Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (Magyar-Főoldal)

 Tanulj Szanszkritul - AEMN (magyar)

Āsana-k, Bandha-k és Mudrā-k nevei


Posture images extracted from the excellent Yogafont 3.00 by Bill Grainger - Visit to download the font


The transliterated names are shown in IAST, ITRANS 5.3 and Harvard-Kyoto, respectively
Important: All tabs and names follow the Szanszkrit alphabetical order - See the Szanszkrit alphabet for guidance



  1. अधोमुखश्वानासन -- Adhomukhaśvānāsana / adhomukhashvAnAsana / adhomukhazvAnAsana -- Sound
    Dog (śvāna) posture (āsana) having the face (mukha) downward (adhas)   adhomukhashvAnAsana
  2. अनन्तासन -- Anantāsana / anantAsana / anantAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) of the Infinite (ananta) - (Ananta is an ephithet for Lord Viṣṇu)   anantAsana
  3. अर्धचन्द्रासन -- Ardhacandrāsana / ardhacandrAsana / ardhacandrAsana -- Sound
    Half-moon (ardha-candra) posture (āsana)   ardhacandrAsana
  4. अर्धनावासन -- Ardhanavāsana / ardhanavAsana / ardhanavAsana -- Sound
    Half (ardha) boat (nau) posture (āsana)   ardhanavAsana
  5. अर्धबद्धपद्मपश्चिमोत्तानासन -- Ardhabaddhapadmapaścimottānāsana / ardhabaddhapadmapashcimottAnAsana / ardhabaddhapadmapazcimottAnAsana -- Sound
    Half (ardha) posture (āsana) that stretchs (uttāna) the rear region (of the body) (paścima) (together with) tied (baddha) lotus (padma) - ("Paścima" means the entire rear region of the body and not only the back)
  6. अर्धमत्स्येन्द्रासन -- Ardhamatsyendrāsana / ardhamatsyendrAsana / ardhamatsyendrAsana -- Sound
    Half (ardha) Matsyendra's (matsyendra) posture (āsana) - ("Matsyendra" means "chief of the fishes" and it is the name of one of the two sages who compiled the Haṭhayoga science during the Middle Ages)



  1. आकर्णधनुरासन -- Ākarṇadhanurāsana / AkarNadhanurAsana / AkarNadhanurAsana -- Sound
    Bow (dhanus) posture (āsana) up to ear (ākarṇa) - (i.e. One foot is imagined to be an arrow reaching to the ear)



  1. उड्डीयानबन्ध -- Uḍḍīyānabandha / uDDIyAnabandha / uDDIyAnabandha -- Sound
    Rising or flying (uḍḍīyāna) lock (bandha) - (It is so called because through the practice of this lock or bandha, the vital energy or prāṇa flies upward with ease in the subtle body)
  2. उत्तानासन -- Uttānāsana / uttAnAsana / uttAnAsana -- Sound
    Extended (uttāna) posture (āsana)  uttAnAsana
  3. उत्तानपादासन -- Uttānapādāsana / uttAnapAdAsana / uttAnapAdAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) with legs (pāda) extended (uttāna)
  4. उत्थितत्रिकोणासन -- Utthitatrikoṇāsana / utthitatrikoNAsana / utthitatrikoNAsana -- Sound
    Triangle (tri-koṇa) posture (āsana) in a standing position (utthita)   utthitatrikoNAsana
  5. उत्थितपार्श्वकोणासन -- Utthitapārśvakoṇāsana / utthitapArshvakoNAsana / utthitapArzvakoNAsana -- Sound
    Angle (koṇa) posture (āsana) on one side (pārśva) (and) in a standing position (utthita)  utthitapArshvakoNAsana
  6. उत्थितहस्तपादाङ्गुष्ठासन -- Utthitahastapādāṅguṣṭhāsana / utthitahastapAdA~NguSThAsana / utthitahastapAdAGguSThAsana -- Sound
    Standing (utthita) posture (āsana) (in which one grabs) a big-toe (pādāṅguṣṭha) with (his) hands (hasta)  utthitahastapAdAGguSTAsana
  7. उपविष्टकोणासन -- Upaviṣṭakoṇāsana / upaviSTakoNAsana / upaviSTakoNAsana -- Sound
    Angle (koṇa) posture (āsana) in a sitting position (upaviṣṭa)  upaviSTakoNAsana
  8. उष्ट्रासन -- Uṣṭrāsana / uShTrAsana / uSTrAsana -- Sound
    Camel (uṣṭra) posture (āsana)  uShTrAsana



  1. ऊर्ध्वदण्डासन -- Ūrdhvadaṇḍāsana / UrdhvadaNDAsana / UrdhvadaNDAsana -- Sound
    Stick (daṇḍa) posture (āsana), upward (ūrdhva)
  2. ऊर्ध्वधनुरासन -- Ūrdhvadhanurāsana / UrdhvadhanurAsana / UrdhvadhanurAsana -- Sound
    Bow (dhanus) posture (āsana), upward (ūrdhva)  UrdhvadhanurAsana
  3. ऊर्ध्वपद्मासन -- Ūrdhvapadmāsana / UrdhvapadmAsana / UrdhvapadmAsana -- Sound
    Lotus (padma) posture (āsana), upward (ūrdhva)
  4. ऊर्ध्वप्रसारितपादासन -- Ūrdhvaprasāritapādāsana / UrdhvaprasAritapAdAsana / UrdhvaprasAritapAdAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) with legs (pāda) extended (prasārita) upward (ūrdhva)   UrdhvaprasAritapAda
  5. ऊर्ध्वमुखपश्चिमोत्तानासन -- Ūrdhvamukhapaścimottānāsana / UrdhvamukhapashcimottAnAsana / UrdhvamukhapazcimottAnAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) that stretchs (uttāna) the rear region (of the body) (paścima), upward (ūrdhva-mukha) - ("Paścima" means the entire rear region of the body and not only the back)
  6. ऊर्ध्वमुखश्वानासन -- Ūrdhvamukhaśvānāsana / UrdhvamukhashvAnAsana / UrdhvamukhazvAnAsana -- Sound
    Dog (śvāna) posture (āsana) having the face (mukha) upward (ūrdhva)   UrdhvamukhashvAnAsana



  1. एकपादप्रसारणसर्वाङ्गतुलासन -- Ekapādaprasāraṇasarvāṅgatulāsana / ekapAdaprasAraNasarvA~NgatulAsana / ekapAdaprasAraNasarvAGgatulAsana -- Sound
    Balance (tulā) posture (āsana) for the whole (sarva) body (aṅga), by extending (prasāraṇa) one (eka) leg (pāda)
  2. एकपादराजकपोतासन -- Ekapādarājakapotāsana / ekapAdarAjakapotAsana / ekapAdarAjakapotAsana -- Sound
    King-pigeon (rāja-kapota) posture (āsana), (by grabbing) one (eka) foot (pāda)
  3. एकपादशीर्षासन -- Ekapādaśīrṣāsana / ekapAdashIrSAsana / ekapAdazIrSAsana -- Sound
    Two possible translations resulting in two different postures:
    "Posture (āsana) (in which) one (eka) foot (pāda) (is placed behind) the head (śīrṣa)"
    (or) "Head stand (śīrṣa-āsana), (by only holding) one (eka) foot (pāda) (up)"   ekapAdashIrShAsana
  4. एकपादसर्वाङ्गासन -- Ekapādasarvāṅgāsana / ekapAdasarvA~NgAsana / ekapAdasarvAGgAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) for the whole (sarva) body (aṅga), (by only holding) one (eka) foot (pāda) (up)   ekapAdasarvAN^gAsana



  1. कपोतासन -- Kapotāsana / kapotAsana / kapotAsana -- Sound
    Pigeon (kapota) posture (āsana)
  2. कर्णपीडासन -- Karṇapīḍāsana / karNapIDAsana / karNapIDAsana -- Sound
    Ear-pressing (karṇa-pīḍā) posture (āsana)  karNapIDAsana
  3. कुक्कुटासन -- Kukkuṭāsana / kukkuTAsana / kukkuTAsana -- Sound
    Cock (kukkuṭa) posture (āsana)
  4. कूर्मासन -- Kūrmāsana / kUrmAsana / kUrmAsana -- Sound
    Tortoise (kūrma) posture (āsana)  kUrmAsana
  5. क्रौञ्चासन -- Krauñcāsana / krau~ncAsana / krauJcAsana -- Sound
    Curlew/Heron (krauñca) posture (āsana) - (The word "krauñca" may be translated as "curlew" or "heron")



  1. गरुडासन -- Garuḍāsana / garuDAsana / garuDAsana -- Sound
    Garuḍa's (garuḍa) posture (āsana) - ("Garuḍa" means "devourer" and it is the name of the celebrated eagle acting as vehicle of Lord Viṣṇu)  garuDAsana
  2. गर्भासन -- Garbhāsana / garbhAsana / garbhAsana -- Sound
    Fetus (garbha) posture (āsana)
  3. गोमुखासन -- Gomukhāsana / gomukhAsana / gomukhAsana -- Sound
    Cow-faced (go-mukha) posture (āsana)  gomukhAsana
  4. गोरक्षासन -- Gorakṣāsana / gorakShAsana / gorakSAsana -- Sound
    Gorakṣa's (gorakṣa) posture (āsana) - ("Gorakṣa" means "cowherd" and it is the name of one of the two sages who compiled the Haṭhayoga science during the Middle Ages; Matsyendra is the name of the other sage)



  1. चक्रासन -- Cakrāsana / cakrAsana / cakrAsana -- Sound
    Wheel (cakra) posture (āsana)



  1. जठरपरिवर्तनासन -- Jaṭharaparivartanāsana / jaTharaparivartanAsana / jaTharaparivartanAsana -- Sound
    Belly-revolving (jaṭhara-parivartana) posture (āsana)  jaTharaparivartanAsana
  2. जानुशीर्षासन -- Jānuśīrṣāsana / jAnushIrSAsana / jAnuzIrSAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) (in which) the head (śīrṣa) (is placed over one) knee (jānu)



  1. ताडासन -- Tāḍāsana / tADAsana / tADAsana -- Sound
    Mountain (tāḍa) posture (āsana) - (Two variants are shown here)   tADAsana
  2. तुलासन -- Tulāsana / tulAsana / tulAsana -- Sound
    Balance (tulā) posture (āsana)



  1. दण्डासन -- Daṇḍāsana / daNDAsana / daNDAsana -- Sound
    Stick (daṇḍa) posture (āsana)   daNDAsana



  1. धनुरासन -- Dhanurāsana / dhanurAsana / dhanurAsana -- Sound
    Bow (dhanus) posture (āsana)   dhanurAsana



  1. नटराजासन -- Nāṭarājāsana / naTarAjAsana / naTarAjAsana -- Sound
    Naṭarāja's (naṭarāja) posture (āsana) - ["Naṭarāja" is an epithet of Lord Śiva meaning both "King (rāja) of dancers (naṭa)" and "King (rāja) of actors (naṭa)", because in India an actor is generally also a dancer. Hence that double entendre]
  2. निरालम्बसर्वाङ्गासन -- Nirālambasarvāṅgāsana / nirAlambasarvA~NgAsana / nirAlambasarvAGgAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) for the whole (sarva) body (aṅga), "nirālamba" (endowed with no ālamba or support) version (nis-ālamba)



  1. पद्मासन -- Padmāsana / padmAsana / padmAsana -- Sound
    Lotus (padma) posture (āsana)   padmAsana
  2. परिपूर्णनावासन -- Paripūrṇanāvāsana / paripUrNanAvAsana / paripUrNanAvAsana -- Sound
    Boat (nau) posture (āsana), full version (paripūrṇa)  paripUrNanAvAsana
  3. परिपूर्णमत्स्येन्द्रासन -- Paripūrṇamatsyendrāsana / paripUrNamatsyendrAsana / paripUrNamatsyendrAsana -- Sound
    Matsyendra's (matsyendra) posture (āsana), full version (paripūrṇa) - ("Matsyendra" means "chief of the fishes" and it is the name of one of the two sages who compiled the Haṭhayoga science during the Middle Ages)
  4. परिवृत्तजानुशीर्षासन -- Parivṛttajānuśīrṣāsana / parivR^ittajAnushIrSAsana / parivRttajAnuzIrSAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) (in which one's own) head (śīrṣa) (is placed on) the knee (jānu), "parivṛtta" (turned round or revolved) version (parivṛtta)  parivRRittajAnushIrShAsana
  5. परिवृत्तत्रिकोणासन -- Parivṛttatrikoṇāsana / parivR^ittatrikoNAsana / parivRttatrikoNAsana -- Sound
    Triangle (tri-koṇa) posture (āsana), "parivṛtta" (turned round or revolved) version (parivṛtta)   parivRRittatrikoNAsana
  6. परिवृत्तपश्चिमोत्तानासन -- Parivṛttapaścimottānāsana / parivR^ittapashcimottAnAsana / parivRttapazcimottAnAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) that stretches (uttāna) the rear region (of the body) (paścima), "parivṛtta" (turned round or revolved) version (parivṛtta) - ("Paścima" means the entire rear region of the body and not only the back)
  7. परिवृत्तपार्श्वकोणासन -- Parivṛttapārśvakoṇāsana / parivR^ittapArshvakoNAsana / parivRttapArzvakoNAsana -- Sound
    Angle (koṇa) posture (āsana) on one side (pārśva), "parivṛtta" (turned round or revolved) version (parivṛtta)   parivRRittapArshvakoNa
  8. पर्यङ्कासन -- Paryaṅkāsana / parya~NkAsana / paryaGkAsana -- Sound
    Bed (paryaṅka) posture (āsana)
  9. पर्वतासन -- Parvatāsana / parvatAsana / parvatAsana -- Sound
    Mountain (parvata) posture (āsana)   parvatAsana
  10. पश्चिमोत्तानासन -- Paścimottānāsana / pashcimottAnAsana / pazcimottAnAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) that stretches (uttāna) the rear region (of the body) (paścima) - ("Paścima" means the entire rear region of the body and not only the back)   pashcimottAnAsana
  11. पादहस्तासन -- Pādahastāsana / pAdahastAsana / pAdahastAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) (in which one's own) hands (hasta) (grab) the feet (pāda)
  12. पादाङ्गुष्ठधनुरासन -- Pādāṅguṣṭhadhanurāsana / pAdA~NguSThadhanurAsana / pAdAGguSThadhanurAsana -- Sound
    Bow (dhanus) posture (āsana) (by grabbing) the big toes (pāda-aṅguṣṭha)
  13. पादाङ्गुष्ठासन -- Pādāṅguṣṭhāsana / pAdA~NguShThAsana / pAdAGguSThAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) (in which one grabs his) big toes (pāda-aṅguṣṭha)
  14. पार्श्वधनुरासन -- Pārśvadhanurāsana / pArshvadhanurAsana / pArzvadhanurAsana -- Sound
    Bow (dhanus) posture (āsana), on one side (pārśva)
  15. पार्श्वशीर्षासन -- Pārśvaśīrṣāsana / pArshvashIrSAsana / pArzvazIrSAsana -- Sound
    Head stand (śīrṣa-āsana), on one side (pārśva)   pArshvashIrShAsana
  16. पार्श्वहलासन -- Pārśvahalāsana / pArshvahalAsana / pArzvahalAsana -- Sound
    Plow (hala) posture (āsana), on one side (pārśva)
  17. पार्श्वोत्तानासन -- Pārśvottānāsana / pArshvottAnAsana / pArzvottAnAsana -- Sound
    Stretching (uttāna) posture (āsana), on one side (pārśva)   pArshvottAnAsana
  18. पूर्वोत्तानासन -- Pūrvottānāsana / pUrvottAnAsana / pUrvottAnAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) that stretches (pūrva) the frontal region (of the body) (uttāna) - ("Pūrva" means the entire front region of the body and not only the chest)
  19. प्रसारितपादोत्तानासन -- Prasāritapādottānāsana / prasAritapAdottAnAsana / prasAritapAdottAnAsana -- Sound
    Stretching (uttāna) posture (āsana) with outstretched (prasārita) legs (pāda)  prasAritapAdottAnAsana



  1. बकासन -- Bakāsana / bakAsana / bakAsana -- Sound
    Crane (baka) posture (āsana)   bakAsana
  2. बद्धकोणासन -- Baddhakoṇāsana / baddhakoNAsana / baddhakoNAsana -- Sound
    Angle (koṇa) posture (āsana), "baddha" (tied) version (baddha)   baddhakoNAsana
  3. बद्धपद्मासन -- Baddhapadmāsana / baddhapadmAsana / baddhapadmAsana -- Sound
    Lotus (padma) posture (āsana), "baddha" (tied) version (baddha)
  4. बद्धहस्तशीर्षासन -- Baddhahastaśīrṣāsana / baddhahastashIrSAsana / baddhahastazIrSAsana -- Sound
    Cross-armed (baddha-hasta) head stand (śīrṣa-āsana)



  1. भरद्वाजासन -- Bharadvājāsana / bharadvAjAsana / bharadvAjAsana -- Sound
    Bharadvāja's (bharadvāja) posture (āsana) - (Bharadvāja is considered to be one of the seven vedic Ṛṣi-s or Seers)   bharadvAjAsana
  2. भुजङ्गासन -- Bhujaṅgāsana / bhuja~NgAsana / bhujaGgAsana -- Sound
    Snake (bhujaṅga) posture (āsana)  bhujaN^gAsana
  3. भुजपीडासन -- Bhujapīḍāsana / bhujapIDAsana / bhujapIDAsana -- Sound
    Arm-pressing (bhuja-pīḍā) posture (āsana) - (Another possible translation is "posture that causes pain or suffering to the arms", as "pīḍā" also means "pain, suffering, etc." apart from "pressure")   bhujapIDAsana
  4. भेकासन -- Bhekāsana / bhekAsana / bhekAsana -- Sound
    Frog (bheka) posture (āsana)  bhekAsana



  1. मकरासन -- Makarāsana / makarAsana / makarAsana -- Sound
    Makara (makara) posture (āsana) - (Makara is a kind of mythical sea-monster)
  2. मण्डलासन -- Maṇḍalāsana / maNDalAsana / maNDalAsana -- Sound
    Circle (maṇḍala) posture (āsana)
  3. मत्स्यासन -- Matsyāsana / matsyAsana / matsyAsana -- Sound
    Fish (matsya) posture (āsana)
  4. मयूरासन -- Mayūrāsana / mayUrAsana / mayUrAsana -- Sound
    Peacock (mayūra) posture (āsana)
  5. मरीच्यासन -- Marīcyāsana / marIcyAsana / marIcyAsana -- Sound
    Marīci's (marīci) posture (āsana) - (Marīci is considered to be both a Prajāpati or Lord of created beings and one of the seven vedic Ṛṣi-s or Seers)   marIcyAsana
  6. महामुद्रा -- Mahāmudrā / mahAmudrA / mahAmudrA -- Sound
    Great (mahā) seal (mudrā)
  7. मुक्तहस्तशीर्षासन -- Muktahastaśīrṣāsana / muktahastashIrSAsana / muktahastashIrSAsana -- Sound
    Head stand (śīrṣa-āsana), "mukta-hasta" (loose-handed) version (mukta-hasta)



  1. योगमुद्रा -- Yogamudrā / yogamudrA / yogamudrA -- Sound
    Yoga (or Yogic) (yoga) seal (mudrā)



  1. राजकपोतासन -- Rājakapotāsana / rAjakapotAsana / rAjakapotAsana -- Sound
    Royal (rāja) pigeon (kapota) posture (āsana) - ("Rāja-kapota" means "royal pigeon" and not "king of pigeons", which is written "kapotarāja")



  1. लोलासन -- Lolāsana / lolAsana / lolAsana -- Sound
    Unsteady (or restless) (lola) posture (āsana)



  1. वसिष्ठासन -- Vasiṣṭhāsana / vasiSThAsana / vasiSThAsana -- Sound
    Vasiṣṭha's (vasiṣṭha) posture (āsana) - ("Vasiṣṭha" is the name of the sage who was guru or spiritual preceptor of Lord Rāmacandra)   vasiShThAsana
  2. वातायनासन -- Vātāyanāsana / vAtAyanAsana / vAtAyanAsana -- Sound
    Horse (vātāyana) posture (āsana)
  3. वीरभद्रासन -- Vīrabhadrāsana / vIrabhadrAsana / vIrbhadrAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) of the distinguished (bhadra) hero (vīra)   vIrabhadra
  4. वीरासन -- Vīrāsana / vIrAsana / vIrAsana -- Sound
    Hero (vīra) posture (āsana)   vIrAsana
  5. वृक्षासन -- Vṛkṣāsana / vR^ikSAsana / vRkSAsana -- Sound
    Tree (vṛkṣa) posture (āsana)   vRRikShAsana
  6. वृश्चिकासन -- Vṛścikāsana / vR^ishcikAsana / vRzcikAsana -- Sound
    Scorpion (vṛścika) posture (āsana)



  1. शलभासन -- Śalabhāsana / shalabhAsana / zalabhAsana -- Sound
    Grass-hopper (śalabha) posture (āsana)   shalabhAsana
  2. शवासन -- Śavāsana / shavAsana / zavAsana -- Sound
    Corpse (śava) posture (āsana)   shavAsana



  1. समकोणासन -- Samakoṇāsana / samakoNAsana / samakoNAsana -- Sound
    Straight (sama) angle (koṇa) posture (āsana)
  2. सालम्बसर्वाङ्गासन -- Sālambasarvāṅgāsana / sAlambasarvA~NgAsana / sAlambasarvAGgAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) for the whole (sarva) body (aṅga), "sālamba" (endowed with ālamba or support) version (sa-ālamba)   sAlambasarvAN^gAsana
  3. सालम्बशीर्षासन -- Sālambaśīrṣāsana / sAlambashIrSAsana / sAlambazIrSAsana -- Sound
    Head stand (śīrṣa-āsana), "sālamba" (endowed with ālamba or support) version (sa-ālamba)  sAlambashIrShAsana
  4. सिंहासन -- Siṁhāsana / siMhAsana / siMhAsana -- Sound
    Lion (siṁha) posture (āsana)
  5. सिद्धासन -- Siddhāsana / siddhAsana / siddhAsana -- Sound
    Perfect (siddha) posture (āsana) - (Other possible translations: "Posture of the perfected one" or "Posture of the perfected ones")
  6. सुप्तकोणासन -- Suptakoṇāsana / suptakoNAsana / suptakoNAsana -- Sound
    Angle (koṇa) posture (āsana), "supta" (lain down or reclined) version (supta)   suptakoNAsana
  7. सुप्तत्रिविक्रमासन -- Suptatrivikramāsana / suptatrivikramAsana / suptatrivikramAsana -- Sound
    Trivikrama's (trivikrama) posture (āsana), "supta" (lain down or reclined) version (supta) - ("Trivikrama" is an epithet of Lord Viṣṇu meaning "One who strides over the three worlds -heaven, earth and hell- in three steps")
  8. सुप्तपादाङ्गुष्ठासन -- Suptapādāṅguṣṭhāsana / suptapAdA~NguSThAsana / suptapAdAGguSThAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) (in which one grabs his) big toes (pāda-aṅguṣṭha), "supta" (lain down or reclined) version (supta)  suptapAdAN^guShThAsana
  9. सुप्तवज्रासन -- Suptavajrāsana / suptavajrAsana / suptavajrAsana -- Sound
    Thunderbolt (vajra) posture (āsana), "supta" (lain down or reclined) version (supta) - (As "vajra" means "diamond" too, the translation "Diamond posture" is also accepted)
  10. सुप्तवीरासन -- Suptavīrāsana / suptavIrAsana / suptavIrAsana -- Sound
    Hero (vīra) posture (āsana), "supta" (lain down or reclined) version (supta)  suptavIrAsana
  11. सेतुबन्धसर्वाङ्गासन -- Setubandhasarvāṅgāsana / setubandhasarvA~NgAsana / setubandhasarvAGgAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) for the whole (sarva) body (aṅga) forming (bandha) a bridge (setu)  setubandhasarvAN^gAsana
  12. सेतुबन्धासन -- Setubandhāsana / setubandhAsana / setubandhAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) forming (bandha) a bridge (setu)



  1. हनुमदासन -- Hanumadāsana / hanumadAsana / hanumadAsana -- Sound
    Hanumān's (hanumat) posture (āsana) - (Hanumān is sometimes considered to be the most fervent Lord Rāmacandra's devotee)
  2. हलासन -- Halāsana / halAsana / halAsana -- Sound
    Plow (hala) posture (āsana)   halAsana


Further Information

Gabriel Pradīpaka

Ezt a dokumentumot Gabriel Pradīpaka, a website egyik társalapítója készítette, aki spirituális guru és aki a Szanszkrit nyelv és a Trika filozófiai rendszerben jártas.

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