seventh Āhnika or Chapter contains 58 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 28 - Parvapavitrakādiprakāśana
Parts A-(1b-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-250) | K-(251-275) | L-(276-300) | M-(301-325) | N-(326-350) | O-(351-375) | P-(376-400) | Q-(401-435a) - The twenty-eighth Āhnika or Chapter contains 434 stanzas
- Āhnika 29 - Rahasyavidhiprakāśana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-175) | H-(176-200) | I-(201-225) | J-(226-250) | K-(251-275) | L-(276-292a) - The twenty-ninth Āhnika or Chapter contains 291 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 30 - Mantrādiprakāśana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-123) - The thirtieth Āhnika or Chapter contains 123 stanzas
- Āhnika 31 - Maṇḍalaprakāśana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-100) | E-(101-125) | F-(126-150) | G-(151-164a) - The thirty-first Āhnika or Chapter contains 163 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 32 - Mudrāprakāśana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-68a) - The thirty-second Āhnika or Chapter contains 67 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 33 - Ekīkāraprakāśana
Parts A-(1-32) - The thirty-third Āhnika or Chapter contains 32 stanzas
- Āhnika 34 - Svasvarūpapraveśa
Parts A-(1-4a) - The thirty-fourth Āhnika or Chapter contains 3 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 35 - Śāstrasammelana
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-44) - The thirty-fifth Āhnika or Chapter contains 44 stanzas
- Āhnika 36 - Āyātikramanirūpaṇa
Parts A-(1-16a) - The thirty-sixth Āhnika or Chapter contains 15 and a half stanzas
- Āhnika 37 - Upādeyabhāvādinirūpaṇa
Parts A-(1-25) | B-(26-50) | C-(51-75) | D-(76-85) - The thirty-seventh Āhnika or Chapter contains 85 stanzas
- Tantrāloka (the original work composed by the eminent Abhinavagupta)
- Further information
Only active links appear in dark orange bold letters in the above index |
1 transcribed documents out of 240 documents |
0 translated documents out of 240 documents |
25 transcribed stanzas/commentaries out of 5,839.5 stanzas/commentaries - (percentage: 0.43%) |
0 translated stanzas/commentaries out of 5,839.5 stanzas/commentaries - (percentage: 0%) |
Tantrālokaviveka --wrongly-written Tantraloka Viveka-- is the great commentary on Tantrāloka --wrongly-written Tantraloka-- (the most outstanding Abhinavagupta's work). For the lovers of time and space: Jayaratha lived about 1150-1200 AD. It was him who composed this Tantrālokaviveka. Without his commentary it would be practically impossible to understand the words of Abhinavagupta. If you are interested in time and space, simply search the Web for "Jayaratha" and you will receive a lot of information about the historical Jayaratha. Someone who was born and died, etc. From my viewpoint, the real Jayaratha is the very Lord who, seeing that most of people studying Tantrāloka failed to understand it adequately, decided to write an authoritative commentary elucidating the real meaning of the Abhinavagupta's words.
If Tantrāloka is, using an analogy, like a solar system in size, so, Tantrālokaviveka is the Milky Way. It will take 240 documents (about 30 pages each -average-, if printed in A4 format) per language. That amounts to about 7,000 pages. Evidently the Supreme Self made all the necessary efforts for Tantrāloka to be understood in the right way. If I am allowed by Him to totally translate it, those 7,000 pages will become 14,000 or even more (due to the translation and the notes of explanation whose size is imposible to predict). If I manage to accomplish that by His Grace, I can say that the purpose of my existence on this obscure planet was fully accomplished. "Kimatra", i.e. "What else could I say about it then?".
Let the holy Tantrālokaviveka begin!
Further Information
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