Töltsd le és telepítsd a nélkülözhetetlen betűtípusokat(s) Hogy megtekinthesd a Szanszkritot annak teljes fényében Olvass Transzliteráció (2) (magyar) hogy teljes mértékben átlásd a transzliterációs rendszert |
Svātantryasūtravṛtti (Svatantryasutravritti) 3. Fejezet (aforizmák 17 - 20) - Nem-duális rosarioi Shaivizmus
Normál fordítás
This is the fifth set of 4 aphorisms out of 23 aphorisms of which the third chapter (dealing with Svātmapratyabhijñā, the recognition of one's own Self) consists. As you know, the entire work is composed of a full commentary on the 48 aphorisms of Svātantryasūtram. Of course, I will also insert the original aphorisms on which I will be commenting. Even though the commentary is detailed enough, there are a few notes to make a particular point clear when strictly necessary. I write in Sanskrit so elementarily as possible, i.e. with short sentences, without too long compounds and without going into the overwhelming scholarship exhibited by the ancient sages. Although Sanskrit is not exactly "for the masses", yet my purpose is to explain everything in the simplest terms for all the spiritual aspirants to understand the teachings quickly.
My Sanskrit will be in dark green color while the original Svātantryasūtram's aphorisms will be shown in dark red color. In turn, within the transliteration, the original aphorisms will be in brown color, while my comments will be shown in black. Also, within the translation, the original aphorisms of Svātantryasūtram will be in green and black colors, while my commentary will contain words in both black and red colors. All the quotes extracted from other scriptures will be properly marked, obviously.
Read Svātantryasūtravṛtti and experience Supreme Delight, dear Self.
Important: All that is in brackets and italicized within the translation has been added by me in order to complete the sense of a particular phrase or sentence. In turn, all that is between double hyphen (--...--) constitutes clarifying further information also added by me. As it is very easy to get drown in the ocean of Sanskrit and Trika, hehe, all corrections (of any kind) are always welcome, of course.
Aphorism 17
I am still working on this document. Be patient please.
Further Information
Ezt a dokumentumot Gabriel Pradīpaka, a website egyik társalapítója készítette, aki spirituális guru és aki a Szanszkrit nyelv és a Trika filozófiai rendszerben jártas.
Szanszkrit, Yoga és indiai filozófiával kapcsolatosan, vagy ha csupán hozzászólni, kérdezni szeretnél, esetleg hibára felhívni a figyelmet, bátran lépj kapcsolatba velünk: Ez az e-mail címünk.
Vissza III. 13-16 | ![]() |
Folytatás III. 21-23 |