Combinação - 1 (I)
Combinação: Exemplos de Sandhi de Vogais - Regras Primárias
Tradução ao português brasileiro em progresso
1st Primary Rule
1st Primary Rule Two Sanskrit vowels cannot be placed together (one following the other). |
Obviously, no examples will be given here. This rule is simply the one that gives rise to the rest of rules.
2nd Primary Rule
2nd Primary Rule Guṇa is formed from adding "a" or "ā" to the simple vowels. If the process is repeated, Vṛddhi is formed thereby. |
(a, ā) + a = ā | |
सत्य (satya) + अनृत (anṛta) = सत्यानृत (satyānṛta) | |
True (satya) and false (anṛta) | |
महा (mahā) + अरि (ari) = महारि (mahāri) | |
Great (mahā) enemy (ari) | |
(a, ā) + (i, ī) = e | |
न (na) + इति (iti) = नेति (neti) | पर (para) + ईश (īśa) = परेश (pareśa) |
Not (na) so (iti) | The Highest (para) Lord (īśa) |
महा (mahā) + इन्दु (indu) = महेन्दु (mahendu) | महा (mahā) + ईश्वर (īśvara) = महेश्वर (maheśvara) |
Great (mahā) moon (indu) | Great (mahā) Lord (īśvara) |
(a, ā) + (u, ū) = o | |
केन (kena) + उपनिषत् (upaniṣat) = केनोपनिषत् (kenopaniṣat) | परम (parama) + ऊर्मि (ūrmi) = परमोर्मि (paramormi) |
The Upaniṣat (upaniṣat) beginning with "kena" (kena) | The supreme (parama) wave (ūrmi) |
सदा (sadā) + उपयोग (upayoga) = सदोपयोग (sadopayoga) | रमा (ramā) + ऊरु (ūru) = रमोरु (ramoru) |
Constant (sadā) use (upayoga) | The goddess of fortune's (ramā) thigh (ūru) |
(a, ā) + (ṛ, ṝ) = ar | |
राम (rāma) + ऋद्धि (ṛddhi) = रामर्द्धि (ramarddhi) | पर (para) + ॠकार (ṝkāra) = परर्कार (pararkāra) |
The prosperity (ṛddhi) of Rāma (rāma) | The supreme (para) letter "ṝ" (ṝkāra) |
महा (mahā) + ऋषि (ṛṣi) = महर्षि (maharṣi) | महा (mahā) + ॠकार (ṝkāra) = महर्कार (maharkāra) |
The great (mahā) sage (ṛṣi) | The great (mahā) letter "ṝ" (ṝkāra) |
(a, ā) + (ḷ) = al | |
तव (tava) + ऌकार (ḷkāra) = तवल्कार (tavalkāra) | महा (mahā) + ऌकार (ḷkāra) = महल्कार (mahalkāra) |
The letter ḷ (ḷkāra) pronounced by you (tava) | The great (mahā) letter "ḷ" (ḷkāra) |
(a, ā) + (e) = ai | |
देव (deva) + एकत्व (ekatva) = देवैकत्व (devaikatva) | सा (sā) + एव (eva) = सैव (saiva) |
The unity (ekatva) of God (deva) | She (sā) alone (eva) |
(a, ā) + (o) = au | |
पर (para) + ओजस् (ojas) = परौजस् (paraujas) | महा (mahā) + ओघ (ogha) = महौघ (mahaugha) |
The highest (para) vigor (ojas) | The great (mahā) flood (ogha) |
(a, ā) + (ar) = ār | |
देव (deva) + अर्हित (arhita) = देवार्हित (devārhita) | महा (mahā) + अर्जुन (arjuna) = महार्जुन (mahārjuna) |
Honoured (arhita) by God (deva) | The great (mahā) Arjuna (arjuna) |
(a, ā) + (al) = āl | |
नर (nara) + अलभ्य (alabhya) = नरालभ्य (narālabhya) | सेना (senā) + अलोभ (alobha) = सेनालोभ (senālobha) |
Unobtainable (alabhya) by man (nara) | The steadiness (alobha) of an army (senā) |
And finally, the exceptional case of "ā", which is a simple vowel but does not belong to the formal group, i.e. "weakened gradation", but it is the very protracted gradation of "a". Note that the protracted forms of the rest of simple vowels, except for ḷ, (i.e. i, u, ṛ), also belong to the weakened gradation, but "ā" comes under the protracted one, by thus leaving "a" in solitude within the weakened gradation. | |
(a, ā) + (ā) = ā | |
देह (deha) + आविष्ट (āviṣṭa) = देहाविष्ट (dehāviṣṭa) | महा (mahā) + आकार (ākāra) = महाकार (mahākāra) |
One who has entered (āviṣṭa) a body (deha) (epithet of the Supreme Lord) |
A large (mahā) form (ākāra) |
3rd Primary Rule
3rd Primary Rule If a simple vowel (not a diphthong), short or long, be followed by a similar vowel, short or long, both of them will merge into the similar long vowel. |
(a, ā) + (a, ā) = ā | |
कर (kara) + अग्र (agra) = कराग्र (karāgra) | कर (kara) + आलम्ब (ālamba) = करालम्ब (karālamba) |
The tip (agra) of an elephant's trunk (kara) | A support (ālamba) of the hand (kara) --that is, stretching out one's hands to support or raise another-- |
तारा (tārā) + अपवरण (apavaraṇa) = तारापवरण (tārāpavaraṇa) | तारा (tārā) + आनन्द (ānanda) = तारानन्द (tārānanda) |
A garment (apavaraṇa) of the goddess Tārā (tārā) | Bliss (ānanda) of the goddess Tārā (tārā) |
(i, ī) + (i, ī) = ī | |
ऋद्धि (ṛddhi) + इष्ट (iṣṭa) = ऋद्धीष्ट (ṛddhīṣṭa) | ऋद्धि (ṛddhi) + ईप्सन (īpsana) = ऋद्धीप्सन (ṛddhīpsana) |
One who is sought (iṣṭa) by prosperity (ṛddhi) | One who desires (īpsana) prosperity (ṛddhi) |
देवी (devī) + इयम् (iyam) = देवीयम् (devīyam) | नदी (nadī) + ईश्वरी (īśvarī) = नदीश्वरी (nadīśvarī) |
This (iyam) goddess (devī) | Mistress (īśvarī) of the river (nadī) |
(u, ū) + (u, ū) = ū | |
तनु (tanu) + उदर (udara) = तनूदर (tanūdara) | तनु (tanu) + ऊन (ūna) = तनून (tanūna) |
Thin-waisted (tanu-udara) | bodiless (tanu-ūna) --an epithet of the "wind"-- |
चमू (camū) + उत्तमा (uttamā) = चमूत्तमा (camūttama) | चमू (camū) + ऊर्जिता (ūrjitā) = चमूर्जिता (camūrjitā) |
The chief (uttama) army (camū) | The strong (ūrjitā) army (camū) |
(ṛ, ṝ) + (ṛ, ṝ) = ṝ y (ṛ, ṝ) + ḷ = ṝ |
Since these combinations rarely take place, no additional examples are given here |
4th Primary Rule
4th Primary Rule When "i-ī, u-ū, ṛ-ṝ and ḷ" are followed by a dissimilar vowel, then "y, v, r and l" are respectively substituted for them. |
(i, ī) + dissimilar vowel = y + dissimilar vowel | |
योगि (yogi) + अङ्ग (aṅga) = योग्यङ्ग (yogyaṅga) | योगि (yogi) + आलम्बन (ālambana) = योग्यालम्बन (yogyālambana) |
The body (aṅga) of the yogī (yogi) | Depending (ālambana) on the yogī (yogi) |
योगि (yogi) + उत्तम (uttama) = योग्युत्तम (yogyuttama) | योगि (yogi) + ऊर्जस् (ūrjas) = योग्यूर्जस् (yogyūrjas) |
The chief (uttama) among the yogī-s (yogi) | The vigor (ūrjas) of the yogī (yogi) |
योगि (yogi) + ऋद्धि (ṛddhi) = योग्यृद्धि (yogyṛddhi) | योगि (yogi) + ॠकार (ṝkāra) = योग्यॄकार (yogyṝkāra) |
The prosperity (ṛddhi) of the yogī (yogi) | The letter ṝ (ṝkāra) (pronounced by) the yogī (yogi) |
योगि (yogi) + एकता (ekatā) = योग्येकता (yogyekatā) | योगि (yogi) + ऐश्वर्य (aiśvarya) = योग्यैश्वर्य (yogyaiśvarya) |
The oneness (ekatā) of a yogī (yogi) | The sovereignty (aiśvarya) of a yogī (yogi) |
योगि (yogi) + ओजस् (ojas) = योग्योजस् (yogyojas) | योगि (yogi) + औषध (auṣadha) = योग्यौषध (yogyauṣadha) |
The energy (ojas) of a yogī (yogi) | The herbs (auṣadha) of a yogī (yogi) |
(u, ū) + dissimilar vowel = v + dissimilar vowel | |
गुरु (guru) + अङ्ग (aṅga) = गुर्वङ्ग (gurvaṅga) | गुरु (guru) + आलम्बन (ālambana) = गुर्वालम्बन (gurvālambana) |
The body (aṅga) of the guru (guru) | Depending (ālambana) on the guru (guru) |
गुरु (guru) + इच्छा (icchā) = गुर्विच्छा (gurvicchā) | गुरु (guru) + ईश (īśa) = गुर्वीश (gurvīśa) |
The will (icchā) of the guru (guru) | Lord (īśa) of the guru-s (guru) |
गुरु (guru) + ऋद्धि (ṛddhi) = गुर्वृद्धि (gurvṛddhi) | गुरु (guru) + ॠकार (ṝkāra) = गुर्वॄकार (gurvṝkāra) |
The prosperity (ṛddhi) of the guru (guru) | The letter ṝ (ṝkāra) (pronounced by) the guru (guru) |
गुरु (guru) + एकता (ekatā) = गुर्वेकता (gurvekatā) | गुरु (guru) + ऐश्वर्य (aiśvarya) = गुर्वैश्वर्य (gurvaiśvarya) |
The oneness (ekatā) of a guru (guru) | The sovereignty (aiśvarya) of a guru (guru) |
गुरु (guru) + ओजस् (ojas) = गुर्वोजस् (gurvojas) | गुरु (guru) + औषध (auṣadha) = गुर्वौषध (gurvauṣadha) |
The energy (ojas) of a guru (guru) | The herbs (auṣadha) of a guru (guru) |
(ṛ, ṝ) + dissimilar vowel = r + dissimilar vowel | |
मातृ (mātṛ) + अङ्ग (aṅga) = मात्रङ्ग (mātraṅga) | मातृ (mātṛ) + आलम्बन (ālambana) = मात्रालम्बन (mātrālambana) |
The body (aṅga) of a mother (mātṛ) | Depending (ālambana) on the mother (mātṛ) |
मातृ (mātṛ) + इच्छा (icchā) = मात्रिच्छा (mātricchā) | मातृ (mātṛ) + ईश (īśa) = मात्रीश (mātrīśa) |
The will (icchā) of the mother (mātṛ) | Lord (īśa) of the mothers (mātṛ) |
मातृ (mātṛ) +उत्तम (uttama) = मात्रुत्तम (mātruttama) | मातृ (mātṛ) + ऊर्जस् (ūrjas) = मात्रूर्जस् (matrūrjas) |
The chief (uttama) among the mothers (mātṛ) | The vigor (ūrjas) of the mother (mātṛ) |
मातृ (mātṛ) + एकता (ekatā) = मात्रेकता (mātrekatā) | मातृ (mātṛ) + ऐश्वर्य (aiśvarya) = मात्रैश्वर्य (mātraiśvarya) |
The oneness (ekatā) of a mother (mātṛ) | The sovereignty (aiśvarya) of a mother (mātṛ) |
मातृ (mātṛ) + ओजस् (ojas) = मात्रोजस् (mātrojas) | मातृ (mātṛ) + औषध (auṣadha) = मात्रौषध (mātrauṣadha) |
The energy (ojas) of a mother (mātṛ) | The herbs (auṣadha) of a mother (mātṛ) |
(ḷ) + dissimilar vowel = l + dissimilar vowel | |
ऌ (ḷ) + अङ्ग (aṅga) = लङ्ग (laṅga) | ऌ (ḷ) + आलम्बन (ālambana) = लालम्बन (lālambana) |
The body (aṅga) of ḷ (ḷ) | Depending (ālambana) on ḷ (ḷ) |
ऌ (ḷ) + इच्छा (icchā) = लिच्छा (licchā) | ऌ (ḷ) + ईश (īśa) = लीश (līśa) |
The will (icchā) contained in ḷ (ḷ) | Lord (īśa) of ḷ (ḷ) |
ऌ (ḷ) +उपदेश (upadeśa) = लुपदेश (lupadeśa) | ऌ (ḷ) + ऊर्जस् (ūrjas) = लूर्जस् (lūrjas) |
The teaching (upadeśa) contained in ḷ (ḷ) | The vigor (ūrjas) of ḷ (ḷ) |
ऌ (ḷ) + एकता (ekatā) = लेकता (lekatā) | ऌ (ḷ) + ऐश्वर्य (aiśvarya) = लैश्वर्य (laiśvarya) |
The oneness (ekatā) of ḷ (ḷ) | The sovereignty (aiśvarya) of ḷ (ḷ) |
ऌ (ḷ) + ओजस् (ojas) = लोजस् (lojas) | ऌ (ḷ) + औपस्थान (aupasthāna) = लौपस्थान (laupasthāna) |
The energy (ojas) of ḷ (ḷ) | One who worships (aupasthāna) ḷ (ḷ) |
5th Primary Rule
5th Primary Rule When "a" or "ā" are followed by a vṛddhi letter, both of them will be absorbed into the vṛddhi letter. |
(a, ā) + ai = ai | |
नर (nara) + ऐन्द्रिय (aindriya) = नरैन्द्रिय (naraindriya) | वाद (vāda) + ऐकमत्य (aikamatya) = वादैकमत्य (vādaikamatya) |
The sensual pleasure (aindriya) of man (nara) | Sameness of opinions (aikamatya) between --different-- doctrines (vāda) |
सदा (sadā) + ऐश्वर (aiśvara) = सदैश्वर (sadaiśvara) | सदा (sadā) + ऐकान्तिक (aikāntika) = सदैकान्तिक (sadaikāntika) |
Always (sadā) mighty (aiśvara) | Always (sadā) absolute (aikāntika) |
(a, ā) + au = au | |
नर (nara) + औदर्य (audarya) = नरौदर्य (naraudarya) | वाद (vāda) + औपदेशिक (aupadeśika) = वादौपदेशिक (vādaupadeśika) |
Being in the stomach or belly (audarya) of man (nara) | Depending on a special rule (aupadeśika) --given in-- a doctrine (vāda) |
सदा (sadā) + औरग (auraga) = सदौरग (sadauraga) | सदा (sadā) + औम (auma) = सदौम (sadauma) |
Always (sadā) serpentine (auraga) | Always (sadā) being made of flax (auma) |
6th Primary Rule
6th Primary Rule "e", "o", "ai" and "au", when followed by a vowel "within one word", are changed to "ay", "av", "āy" and "āv" respectively. However, when there are "two words", one ending in "e", "o", "ai" and "au", and the other beginning with any vowel, this rule is optionally used. If not used, you must use the 7th primary rule. |
e + any vowel (within one word or "optionally" among two words) = ay | |
शक्ते (śakte) + ए (e) = शक्तये (śaktaye) | अले (ale) + ए (e) = अलये (alaye) |
For the Śakti or Power (śaktaye) | For the bee (alaye) |
o + any vowel (within one word or "optionally" among two words) = av | |
धेनो (dheno) + ए (e) = धेनवे (dhenave) | ऊरो (ūro) + ए (e) = ऊरवे (ūrave) |
For the cow (dhenave) | For the thigh (ūrave) |
ai + any vowel (within one word or "optionally" among two words) = āy | |
ध्यै (dhyai) + आमि (āmi) = ध्यायामि (dhyāyāmi) | सै (sai) + अन्ति (anti) = सायन्ति (sāyanti) |
I meditate (dhyāyāmi) | They waste away, decline (sāyanti) |
au + any vowel (within one word or "optionally" among two words) = āv | |
असौ (asau) + ऊर्मि (ūrmi) = असावूर्मि (asāvūrmi) | नौ (nau) + आसन (āsana) = नावासन (nāvāsana) |
That (asau) wave (ūrmi) | Boat (nau) posture (āsana) (This pertains to Haṭhayoga) |
7th Primary Rule
7th Primary Rule a) "e" and "o" at the end of a word, when followed by any vowel (except "a") are firstly transformed into "ay" and "av" (6th primary rule) and then "y" and "v" may be optionally dropped. No coalescence after that, of course. That is, the words remain separate. b) "e" and "o" at the end of a word, when followed by "a", do not undergo any changes. However, "a" merges into "e" and "o" and the apostrophe (avagraha) is written in its place. c) "ai" and "au" at the end of a word, when followed by any vowel are firstly transformed into "āy" and "āv" (6th primary rule) and then "y" and "v" may be optionally dropped. No coalescence after that, of course. That is, the words remain separate. |
final "e" + any vowel (except "a") = a + any vowel (except "a") | |
हरे (hare) + आन (āna) = हर आन (hara āna) | अले (ale) + आगच्छ (āgaccha) = अल आगच्छ (ala āgaccha) |
Oh Hari (hare), breathe (āna)! | Oh bee (ale), come (āgaccha)! |
final "o" + any vowel (except "a") = a + any vowel (except "a") | |
साधो (sādho) + एहि (ehi) = साध एहि (sādha ehi) | गुरो (guro) + आप्नुहि (āpnuhi) = गुर आप्नुहि (gura āpnuhi) |
Oh virtuous man (sādho), come near (ehi)! | Oh guru (guro), obtain (āpnuhi)! |
final "e" + a = e' | |
वने (vane) + अटति (aṭati) = वानेऽटति (vane'ṭati) | शक्तये (śaktaye) + अर्चन्ति (arcanti) = शक्तयेऽर्चन्ति (śaktaye'rcanti) |
He/she roams (aṭati) in the woods (vane) | They praise (arcanti) the Power (śaktaye) |
final "o" + a = o' | |
विष्णो (viṣṇo) + अक्ष्णुहि (akṣṇuhi) = विष्णोऽक्ष्णुहि (viṣṇo'kṣṇuhi) | गुरो (guro) + अङ्ग्धि (aṅgdhi) = गुरोऽङ्ग्धि (guro'ṅgdhi) |
Oh Viṣṇu (viṣṇo) pervade (akṣṇuhi)! | Oh guru (guro) apply an ointment (aṅgdhi)! |
final "ai" + any vowel = ā + any vowel | |
देव्यै (devyai) + अन्नम् (annam) =देव्या अन्नम् (devyā annam) | नद्यै (nadyai) + अरविन्दानि (aravindāni) = नद्या अरविन्दानि (nadyā aravindāni) |
Food (annam) for the goddess (devyai) | Lotuses (aravindāni) for the river (nadyai) |
final "au" + any vowel = ā + any vowel | |
गुरौ (gurau) + अददत् (adadat) = गुरा अददत् (gurā adadat) | पशौ (paśau) + अस्निहत् (asnihat) = पशा अस्निहत् (paśā asnihat) |
He/she offered (adadat) to the guru (gurau) | He/she felt affection (asnihat) for the cattle (paśau) |
Further information
Este documento foi concebido por Gabriel Pradīpaka, um dos dois fundadores deste site, e guru espiritual versado em idioma Sânscrito e filosofia Trika.
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