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 Combinação - 1 (II)

Combinação: Exemplos de Sandhi de Vogais - Regras Secundárias

Tradução ao português brasileiro em progresso

 1st Secondary Rule

1st Secondary Rule
When a dual form (verb, pronoun or noun) ends in "ī", "ū" or "e" is not to be combined, that is, no Sandhi is possible here.

I have not marked anything with green color because there is no combination at all
("ī", "ū" or "e" belonging to a dual form of a verb, pronoun or noun) + (any vowel) = no combination
ऋषी (ṛṣī) + अत्र (atra) = ऋषी अत्र (ṛṣī atra) ते (te) + इषू (iṣū) = ते इषू (te iṣū)
The two sages (ṛṣī) (are) here (atra) Those two (te) arrows (iṣū)
चक्षाते (cakṣāte) + अरण्ये (araṇye) =
चक्षाते अरण्ये (cakṣāte araṇye)
धेनू (dhenū) + आगच्छतः (āgacchataḥ) =
धेनू आगच्छतः (dhenū āgacchataḥ)
Both of them speak (cakṣāte) in the forest (araṇye) Two cows (dhenū) are coming (āgacchataḥ)


 2nd Secondary Rule

2nd Secondary Rule
When "ṛ" or "ḷ" be followed by "ṛ" or "ḷ"; "ṛ" or "ḷ" may optionally be substituted for both.

I have marked with green color the resulting combination.
Besides, I am giving examples about the combinations to be commonly found.
ṛ + ṛ = ṛ or optionally "ṛ + ṛ" (of course, according to the 3rd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi, this combination would also result in "ṝ")
उद्गातृ (udgātṛ) + ऋकारः (ṛkāra) = उद्गातृकारः (udgātkāraḥ) or optionally उद्गातृऋकारः (udgātṛṛkāraḥ) होतृ (hotṛ) + ऋषिः (ṛṣi) = होतृषि (hotṣi) or optionally होतृऋषिः (hotṛṛṣiḥ)
The letter ṛ (ṛkāraḥ) (pronounced by) the priest chanting during the sacrifices (udgātṛ) A sage (ṛṣi) who is in charge of oblations during the sacrifices (hotṛ)
उद्गातृ (udgātṛ) + ऋतम् (ṛtam) = उद्गातृतम् (udgāttam) or optionally उद्गातृऋतम् (udgātṛṛtam) होतृ (hotṛ) + ऋक्षः (ṛkṣaḥ) = होतृक्षः (hotkṣaḥ) or optionally होतृऋक्षः (hotṛṛkṣaḥ)
A rule (ṛtam) intended for the priests chanting during the sacrifices (udgātṛ) The best (ṛkṣaḥ) among the priests in charge of offering oblations (hotṛ)

I have marked with green color the resulting combination.
Besides, I am giving examples about the combinations to be commonly found.
ṛ + ḷ = ḷ or optionally "ṛ + ḷ" (of course, according to the 3rd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi, this combination would also result in "ṝ")
उद्गातृ (udgātṛ) + ऌकारः (ḷkāra) = उद्गातॢकारः (udgātkāraḥ) or optionally उद्गातृऌकारः (udgātṛḷkāraḥ) मातृ (mātṛ) + ऌकारः (ḷkāraḥ) = मातॢकारः (mātkāraḥ) or optionally मातृऌकारः (mātriḷkāraḥ)
The letter ḷ (ḷkāraḥ) (pronounced by) the priest chanting during the sacrifices (udgātṛ) The letter ḷ (ḷkāraḥ) (pronounced by) a mother (mātṛ)


 3rd Secondary Rule

3rd Secondary Rule
When "a" is followed by the sacred word "Om" or the word "ā", is dropped.

I have marked with green color the resulting combination
a + Om = Om
वासुदेवाय (vāsudevāya) + ओम् (Om) = वासुदेवायोम् (vāsudevāyom) गणेशाय (gaṇeśāya) + ओम् (Om) = गणेशायोम् (gaṇeśāyom)
To Vāsudeva --Kṛṣṇa-- (vāsudevāya), Om (Om) To Gaṇeśa --one of the sons of Śiva-- (gaṇeśāya), Om (Om)

I have marked with green color the resulting combination
a + ā = ā
कृष्ण (kṛṣṇa) + आधेहि (ādhehi --ā + dhehi--) = कृष्णाधेहि (kṛṣṇādhehi) राम (rāma) + आदिश (ādiśa --ā + diśa--) = रामादिश (rāmādiśa)
Oh Kṛṣṇa (kṛṣṇa), place (something) (ādhehi)! Oh Rāma (rāma), indicate (something) (ādiśa)!


 4th Secondary Rule

4th Secondary Rule
According to the 4th Primary Rule: "When "i-ī, u-ū, ṛ-ṝ and ḷ" are followed by a dissimilar vowel, then "y, v, r and l" are respectively substituted for them". In turn, these "y, v, r and l" may be optionally doubled if they come after "h" or "r". In fact, this very rule may be applied to any consonant except "h".

I have marked with green color the resulting combination
any consonant (except "h") coming after "h" or "r" + a vowel = that consonant may be optionally doubled
त्रि (tri) + अक्षः (akṣaḥ) = त्र्यक्षः (tryakṣaḥ) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but afterward "y" may be optionally doubled: त्र्य्यक्षः (tryyakṣaḥ) स्त्री (strī) + अनुजः (anujaḥ) = स्त्र्यनुजः (stryanujaḥ) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but afterward "y" may be optionally doubled: स्त्र्य्यनुजः (stryyanujaḥ)
Three-eyed (tri-akṣaḥ) A male child being born (anujaḥ) after a female child or sister (strī)
अहि (ahi) + अर्षुः (arṣuḥ) = अह्यर्षुः (ahyarṣuḥ) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but afterward "y" may be optionally doubled: अह्य्यर्षुः (ahyyarṣuḥ) आरु (āru) + अङ्गः (aṅgaḥ) = आर्वङ्गः (ārvaṅgaḥ) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but afterward "v" may be optionally doubled: आर्व्वङ्गः (ārvvaṅgaḥ)
Gliding or shooting (arṣuḥ) like a snake (ahi) One whose body (aṅgaḥ) is like that of a hog (āru)
बहु (bahu) + अर्थः (arthaḥ) = बह्वर्थः (bahvarthaḥ) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but afterward "v" may be optionally doubled: बह्व्वर्थः (bahvvarthaḥ) दारु (dāru) + आहारः (āhāraḥ) = दार्वाहारः (dārhāraḥ) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but afterward "v" may be optionally doubled: दार्व्वाहारः (dārvvāhāraḥ)
Having much (bahu) meaning (arthaḥ) A collector (āhāraḥ) of wood (dāru)


 5th Secondary Rule

5th Secondary Rule
When "i-ī", "u-ū", "ṛ-ṝ" or "ḷ" at the end of a word are followed by a dissimilar vowel (except in a compound), are optionally not combined, and when so they are shortened if long.

I have marked with green color the resulting combination, when any
i-ī, u-ū, ṛ-ṝ and ḷ at the end of a word + a dissimilar vowel = i, u, ṛ or ḷ (the long vowels have been shortened) + a dissimilar vowel (this rule holds good provided that there is no compound being formed from the aforesaid vowels)
देवि (devi) + आदिश (ādiśa) = देव्यादिश (devdiśa) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but, since this is not a compound, final "i" might optionally not be combined: देवि आदिश (devi ādiśa) स्त्री (strī) + अस्ति (asti) = स्त्र्यस्ति (stryasti) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but, since this is not a compound, final "ī" might optionally be not combined and then shortened: स्त्रि अस्ति (stri asti)
Oh goddess (devi), indicate (something) (ādiśa) There is (asti) a woman (strī)
मधु (madhu) + एव (eva) = मध्वेव (madhveva) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but, since this is not a compound, final "u" might optionally not be combined: मधु एव (madhu eva) चमू (camū) + अत्र (atra) = चम्वत्र (camvatra) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but, since this is not a compound, final "ū" might optionally be not combined and then shortened: चमु अत्र (camu atra)
Only (eva) honey (madhu) An army (camū) is here (atra)
कर्तृ (kartṛ) + आगच्छति (āgacchati) = कर्त्रागच्छति (kartgacchati) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but, since this is not a compound, final "ṛ" might optionally not be combined: कर्तृ आगच्छति (kartṛ āgacchati) नेतृ (netṛ) + अपि (api) = नेत्रपि (netrapi) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but, since this is not a compound, final "ṛ" might optionally not be combined: नेतृ अपि (netṛ api)
The doer or agent (kartṛ) is coming (āgacchati) A leader (netṛ) too (api)


 6th Secondary Rule

6th Secondary Rule
When "a-ā", "i-ī", "u-ū" and "ḷ-ḹ" at the end of a word are followed by "ṛ" (short form only), are optionally not combined, and when so they are shortened if long.

I have marked with green color the resulting combination, when any
a-ā, i-ī, u-ū, ḷ-ḹ at the end of a word + ṛ = a, i, u and ḷ (the long vowels have been shortened) + ṛ (this is optional though and a complement to some Primary Rules of Vowel Sandhi)
महा (mahā) + ऋणम् (ṛṇam) = महर्णम् (maharṇam) --according to the 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but the final "ā" might optionally not be combined and then shortened: महऋणम् (mahaṛṇam) देवी (devī) + ऋक्थः (ṛkthaḥ) = देव्यृक्थः (devyṛkthaḥ) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but the final "ī" might optionally not be combined and then shortened: देविऋक्थः (deviṛkthaḥ)
A big (mahā) debt (ṛṇam) The property (ṛkthaḥ) of the goddess (devī)
गुरु (guru) + ऋक्षः (ṛkṣaḥ) = गुर्वृक्षः (gurvṛkṣaḥ) --according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but the final "u" might optionally not be combined: गुरुऋक्षः (guruṛkṣaḥ) वधू (vadhū) + ऋद्धिः (ṛddhiḥ) = वध्वृद्धिः (vadhvṛddhiḥ)--according to the 4th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi--, but the final "ū" might optionally not be combined and then shortened: वधुऋद्धिः (vadhuṛddhiḥ)
The guru's (guru) bear (ṛkṣaḥ) The prosperity (ṛddhiḥ) of a wife (vadhū)


 7th Secondary Rule

7th Secondary Rule
Words consisting of just a single vowel are not combined at all. The word "ā" is obviously also included, except when it means "a little" or "a limit", or when used as a preposition and it is followed by a vowel.

I have marked with green color the resulting combination, when any
words formed from a single vowel ("ā" included, except when it means "a little" or "a limit" o when used as a preposition and it is followed by a vowel) + any vowel = no combination at all
(u) + आगच्छ (āgaccha) = उ आगच्छ (u āgaccha) (i) + देव (deva) = इ देव (i deva)
Hey (u), come (āgaccha)! Oh (i), God (deva)!
(ā) + आम् (ām) = आ आम् (ā ām) (ā) + उष्णः (uṣṇaḥ) = ओष्णः (oṣṇaḥ); in this case "ā" must combine because it is used in the sense of "a little"
Ah (ā), yes (ām)! A little (ā) warm (uṣṇaḥ)


 Further information

Gabriel Pradīpaka

Este documento foi concebido por Gabriel Pradīpaka, um dos dois fundadores deste site, e guru espiritual versado em idioma Sânscrito e filosofia Trika.

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