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Tantrāloka (português): Capítulo 25 - estrofes 1 a 29 - Shaivismo não dual da Caxemira
Śrāddhaprakāśana - Tradução normal
Tradução ao português brasileiro em progresso
This is the only set of stanzas (from the stanza 1 to the stanza 29) of the twenty-fifth chapter (called Śrāddhaprakāśana).
This work was written by the great Master Abhinavagupta and is a compendium of Tantra in all its facets. Tantrāloka is the most important and voluminous work of the greatest Trika Master. Abhinavagupta was also the teacher of eminent Kṣemarāja and lived about 975-1025 AD in Kashmir.
This treatise whose name is Tantrāloka is a complete encyclopedia of Tantra. Since it is a very advanced text in Trika Shaivism, there is no surprise if a neophyte finds it difficult to understand. To start to understand it, the level of the reader must be the one of a real disciple in Trika Shaivism. If this requirement is not met, then there will be a lot of confusion and constant disappointment. Because in spite of my great efforts to explain the things so easily as possible, to study this treatise requires some spiritual caliber. In this system, sometimes it is not possible even to write about certain topics due to the extreme limitation of the words. Because in the end, all this knowledge has to do with 'states', and it is extremely difficult to write about 'states' in a precise way. Abhinavagupta has done his best to accomplish this formidable task of writing about what is superior and intangible. Anyway, despite his incredible skills to carry out this, he is not revealing everything. It is not because he is all the time hiding things from the reader, but because he is sometimes hiding and on other occasions he just cannot write about some extremely subtle topics because of the limitation of the words.
Goal of life is Liberation. Man has searched for freedom always in human history, but according to Trika Shaivism that is not real Liberation. Real Liberation does not mean that your body should be free from some prison and things like that. Real Liberation amounts to attaining His Svātantrya or Absolute Freedom. When the Great Lord's Svātantrya is achieved, then you see unity in all the things, i.e. you stop seeing duality as before. All is forever identified with Svātantrya, with Him, and that is the end of the story called 'you in bondage'. From this point on nothing will get in your way, because if something apparently gets in your way, that is Svātantrya again. This constant awareness of unity in all is real Freedom. There is no other attainment greater than this!
Keeping the above in mind, now read Tantrāloka and experience Supreme Delight, dear Śiva.
Important: All that is in brackets and italicized within the translation has been added by me in order to complete the sense of a particular phrase or sentence. In turn, all that is between double hyphen (--...--) constitutes clarifying additional information also added by me.
Estrofes 1 a 10
अथ श्रीतन्त्रालोके पञ्चविंशतितममाह्निकम्।
Atha śrītantrāloke pañcaviṁśatitamamāhnikam|
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अथ श्राद्धविधिः श्रीमत्षडर्धोक्तो निगद्यते॥१॥
Atha śrāddhavidhiḥ śrīmatṣaḍardhokto nigadyate||1||
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सिद्धातन्त्रे सूचितोऽसौ मूर्तियागनिरूपणे।
अन्त्येष्ट्या सुविशुद्धानामशुद्धानां च तद्विधिः॥२॥
Siddhātantre sūcito'sau mūrtiyāganirūpaṇe|
Antyeṣṭyā suviśuddhānāmaśuddhānāṁ ca tadvidhiḥ||2||
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त्र्यहे तुर्येऽह्नि दशमे मासि मास्याद्यवत्सरे।
वर्षे वर्षे सर्वकालं कार्यस्तत्स्वैः स पूर्ववत्॥३॥
Tryahe turye'hni daśame māsi māsyādyavatsare|
Varṣe varṣe sarvakālaṁ kāryastatsvaiḥ sa pūrvavat||3||
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तत्र प्राग्वद्यजेद्देवं होमयेदनले तथा।
ततो नैवेद्यमेव प्राग्गृहीत्वा हस्तगोचरे॥४॥
Tatra prāgvadyajeddevaṁ homayedanale tathā|
Tato naivedyameva prāggṛhītvā hastagocare||4||
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गुरुरन्नमयीं शक्तिं वृंहिकां वीर्यरूपिणीम्।
ध्यात्वा तया समाविष्टं तं साध्यं चिन्तयेत्सुधीः॥५॥
Gururannamayīṁ śaktiṁ vṛṁhikāṁ vīryarūpiṇīm|
Dhyātvā tayā samāviṣṭaṁ taṁ sādhyaṁ cintayetsudhīḥ||5||
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ततोऽस्य यः पाशवोंऽशो भोग्यरूपस्तमर्पयेत्।
भोक्तर्येकात्मभावेन शिष्य इत्थं शिवीभवेत्॥६॥
Tato'sya yaḥ pāśavoṁ'śo bhogyarūpastamarpayet|
Bhoktaryekātmabhāvena śiṣya itthaṁ śivībhavet||6||
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भोग्यतान्या तनुर्देह इति पाशात्मका मताः।
श्राद्धे मृतोद्धृतावन्तयागे तेषां शिवीकृतिः॥७॥
Bhogyatānyā tanurdeha iti pāśātmakā matāḥ|
Śrāddhe mṛtoddhṛtāvantayāge teṣāṁ śivīkṛtiḥ||7||
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एकेनैव विधानेन यद्यपि स्यात्कृतार्थता।
तथापि तन्मयीभावसिद्ध्यै सर्वं विधिं चरेत्॥८॥
Ekenaiva vidhānena yadyapi syātkṛtārthatā|
Tathāpi tanmayībhāvasiddhyai sarvaṁ vidhiṁ caret||8||
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बुभुक्षोस्तु क्रियाभ्यासभूमानौ फलभूमनि।
हेतु ततो मृतोद्धारश्राद्धाद्यस्मै समाचरेत्॥९॥
Bubhukṣostu kriyābhyāsabhūmānau phalabhūmani|
Hetu tato mṛtoddhāraśrāddhādyasmai samācaret||9||
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तत्त्वज्ञानार्कविध्वस्तध्वान्तस्य तु न कोऽप्ययम्।
अन्त्येष्टिश्राद्धविध्यादिरुपयोगी कदाचन॥१०॥
Tattvajñānārkavidhvastadhvāntasya tu na ko'pyayam|
Antyeṣṭiśrāddhavidhyādirupayogī kadācana||10||
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Estrofes 11 a 20
तेषां तु गुरु तद्वर्गवर्ग्यसब्रह्मचारिणाम्।
तत्सन्तानजुषामैक्यदिनं पर्वदिनं भवेत्॥११॥
Teṣāṁ tu guru tadvargavargyasabrahmacāriṇām|
Tatsantānajuṣāmaikyadinaṁ parvadinaṁ bhavet||11||
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यदाहि बोधस्योद्रेकस्तदा पर्वाह पूरणात्।
जन्मैक्यदिवसौ तेन पर्वणी बोधसिद्धितः॥१२॥
Yadāhi bodhasyodrekastadā parvāha pūraṇāt|
Janmaikyadivasau tena parvaṇī bodhasiddhitaḥ||12||
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पुत्रकोऽपि यदा कस्मैचन स्यादुपकारकः।
तदा मातुः पितुः शक्तेर्वामदक्षान्तरालगाः॥१३॥
Putrako'pi yadā kasmaicana syādupakārakaḥ|
Tadā mātuḥ pituḥ śaktervāmadakṣāntarālagāḥ||13||
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नाडीः प्रवाहयेद्देवायार्पयेत निवेदितम्।
श्रीमद्भरुणतन्त्रे च तच्छिवेन निरूपितम्॥१४॥
Nāḍīḥ pravāhayeddevāyārpayeta niveditam|
Śrīmadbharuṇatantre ca tacchivena nirūpitam||14||
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तद्वाहकालापेक्षा च कार्या तद्रूपसिद्धये।
स्वाच्छन्द्येनाथ तत्सिद्धिं विधिना भाविना चरेत्॥१५॥
Tadvāhakālāpekṣā ca kāryā tadrūpasiddhaye|
Svācchandyenātha tatsiddhiṁ vidhinā bhāvinā caret||15||
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यस्य कस्यापि वा श्राद्धे गुरुदेवाग्नितर्पणम्।
सचक्रेष्टि भवेच्छ्रौतो नतु स्यात्पाशवो विधिः॥१६॥
Yasya kasyāpi vā śrāddhe gurudevāgnitarpaṇam|
Sacakreṣṭi bhavecchrauto natu syātpāśavo vidhiḥ||16||
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श्रीमौकुटे तथा चोक्तं शिवशास्त्रे स्थितोऽपि यः।
प्रत्येति वैदिके भग्नघण्टावन्न स किञ्चन॥१७॥
Śrīmaukuṭe tathā coktaṁ śivaśāstre sthito'pi yaḥ|
Pratyeti vaidike bhagnaghaṇṭāvanna sa kiñcana||17||
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रुद्रत्वमेत्यसौ जन्तुर्भोगान्दिव्यान्समश्नुते॥१८॥
Rudratvametyasau janturbhogāndivyānsamaśnute||18||
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अथ वच्मः स्फुटं श्रीमत्सिद्धये नाडिचारणम्।
या वाहयितुमिष्येत नाडी तामेव भावयेत्॥१९॥
Atha vacmaḥ sphuṭaṁ śrīmatsiddhaye nāḍicāraṇam|
Yā vāhayitumiṣyeta nāḍī tāmeva bhāvayet||19||
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भावनातन्मयीभावे सा नाडी वहति स्फुटम्।
यद्वा वाहयितुं येष्टा तदङ्गं तेन पाणिना॥२०॥
Bhāvanātanmayībhāve sā nāḍī vahati sphuṭam|
Yadvā vāhayituṁ yeṣṭā tadaṅgaṁ tena pāṇinā||20||
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Estrofes 21 a 29
आपीड्य कुक्षिं नमयेत्सा वहेन्नाडिका क्षणात्।
एवं श्राद्धमुखेनापि भोगमोक्षोभयस्थितिम्॥२१॥
Āpīḍya kukṣiṁ namayetsā vahennāḍikā kṣaṇāt|
Evaṁ śrāddhamukhenāpi bhogamokṣobhayasthitim||21||
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कुर्यादिति शिवेनोक्तं तत्र तत्र कृपालुना।
शक्तिपातोदये जन्तोर्येनोपायेन दैशिकः॥२२॥
Kuryāditi śivenoktaṁ tatra tatra kṛpālunā|
Śaktipātodaye jantoryenopāyena daiśikaḥ||22||
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करोत्युद्धरणं तत्तन्निर्वाणायास्य कल्पते।
उद्धर्ता देवदेवो हि स चाचिन्त्यप्रभावकः॥२३॥
Karotyuddharaṇaṁ tattannirvāṇāyāsya kalpate|
Uddhartā devadevo hi sa cācintyaprabhāvakaḥ||23||
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उपायं गुरुदीक्षादिद्वारमात्रेण संश्रयेत्।
उक्तं श्रीमन्मतङ्गाख्ये मुनिप्रश्नादनन्तरम्॥२४॥
Upāyaṁ gurudīkṣādidvāramātreṇa saṁśrayet|
Uktaṁ śrīmanmataṅgākhye munipraśnādanantaram||24||
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मुक्तिर्विवेकात्तत्त्वानां दीक्षातो योगतो यदि।
चर्यामात्रात्कथं सा स्यादित्यतः सममुत्तरम्॥२५॥
Muktirvivekāttattvānāṁ dīkṣāto yogato yadi|
Caryāmātrātkathaṁ sā syādityataḥ samamuttaram||25||
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प्रहस्योचे विभुः कस्माद्भ्रान्तिस्ते परमेशितुः।
सर्वानुग्राहकत्वं हि संसिद्धं दृश्यतां किल॥२६॥
Prahasyoce vibhuḥ kasmādbhrāntiste parameśituḥ|
Sarvānugrāhakatvaṁ hi saṁsiddhaṁ dṛśyatāṁ kila||26||
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प्राप्तमृत्योर्विषव्याधिशस्त्रादि किल कारणम्।
अल्पं वा बहु वा तद्वदनुध्या मुक्तिकारणम्॥२७॥
Prāptamṛtyorviṣavyādhiśastrādi kila kāraṇam|
Alpaṁ vā bahu vā tadvadanudhyā muktikāraṇam||27||
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मुक्त्यर्थमुपचर्यन्ते बाह्यलिङ्गान्यमूनि तु।
इति ज्ञात्वा न सन्देह इत्थं कार्यो विपश्चिता॥२८॥
Muktyarthamupacaryante bāhyaliṅgānyamūni tu|
Iti jñātvā na sandeha itthaṁ kāryo vipaścitā||28||
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इयतैव कथं मुक्तिरिति भक्तिं परां श्रयेत्।
उक्तः श्राद्धविधिर्भ्रान्तिगरातङ्कविमर्दनः॥२९॥
Iyataiva kathaṁ muktiriti bhaktiṁ parāṁ śrayet|
Uktaḥ śrāddhavidhirbhrāntigarātaṅkavimardanaḥ||29||
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Informação adicional
Este documento foi concebido por Gabriel Pradīpaka, um dos dois fundadores deste site, e guru espiritual versado em idioma Sânscrito e filosofia Trika.
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