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 Verbos - 2 (português)

Verbos: Exemplos

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Hi, Gabriel Pradīpaka again. This is simply a kind of "portal" document leading to the specific documents that contain plenty of examples of roots being conjugated in all Tenses and Moods. Vedic Subjunctive Tense is not included for the time being, though. Also note that the examples keep pace with all that I am teaching in other documents, or even they go behind, but never ahead. For instance, if I did not explain Benedictive Mood to you yet, you will not see any examples on Benedictive Mood here. Got it? Well, enjoy.


 Further Information

Gabriel Pradīpaka

Este documento foi concebido por Gabriel Pradīpaka, um dos dois fundadores deste site, e guru espiritual versado em idioma Sânscrito e filosofia Trika.

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