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 Combinação - 1 (III)

Combinação: Exemplos De Sandhi De Visarga

Tradução ao português brasileiro em progresso

 1st Rule

1st Rule
The final letters "s" and "r" may be changed to Visarga (ḥ). There are words "originally" ending in "s" and words "originally" ending in "r", but Visarga may be substituted for the final "s" and "r" according to the following sub-rules: a) Final "s" of a word followed by any letter or by nothing. b) Final "r" of a word followed by a hard consonant or by nothing. Of course, once "ḥ" is substituted for "s" or "r", you might have to apply other rules to the word ending now in Visarga.

I have marked with green color the resulting combination, when any
final "s" of a word + any letter or nothing = Visarga + any letter or nothing
तपस् (tapas) + कृशः (kṛśaḥ) = तपःकृशः (tapaḥkṛśaḥ) मनस् (manas) + तापः (tāpaḥ) = मनःतापः (manaḥtāpaḥ); however, according to the 3rd Rule of Visarga Sandhi, you must change Visarga back to "s", this way: मनस्तापः (manastāpaḥ)
Emaciated (kṛśaḥ) by austerities (tapas) Mental (manas) pain or anguish (tāpaḥ)
तपस् (tapas) + nothing = तपः (tapaḥ) हविस् (havis) + करोमि (karomi) = हविः करोमि (haviḥ karomi); however, according to the 6th Rule of Visarga Sandhi, you might optionally change Visarga into "ṣ", because the second word (karomi) is necessary to complete the sense of the phrase: हविष्करोमि (haviṣkaromi)
Austerity (tapas) I prepare (karomi) the oblation (havis)

I have marked with green color the resulting combination, when any
final "r" of a word + a hard consonant or nothing = Visarga + a hard consonant or nothing
वार् (vār) + nothing = वार् (vār) अहर् (ahar) + nothing = अहर् (ahar)
Water (vār) A day (ahar)
वार् (vār) + स्थः (sthaḥ) = वाःस्थः (vāḥsthaḥ) अहर् (ahar) + पतिः (patiḥ) = अहःपतिः (ahaḥpatiḥ); however, note that this specific compound may be optionally written अहर्पतिः (aharpatiḥ); but remember that this is not always possible and the change to Visarga is practically inevitable for the most part of the cases (Revise the two examples below and you will understand what I mean)
Standing (sthaḥ) in water (vār) Lord (patiḥ) of the day (ahar) --an epithet of "the sun"--
पुनर् (punar) + पुनर् (punar) = पुनः पुनः (punaḥ punaḥ); this is a double example: (1) On one hand, final "r" of the first word is changed to "ḥ" because "p" of the second word is a hard consonant, and (2) on the other hand, final "r" of the second word is turned into "ḥ" since there is no letter after it. अहर् (ahar) + शेषः (śeṣaḥ) = अहःशेषः (ahaḥśeṣaḥ); in this case, you have to change obligatorily final "r" to "ḥ" such as this first Rule of Visarga Sandhi states
Over and over again (punaḥ punaḥ) --"punar" means "again"-- The remaining part (śeṣaḥ) of the day (ahar)


 2nd Rule

2nd Rule
Visarga (substituted for "s" and not "r") preceded by "a" and followed by "a" or a soft consonant, is changed to "u". In turn, if there is an initial "a" in the second word, an apostrophe (') is to be substituted for it.

I have marked with green color the resulting combination
Visarga (substituted for "s" and not "r") preceded by "a" + a soft consonant = Visarga changes to "u"
शिवः (śivaḥ) + गच्छति (gacchati) =
शिवउ (śiva-u) + गच्छति (gacchati) =
शिवो (śivo) + गच्छति (gacchati) =
शिवो गच्छति (śivo gacchati)
(Note that the combination "a-u" must be turned into "o" by the 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi)
रामः (rāmaḥ) + गायति (gāyati) =
रामउ (rāma-u) + गायति (gāyati) =
रामो (rāmo) + गायति (gāyati) =
रामो गायति (rāmo gāyati)
(Note that the combination "a-u" must be turned into "o" by the 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi)
Śiva (śivaḥ) goes (gacchati) Rāma (rāmaḥ) sings (gāyati)
मनः (manaḥ) + मन्यते (manyate) =
मनउ (mana-u) + मन्यते (manyate) =
मनो (mano) + मन्यते (manyate) =
मनो मन्यते (mano manyate)
(Note that the combination "a-u" must be turned into "o" by the 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi)
पुनः (punaḥ) + मेने (mene) = पुनर्मेने (punarmene) and not पुनो मेने (puno mene)
[Note that I could not use the present rule because "punaḥ" comes from "punar" (not "punas"). Thus, I had to keep the original "r" (a soft consonant) before initial "m" (another soft consonant) in "mene"]
The mind (manaḥ) thinks (manyate) He/She/It thought (mene) again (punar)

I have marked with green color the resulting combination
Visarga (substituted for "s" and not "r") preceded by "a" + "a" = Visarga changes to "u" and an apostrophe (') is substituted by the initial "a"
शिवः (śivaḥ) + अत्ति (atti) =
शिवउ (śiva-u) + अत्ति (atti) =
शिवो (śivo) + अत्ति (atti) =
शिवोऽत्ति (śivo'tti)
(Note that the combination "a-u" must be turned into "o" by the 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi. Also note how an apostrophe has been substituted for the initial "a" in "atti")
नरः (naraḥ) + अयम् (ayam) =
नरउ (nara-u) + अयम् (ayam) =
नरो (naro) + अयम् (ayam) =
नरोऽयम् (naro'yam)
(Note that the combination "a-u" must be turned into "o" by the 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi. Also note how an apostrophe has been substituted for the initial "a" in "ayam")
Śiva (śivaḥ) eats (atti) This (ayam) man (naraḥ)
योगिनः (yoginaḥ) + अवस्था (avasthā) =
योगिनउ (yogina-u) + अवस्था (avasthā) =
योगिनो (yogino) + अवस्था (avasthā) =
योगिनोऽवस्था (yogino'vasthā)
(Note that the combination "a-u" must be turned into "o" by the 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi. Also note how an apostrophe has been substituted for the initial "a" in "avasthā")
रामः (rāmaḥ) + अगमत् (agamat) =
रामउ (rāma-u) + अगमत् (agamat) =
रामो (rāmo) + अगमत् (agamat) =
रामोऽगमत् (rāmo'gamat)
(Note that the combination "a-u" must be turned into "o" by the 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi. Also note how an apostrophe has been substituted for the initial "a" in "agamat")
The state (avasthā) of the Yogī (yoginaḥ) Rāma (rāmaḥ) went (agamat)


 3rd Rule

3rd Rule
When Visarga is followed by "c", "ch", "ṭ", "ṭh", "t" and "th", themselves not followed by a sibilant (ś, ṣ or s), is changed to "ś" (before "c" and "ch"), "ṣ" (before "ṭ" and "ṭh") and "s" (before "t" and "th"). It is to be noted that the words "saḥ" and "eṣaḥ" does not follow this rule at all (See 10th Rule).

I have marked with green color the resulting combination
Visarga + "c" or "ch" (not followed by a Sibilant) = Visarga changes to "ś"
शिवः (śivaḥ) + चोदति (codati) =
शिवश्चोदति (śivaścodati)
(Nothing special to be noted)
गिरिः (giriḥ) + चञ्चति (cañcati) =
गिरिश्चञ्चति (giriścañcati)
(Nothing special to be noted)
Śiva (śivaḥ) impels (codati) The mountain (giriḥ) is shaking (cañcati)
कृष्णः (kṛṣṇaḥ) + छ्यति (chyati) =
कृष्णश्छ्यति (kṛṣṇaśchyati)
(Nothing special to be noted)
विष्णुः (viṣṇuḥ) + छृन्त्ते (chṛntte) =
विष्णुश्छृन्त्ते (viṣṇuśchṛntte)
(Nothing special to be noted)
Kṛṣṇa (kṛṣṇaḥ) cuts off (chyati) Viṣṇu (viṣṇuḥ) shines (chṛntte)

I have marked with green color the resulting combination
Visarga + "ṭ" or "ṭh" (not followed by a Sibilant) = Visarga changes to "ṣ"
सेनायाः (senāyāḥ) + टङ्काः (ṭaṅkāḥ) =
सेनायाष्टङ्काः (senāyāṣṭaṅkāḥ)
(Nothing special to be noted)
मनः (manaḥ) + टालयति (ṭālayati) =
मनष्टालयति (manaṣṭālayati)
(Nothing special to be noted)
The hatchets (ṭaṅkāḥ) of the army (senāyāḥ) The mind (manaḥ) disturbs (ṭālayati)
नृपतिः (nṛpatiḥ) + ठक्कनः (ṭhakkanaḥ) =
नृपतिष्ठक्कनः (nṛpatiṣṭhakkanaḥ)
(Nothing special to be noted)
अश्वः (aśvaḥ) + ठक्कस्य (ṭhakkasya) =
अश्वष्ठक्कस्य (aśvaṣṭhakkasya)
(Nothing special to be noted)
A prince (nṛpatiḥ) (called) Ṭhakkana (ṭhakkanaḥ) The horse (aśvaḥ) of the merchant (ṭhakkasya)

I have marked with green color the resulting combination
Visarga + "t" or "th" (not followed by a Sibilant) = Visarga changes to "s"
अलिः (aliḥ) + तटति (taṭati) =
अलिस्तटति (alistaṭati)
(Nothing special to be noted)
देवः (devaḥ) + तप्यते (tapyate) =
देवस्तप्यते (devastapyate)
(Nothing special to be noted)
The large black bee (aliḥ) grows (taṭati) God (devaḥ) rules (or is powerful) (tapyate)
शिवः (śivaḥ) + थुडति (thuḍati) =
शिवस्थुडति (śivasthuḍati)
(Nothing special to be noted)
अग्निः (agniḥ) + थूर्वति (thūrvati) =
अग्निस्थूर्वति (agnisthūrvati)
(Nothing special to be noted)
Śiva (śivaḥ) covers or hides (thuḍati) The fire (agniḥ) hurts (thūrvati)


 4th Rule

4th Rule
When Visarga is preceded by "i" or "u" and does not belong to any particular termination, is transformed into "ṣ" [except in the word "muhuḥ" (originally "muhur") --suddenly, at once, incessantly, etc.--] if followed by a hard consonant belonging to guttural or labial class.

I have marked with green color the resulting combination
final Visarga preceded by "i" or "u" and not belonging to any particular termination + a hard guttural or labial consonant = ṣ + a hard guttural or labial consonant
निः (niḥ) + प्रत्यूहम् (pratyūham) =
निष्प्रत्यूहम् (niṣpratyūham)
(Nothing special to be noted)
आविः (āviḥ) + कृतम् (kṛtam) =
आविष्कृतम् (āviṣkṛtam)
(Nothing special to be noted)
Unimpeded (niṣpratyūham) Made visible, revealed (āviṣkṛtam)
दुः (duḥ) + कर्म (karma) =
दुष्कर्म (duṣkarma)
(Nothing special to be noted)
दुः (duḥ) + पुत्रः (putraḥ) =
दुष्पुत्रः (duṣputraḥ)
(Nothing special to be noted)
Wickedness (duṣkarma) A bad son (duṣputraḥ)

I have not marked anything with green color because there is no combination at all despite a compound is formed
final Visarga in "muhuḥ" + a hard guttural or labial consonant = no change
मुहुः (muhuḥ) + प्रोक्तः (proktaḥ) =
मुहुःप्रोक्तः (muhuḥproktaḥ)
(Nothing special to be noted)
मुहुः (muhuḥ) + भोजी (bhojī) =
मुहुर्भोजी (muhurbhojī)
(Note that in this case, Visarga remained unchangeable by the present rule, but I had to use the 7th Rule of Visarga Sandhi as "bh" in "bhojī" is a soft consonant)
Often (muhuḥ) told (proktaḥ) One who eats (bhojī) constantly (muhuḥ)
मुहुः (muhuḥ) + भाषा (bhāṣā) = मुहुर्भाषा (muhurbhāṣā)
(Note that in this case, Visarga remained unchangeable by the present rule, but I had to use the 7th Rule of Visarga Sandhi as "bh" in "bhāṣā" is a soft consonant)
Repetition of what has been said (muhurbhāṣā)

I have not marked anything with green color because there is no combination at all
final Visarga preceded by "i" or "u" and belonging to a particular termination + a hard guttural or labial consonant = no change
मातुः (mātuḥ) + करुणा (karuṇā) =
मातुः करुणा (mātuḥ karuṇā)
(Nothing special to be noted)
देवभिः (devabhiḥ) + कृतम् (kṛtam) =
देवभिः कृतम् (devabhiḥ kṛtam)
(Nothing special to be noted)
Mother's (mātuḥ) compassion (karuṇā) Performed (kṛtam) by the gods (devabhiḥ)
बलिभिः (balibhiḥ) + पुरुषैः (puruṣaiḥ) =
बलिभिः पुरुषैः (balibhiḥ puruṣaiḥ)
(Nothing special to be noted)
भर्तुः (bhartuḥ) + भोगः (bhogaḥ) =
भर्तुर्भोगः (bharturbhogaḥ)
(Note that in this case, Visarga remained unchangeable by the present rule, but I had to use the 7th Rule of Visarga Sandhi as "bh" in "bhogaḥ" is a soft consonant)
(Performed) by strong (balibhiḥ) people (puruṣaiḥ) Enjoyment (bhogaḥ) of a husband (bhartuḥ)


 5th Rule

5th Rule
When "dviḥ", "triḥ" and "catuḥ" play the role of adverbs showing frequency, they change optionally their Visarga to "ṣ" if followed by a hard consonant belonging to guttural or labial class.

When "dviḥ", "triḥ" and "catuḥ" play the role of adverbs showing frequency, they are to be translated as "twice", "thrice" and "four times", respectively. When they do not play that role, they simply mean "two", "three" and "four", respectively. Also, remember that if those three words are not being used as adverbs showing frequency, they still will substitute "ṣ" for their Visarga according to the previous rule (4th Rule). Careful here!

I have marked with green color the resulting combination
"dviḥ", "triḥ" and "catuḥ" playing the role of adverbs showing frequency + a hard guttural or labial consonant = ṣ + a hard guttural or labial consonant or else "no change" (this is optional)
द्विः (dviḥ) + कृतम् (kṛtam) =
द्विष्कृतम् (dviṣkṛtam) or द्विःकृतम् (dviḥkṛtam)
(As you can see, the change is optional)
त्रिः (triḥ) + पालयति (pālayati) =
त्रिष्पालयति (triṣpālayati) or त्रिःपालयति (triḥpālayati)
(As you can see, the change is optional)
Twice (dviḥ) done (kṛtam) He/She/It protects (pālayati) thrice (triḥ)
चतुः (catuḥ) + करोमि (karomi) =
चतुष्करोमि (catuṣkaromi) or चतुःकरोमि (catuḥkaromi)
(As you can see, the change is optional)
द्विः (dviḥ) + पक्वम् (pakvam) =
द्विष्पक्वम् (dviṣpakvam) or द्विःपक्वम् (dviḥpakvam)
(As you can see, the change is optional)
I do (karomi) four times (catuḥ) Twice (dviḥ) cooked (pakvam)

I have not marked anything with green color because there is no combination at all
"dviḥ", "triḥ" and "catuḥ" not playing the role of adverbs showing frequency + a hard guttural or labial consonant = no change (but you will have to use the 4th Rule of Visarga Sandhi, anyway)
द्विः (dviḥ) + कामः (kāmaḥ) =
द्विष्कामः (dviṣkāmaḥ)
(The change to "ṣ" is not here due to the present rule but to the 4th rule of Visarga Sandhi... careful!)
चतुः (catuḥ) + फलानि (phalāni) =
चतुष्फलानि (catuṣphalāni)
(The change to "ṣ" is not here due to the present rule but to the 4th rule of Visarga Sandhi... careful!)
Two (dviḥ) desires (kāmaḥ) Four (catuḥ) fruits (phalāni)

to be continued

Gabriel Pradīpaka

Este documento foi concebido por Gabriel Pradīpaka, um dos dois fundadores deste site, e guru espiritual versado em idioma Sânscrito e filosofia Trika.

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