Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (Magyar-Főoldal)

Adatvédelemi és biztonsági nyilatkozat

Ismerd meg az adatvédelmi és biztonsági irányelveinket

This statement explains our policies regarding privacy and security:

Collection of your personal information

We are not collecting anything that personally identifies you, except that information for normal statistical purposes. We are also not collecting e-mail addresses from the visitors who send messages to us. Rest assured that you will never receive anything from us via e-mail, but, obviously, the answers to your messages.


The contents of this website are given for free. You do not need to register anywhere to get them. Our security measures are the usual ones on any server, but we wish to specify the following:

  1. Our statistical system is completely private and professional. In other words, the visitors (search engines' robots included) cannot reach the stats.
  2. Nobody can add links to our Sanskrit Directory but the administrator. If you want to suggest a link, e-mail him, but firstly read these detailed instructions about the directories.
  3. In short, no links to other websites are shown automatically anywhere on this site.

Use of cookies

Cookies used on this website are safe and never identifying you personally.

And we have Paypal and Facebook buttons on top of all. They will try to insert cookies from the start. Nonetheless, you can very easily block these third-parties cookies in the settings of your browser.

Besides, our Sanskrit Directory inserts cookies into your browser too for functioning optimally.

Also, cookies are inserted when you are forced to use the service provided by third parties:

  1. When you search this website by using the Google Custom Search box.

Use of Ads

No Ads anywhere, except possibly in the following case when you are forced to use the service provided by another site:

  1. When you search this website by using the Google Custom Search box.

In any case, when you are using that service, you have to abide by their own Privacy and Security statement, not ours.

Doubts as regards this statement

Simply e-mail the administrator.

Changes to this statement

We reserve the right to change this statement at any time with no previous warning. Anyway, if the statement is updated, we will add the respective date.

Final words

This site does not generate any revenues, of course, as it is not a commercial one at all. In fact, we have to spend our own money to keep it up. We are making this great effort in time and money only for people to get Sanskrit knowledge for free. Consider this website as a kind of temple and respect it accordingly, please.

Last update: September 20th, 2018

You might also want to read our Terms of use