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Names of Āsana-s, Bandha-s and Mudrā-s


Posture images extracted from the excellent Yogafont 3.00 by Bill Grainger - Visit to download the font


The transliterated names are shown in IAST, ITRANS 5.3 and Harvard-Kyoto, respectively
Important: All tabs and names follow the Sanskrit alphabetical order - See the Sanskrit alphabet for guidance



  1. अधोमुखश्वानासन -- Adhomukhaśvānāsana / adhomukhashvAnAsana / adhomukhazvAnAsana -- Sound
    Dog (śvāna) posture (āsana) having the face (mukha) downward (adhas)   adhomukhashvAnAsana
  2. अनन्तासन -- Anantāsana / anantAsana / anantAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) of the Infinite (ananta) - (Ananta is an ephithet for Lord Viṣṇu)   anantAsana
  3. अर्धचन्द्रासन -- Ardhacandrāsana / ardhacandrAsana / ardhacandrAsana -- Sound
    Half-moon (ardha-candra) posture (āsana)   ardhacandrAsana
  4. अर्धनावासन -- Ardhanavāsana / ardhanavAsana / ardhanavAsana -- Sound
    Half (ardha) boat (nau) posture (āsana)   ardhanavAsana
  5. अर्धबद्धपद्मपश्चिमोत्तानासन -- Ardhabaddhapadmapaścimottānāsana / ardhabaddhapadmapashcimottAnAsana / ardhabaddhapadmapazcimottAnAsana -- Sound
    Half (ardha) posture (āsana) that stretchs (uttāna) the rear region (of the body) (paścima) (together with) tied (baddha) lotus (padma) - ("Paścima" means the entire rear region of the body and not only the back)
  6. अर्धमत्स्येन्द्रासन -- Ardhamatsyendrāsana / ardhamatsyendrAsana / ardhamatsyendrAsana -- Sound
    Half (ardha) Matsyendra's (matsyendra) posture (āsana) - ("Matsyendra" means "chief of the fishes" and it is the name of one of the two sages who compiled the Haṭhayoga science during the Middle Ages)



  1. आकर्णधनुरासन -- Ākarṇadhanurāsana / AkarNadhanurAsana / AkarNadhanurAsana -- Sound
    Bow (dhanus) posture (āsana) up to ear (ākarṇa) - (i.e. One foot is imagined to be an arrow reaching to the ear)



  1. उड्डीयानबन्ध -- Uḍḍīyānabandha / uDDIyAnabandha / uDDIyAnabandha -- Sound
    Rising or flying (uḍḍīyāna) lock (bandha) - (It is so called because through the practice of this lock or bandha, the vital energy or prāṇa flies upward with ease in the subtle body)
  2. उत्तानासन -- Uttānāsana / uttAnAsana / uttAnAsana -- Sound
    Extended (uttāna) posture (āsana)  uttAnAsana
  3. उत्तानपादासन -- Uttānapādāsana / uttAnapAdAsana / uttAnapAdAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) with legs (pāda) extended (uttāna)
  4. उत्थितत्रिकोणासन -- Utthitatrikoṇāsana / utthitatrikoNAsana / utthitatrikoNAsana -- Sound
    Triangle (tri-koṇa) posture (āsana) in a standing position (utthita)   utthitatrikoNAsana
  5. उत्थितपार्श्वकोणासन -- Utthitapārśvakoṇāsana / utthitapArshvakoNAsana / utthitapArzvakoNAsana -- Sound
    Angle (koṇa) posture (āsana) on one side (pārśva) (and) in a standing position (utthita)  utthitapArshvakoNAsana
  6. उत्थितहस्तपादाङ्गुष्ठासन -- Utthitahastapādāṅguṣṭhāsana / utthitahastapAdA~NguSThAsana / utthitahastapAdAGguSThAsana -- Sound
    Standing (utthita) posture (āsana) (in which one grabs) a big-toe (pādāṅguṣṭha) with (his) hands (hasta)  utthitahastapAdAGguSTAsana
  7. उपविष्टकोणासन -- Upaviṣṭakoṇāsana / upaviSTakoNAsana / upaviSTakoNAsana -- Sound
    Angle (koṇa) posture (āsana) in a sitting position (upaviṣṭa)  upaviSTakoNAsana
  8. उष्ट्रासन -- Uṣṭrāsana / uShTrAsana / uSTrAsana -- Sound
    Camel (uṣṭra) posture (āsana)  uShTrAsana



  1. ऊर्ध्वदण्डासन -- Ūrdhvadaṇḍāsana / UrdhvadaNDAsana / UrdhvadaNDAsana -- Sound
    Stick (daṇḍa) posture (āsana), upward (ūrdhva)
  2. ऊर्ध्वधनुरासन -- Ūrdhvadhanurāsana / UrdhvadhanurAsana / UrdhvadhanurAsana -- Sound
    Bow (dhanus) posture (āsana), upward (ūrdhva)  UrdhvadhanurAsana
  3. ऊर्ध्वपद्मासन -- Ūrdhvapadmāsana / UrdhvapadmAsana / UrdhvapadmAsana -- Sound
    Lotus (padma) posture (āsana), upward (ūrdhva)
  4. ऊर्ध्वप्रसारितपादासन -- Ūrdhvaprasāritapādāsana / UrdhvaprasAritapAdAsana / UrdhvaprasAritapAdAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) with legs (pāda) extended (prasārita) upward (ūrdhva)   UrdhvaprasAritapAda
  5. ऊर्ध्वमुखपश्चिमोत्तानासन -- Ūrdhvamukhapaścimottānāsana / UrdhvamukhapashcimottAnAsana / UrdhvamukhapazcimottAnAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) that stretchs (uttāna) the rear region (of the body) (paścima), upward (ūrdhva-mukha) - ("Paścima" means the entire rear region of the body and not only the back)
  6. ऊर्ध्वमुखश्वानासन -- Ūrdhvamukhaśvānāsana / UrdhvamukhashvAnAsana / UrdhvamukhazvAnAsana -- Sound
    Dog (śvāna) posture (āsana) having the face (mukha) upward (ūrdhva)   UrdhvamukhashvAnAsana



  1. एकपादप्रसारणसर्वाङ्गतुलासन -- Ekapādaprasāraṇasarvāṅgatulāsana / ekapAdaprasAraNasarvA~NgatulAsana / ekapAdaprasAraNasarvAGgatulAsana -- Sound
    Balance (tulā) posture (āsana) for the whole (sarva) body (aṅga), by extending (prasāraṇa) one (eka) leg (pāda)
  2. एकपादराजकपोतासन -- Ekapādarājakapotāsana / ekapAdarAjakapotAsana / ekapAdarAjakapotAsana -- Sound
    King-pigeon (rāja-kapota) posture (āsana), (by grabbing) one (eka) foot (pāda)
  3. एकपादशीर्षासन -- Ekapādaśīrṣāsana / ekapAdashIrSAsana / ekapAdazIrSAsana -- Sound
    Two possible translations resulting in two different postures:
    "Posture (āsana) (in which) one (eka) foot (pāda) (is placed behind) the head (śīrṣa)"
    (or) "Head stand (śīrṣa-āsana), (by only holding) one (eka) foot (pāda) (up)"   ekapAdashIrShAsana
  4. एकपादसर्वाङ्गासन -- Ekapādasarvāṅgāsana / ekapAdasarvA~NgAsana / ekapAdasarvAGgAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) for the whole (sarva) body (aṅga), (by only holding) one (eka) foot (pāda) (up)   ekapAdasarvAN^gAsana



  1. कपोतासन -- Kapotāsana / kapotAsana / kapotAsana -- Sound
    Pigeon (kapota) posture (āsana)
  2. कर्णपीडासन -- Karṇapīḍāsana / karNapIDAsana / karNapIDAsana -- Sound
    Ear-pressing (karṇa-pīḍā) posture (āsana)  karNapIDAsana
  3. कुक्कुटासन -- Kukkuṭāsana / kukkuTAsana / kukkuTAsana -- Sound
    Cock (kukkuṭa) posture (āsana)
  4. कूर्मासन -- Kūrmāsana / kUrmAsana / kUrmAsana -- Sound
    Tortoise (kūrma) posture (āsana)  kUrmAsana
  5. क्रौञ्चासन -- Krauñcāsana / krau~ncAsana / krauJcAsana -- Sound
    Curlew/Heron (krauñca) posture (āsana) - (The word "krauñca" may be translated as "curlew" or "heron")



  1. गरुडासन -- Garuḍāsana / garuDAsana / garuDAsana -- Sound
    Garuḍa's (garuḍa) posture (āsana) - ("Garuḍa" means "devourer" and it is the name of the celebrated eagle acting as vehicle of Lord Viṣṇu)  garuDAsana
  2. गर्भासन -- Garbhāsana / garbhAsana / garbhAsana -- Sound
    Fetus (garbha) posture (āsana)
  3. गोमुखासन -- Gomukhāsana / gomukhAsana / gomukhAsana -- Sound
    Cow-faced (go-mukha) posture (āsana)  gomukhAsana
  4. गोरक्षासन -- Gorakṣāsana / gorakShAsana / gorakSAsana -- Sound
    Gorakṣa's (gorakṣa) posture (āsana) - ("Gorakṣa" means "cowherd" and it is the name of one of the two sages who compiled the Haṭhayoga science during the Middle Ages; Matsyendra is the name of the other sage)



  1. चक्रासन -- Cakrāsana / cakrAsana / cakrAsana -- Sound
    Wheel (cakra) posture (āsana)



  1. जठरपरिवर्तनासन -- Jaṭharaparivartanāsana / jaTharaparivartanAsana / jaTharaparivartanAsana -- Sound
    Belly-revolving (jaṭhara-parivartana) posture (āsana)  jaTharaparivartanAsana
  2. जानुशीर्षासन -- Jānuśīrṣāsana / jAnushIrSAsana / jAnuzIrSAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) (in which) the head (śīrṣa) (is placed over one) knee (jānu)



  1. ताडासन -- Tāḍāsana / tADAsana / tADAsana -- Sound
    Mountain (tāḍa) posture (āsana) - (Two variants are shown here)   tADAsana
  2. तुलासन -- Tulāsana / tulAsana / tulAsana -- Sound
    Balance (tulā) posture (āsana)



  1. दण्डासन -- Daṇḍāsana / daNDAsana / daNDAsana -- Sound
    Stick (daṇḍa) posture (āsana)   daNDAsana



  1. धनुरासन -- Dhanurāsana / dhanurAsana / dhanurAsana -- Sound
    Bow (dhanus) posture (āsana)   dhanurAsana



  1. नटराजासन -- Nāṭarājāsana / naTarAjAsana / naTarAjAsana -- Sound
    Naṭarāja's (naṭarāja) posture (āsana) - ["Naṭarāja" is an epithet of Lord Śiva meaning both "King (rāja) of dancers (naṭa)" and "King (rāja) of actors (naṭa)", because in India an actor is generally also a dancer. Hence that double entendre]
  2. निरालम्बसर्वाङ्गासन -- Nirālambasarvāṅgāsana / nirAlambasarvA~NgAsana / nirAlambasarvAGgAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) for the whole (sarva) body (aṅga), "nirālamba" (endowed with no ālamba or support) version (nis-ālamba)



  1. पद्मासन -- Padmāsana / padmAsana / padmAsana -- Sound
    Lotus (padma) posture (āsana)   padmAsana
  2. परिपूर्णनावासन -- Paripūrṇanāvāsana / paripUrNanAvAsana / paripUrNanAvAsana -- Sound
    Boat (nau) posture (āsana), full version (paripūrṇa)  paripUrNanAvAsana
  3. परिपूर्णमत्स्येन्द्रासन -- Paripūrṇamatsyendrāsana / paripUrNamatsyendrAsana / paripUrNamatsyendrAsana -- Sound
    Matsyendra's (matsyendra) posture (āsana), full version (paripūrṇa) - ("Matsyendra" means "chief of the fishes" and it is the name of one of the two sages who compiled the Haṭhayoga science during the Middle Ages)
  4. परिवृत्तजानुशीर्षासन -- Parivṛttajānuśīrṣāsana / parivR^ittajAnushIrSAsana / parivRttajAnuzIrSAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) (in which one's own) head (śīrṣa) (is placed on) the knee (jānu), "parivṛtta" (turned round or revolved) version (parivṛtta)  parivRRittajAnushIrShAsana
  5. परिवृत्तत्रिकोणासन -- Parivṛttatrikoṇāsana / parivR^ittatrikoNAsana / parivRttatrikoNAsana -- Sound
    Triangle (tri-koṇa) posture (āsana), "parivṛtta" (turned round or revolved) version (parivṛtta)   parivRRittatrikoNAsana
  6. परिवृत्तपश्चिमोत्तानासन -- Parivṛttapaścimottānāsana / parivR^ittapashcimottAnAsana / parivRttapazcimottAnAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) that stretches (uttāna) the rear region (of the body) (paścima), "parivṛtta" (turned round or revolved) version (parivṛtta) - ("Paścima" means the entire rear region of the body and not only the back)
  7. परिवृत्तपार्श्वकोणासन -- Parivṛttapārśvakoṇāsana / parivR^ittapArshvakoNAsana / parivRttapArzvakoNAsana -- Sound
    Angle (koṇa) posture (āsana) on one side (pārśva), "parivṛtta" (turned round or revolved) version (parivṛtta)   parivRRittapArshvakoNa
  8. पर्यङ्कासन -- Paryaṅkāsana / parya~NkAsana / paryaGkAsana -- Sound
    Bed (paryaṅka) posture (āsana)
  9. पर्वतासन -- Parvatāsana / parvatAsana / parvatAsana -- Sound
    Mountain (parvata) posture (āsana)   parvatAsana
  10. पश्चिमोत्तानासन -- Paścimottānāsana / pashcimottAnAsana / pazcimottAnAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) that stretches (uttāna) the rear region (of the body) (paścima) - ("Paścima" means the entire rear region of the body and not only the back)   pashcimottAnAsana
  11. पादहस्तासन -- Pādahastāsana / pAdahastAsana / pAdahastAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) (in which one's own) hands (hasta) (grab) the feet (pāda)
  12. पादाङ्गुष्ठधनुरासन -- Pādāṅguṣṭhadhanurāsana / pAdA~NguSThadhanurAsana / pAdAGguSThadhanurAsana -- Sound
    Bow (dhanus) posture (āsana) (by grabbing) the big toes (pāda-aṅguṣṭha)
  13. पादाङ्गुष्ठासन -- Pādāṅguṣṭhāsana / pAdA~NguShThAsana / pAdAGguSThAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) (in which one grabs his) big toes (pāda-aṅguṣṭha)
  14. पार्श्वधनुरासन -- Pārśvadhanurāsana / pArshvadhanurAsana / pArzvadhanurAsana -- Sound
    Bow (dhanus) posture (āsana), on one side (pārśva)
  15. पार्श्वशीर्षासन -- Pārśvaśīrṣāsana / pArshvashIrSAsana / pArzvazIrSAsana -- Sound
    Head stand (śīrṣa-āsana), on one side (pārśva)   pArshvashIrShAsana
  16. पार्श्वहलासन -- Pārśvahalāsana / pArshvahalAsana / pArzvahalAsana -- Sound
    Plow (hala) posture (āsana), on one side (pārśva)
  17. पार्श्वोत्तानासन -- Pārśvottānāsana / pArshvottAnAsana / pArzvottAnAsana -- Sound
    Stretching (uttāna) posture (āsana), on one side (pārśva)   pArshvottAnAsana
  18. पूर्वोत्तानासन -- Pūrvottānāsana / pUrvottAnAsana / pUrvottAnAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) that stretches (pūrva) the frontal region (of the body) (uttāna) - ("Pūrva" means the entire front region of the body and not only the chest)
  19. प्रसारितपादोत्तानासन -- Prasāritapādottānāsana / prasAritapAdottAnAsana / prasAritapAdottAnAsana -- Sound
    Stretching (uttāna) posture (āsana) with outstretched (prasārita) legs (pāda)  prasAritapAdottAnAsana



  1. बकासन -- Bakāsana / bakAsana / bakAsana -- Sound
    Crane (baka) posture (āsana)   bakAsana
  2. बद्धकोणासन -- Baddhakoṇāsana / baddhakoNAsana / baddhakoNAsana -- Sound
    Angle (koṇa) posture (āsana), "baddha" (tied) version (baddha)   baddhakoNAsana
  3. बद्धपद्मासन -- Baddhapadmāsana / baddhapadmAsana / baddhapadmAsana -- Sound
    Lotus (padma) posture (āsana), "baddha" (tied) version (baddha)
  4. बद्धहस्तशीर्षासन -- Baddhahastaśīrṣāsana / baddhahastashIrSAsana / baddhahastazIrSAsana -- Sound
    Cross-armed (baddha-hasta) head stand (śīrṣa-āsana)



  1. भरद्वाजासन -- Bharadvājāsana / bharadvAjAsana / bharadvAjAsana -- Sound
    Bharadvāja's (bharadvāja) posture (āsana) - (Bharadvāja is considered to be one of the seven vedic Ṛṣi-s or Seers)   bharadvAjAsana
  2. भुजङ्गासन -- Bhujaṅgāsana / bhuja~NgAsana / bhujaGgAsana -- Sound
    Snake (bhujaṅga) posture (āsana)  bhujaN^gAsana
  3. भुजपीडासन -- Bhujapīḍāsana / bhujapIDAsana / bhujapIDAsana -- Sound
    Arm-pressing (bhuja-pīḍā) posture (āsana) - (Another possible translation is "posture that causes pain or suffering to the arms", as "pīḍā" also means "pain, suffering, etc." apart from "pressure")   bhujapIDAsana
  4. भेकासन -- Bhekāsana / bhekAsana / bhekAsana -- Sound
    Frog (bheka) posture (āsana)  bhekAsana



  1. मकरासन -- Makarāsana / makarAsana / makarAsana -- Sound
    Makara (makara) posture (āsana) - (Makara is a kind of mythical sea-monster)
  2. मण्डलासन -- Maṇḍalāsana / maNDalAsana / maNDalAsana -- Sound
    Circle (maṇḍala) posture (āsana)
  3. मत्स्यासन -- Matsyāsana / matsyAsana / matsyAsana -- Sound
    Fish (matsya) posture (āsana)
  4. मयूरासन -- Mayūrāsana / mayUrAsana / mayUrAsana -- Sound
    Peacock (mayūra) posture (āsana)
  5. मरीच्यासन -- Marīcyāsana / marIcyAsana / marIcyAsana -- Sound
    Marīci's (marīci) posture (āsana) - (Marīci is considered to be both a Prajāpati or Lord of created beings and one of the seven vedic Ṛṣi-s or Seers)   marIcyAsana
  6. महामुद्रा -- Mahāmudrā / mahAmudrA / mahAmudrA -- Sound
    Great (mahā) seal (mudrā)
  7. मुक्तहस्तशीर्षासन -- Muktahastaśīrṣāsana / muktahastashIrSAsana / muktahastashIrSAsana -- Sound
    Head stand (śīrṣa-āsana), "mukta-hasta" (loose-handed) version (mukta-hasta)



  1. योगमुद्रा -- Yogamudrā / yogamudrA / yogamudrA -- Sound
    Yoga (or Yogic) (yoga) seal (mudrā)



  1. राजकपोतासन -- Rājakapotāsana / rAjakapotAsana / rAjakapotAsana -- Sound
    Royal (rāja) pigeon (kapota) posture (āsana) - ("Rāja-kapota" means "royal pigeon" and not "king of pigeons", which is written "kapotarāja")



  1. लोलासन -- Lolāsana / lolAsana / lolAsana -- Sound
    Unsteady (or restless) (lola) posture (āsana)



  1. वसिष्ठासन -- Vasiṣṭhāsana / vasiSThAsana / vasiSThAsana -- Sound
    Vasiṣṭha's (vasiṣṭha) posture (āsana) - ("Vasiṣṭha" is the name of the sage who was guru or spiritual preceptor of Lord Rāmacandra)   vasiShThAsana
  2. वातायनासन -- Vātāyanāsana / vAtAyanAsana / vAtAyanAsana -- Sound
    Horse (vātāyana) posture (āsana)
  3. वीरभद्रासन -- Vīrabhadrāsana / vIrabhadrAsana / vIrbhadrAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) of the distinguished (bhadra) hero (vīra)   vIrabhadra
  4. वीरासन -- Vīrāsana / vIrAsana / vIrAsana -- Sound
    Hero (vīra) posture (āsana)   vIrAsana
  5. वृक्षासन -- Vṛkṣāsana / vR^ikSAsana / vRkSAsana -- Sound
    Tree (vṛkṣa) posture (āsana)   vRRikShAsana
  6. वृश्चिकासन -- Vṛścikāsana / vR^ishcikAsana / vRzcikAsana -- Sound
    Scorpion (vṛścika) posture (āsana)



  1. शलभासन -- Śalabhāsana / shalabhAsana / zalabhAsana -- Sound
    Grass-hopper (śalabha) posture (āsana)   shalabhAsana
  2. शवासन -- Śavāsana / shavAsana / zavAsana -- Sound
    Corpse (śava) posture (āsana)   shavAsana



  1. समकोणासन -- Samakoṇāsana / samakoNAsana / samakoNAsana -- Sound
    Straight (sama) angle (koṇa) posture (āsana)
  2. सालम्बसर्वाङ्गासन -- Sālambasarvāṅgāsana / sAlambasarvA~NgAsana / sAlambasarvAGgAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) for the whole (sarva) body (aṅga), "sālamba" (endowed with ālamba or support) version (sa-ālamba)   sAlambasarvAN^gAsana
  3. सालम्बशीर्षासन -- Sālambaśīrṣāsana / sAlambashIrSAsana / sAlambazIrSAsana -- Sound
    Head stand (śīrṣa-āsana), "sālamba" (endowed with ālamba or support) version (sa-ālamba)  sAlambashIrShAsana
  4. सिंहासन -- Siṁhāsana / siMhAsana / siMhAsana -- Sound
    Lion (siṁha) posture (āsana)
  5. सिद्धासन -- Siddhāsana / siddhAsana / siddhAsana -- Sound
    Perfect (siddha) posture (āsana) - (Other possible translations: "Posture of the perfected one" or "Posture of the perfected ones")
  6. सुप्तकोणासन -- Suptakoṇāsana / suptakoNAsana / suptakoNAsana -- Sound
    Angle (koṇa) posture (āsana), "supta" (lain down or reclined) version (supta)   suptakoNAsana
  7. सुप्तत्रिविक्रमासन -- Suptatrivikramāsana / suptatrivikramAsana / suptatrivikramAsana -- Sound
    Trivikrama's (trivikrama) posture (āsana), "supta" (lain down or reclined) version (supta) - ("Trivikrama" is an epithet of Lord Viṣṇu meaning "One who strides over the three worlds -heaven, earth and hell- in three steps")
  8. सुप्तपादाङ्गुष्ठासन -- Suptapādāṅguṣṭhāsana / suptapAdA~NguSThAsana / suptapAdAGguSThAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) (in which one grabs his) big toes (pāda-aṅguṣṭha), "supta" (lain down or reclined) version (supta)  suptapAdAN^guShThAsana
  9. सुप्तवज्रासन -- Suptavajrāsana / suptavajrAsana / suptavajrAsana -- Sound
    Thunderbolt (vajra) posture (āsana), "supta" (lain down or reclined) version (supta) - (As "vajra" means "diamond" too, the translation "Diamond posture" is also accepted)
  10. सुप्तवीरासन -- Suptavīrāsana / suptavIrAsana / suptavIrAsana -- Sound
    Hero (vīra) posture (āsana), "supta" (lain down or reclined) version (supta)  suptavIrAsana
  11. सेतुबन्धसर्वाङ्गासन -- Setubandhasarvāṅgāsana / setubandhasarvA~NgAsana / setubandhasarvAGgAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) for the whole (sarva) body (aṅga) forming (bandha) a bridge (setu)  setubandhasarvAN^gAsana
  12. सेतुबन्धासन -- Setubandhāsana / setubandhAsana / setubandhAsana -- Sound
    Posture (āsana) forming (bandha) a bridge (setu)



  1. हनुमदासन -- Hanumadāsana / hanumadAsana / hanumadAsana -- Sound
    Hanumān's (hanumat) posture (āsana) - (Hanumān is sometimes considered to be the most fervent Lord Rāmacandra's devotee)
  2. हलासन -- Halāsana / halAsana / halAsana -- Sound
    Plow (hala) posture (āsana)   halAsana


Further Information

Gabriel Pradīpaka

This document was conceived by Gabriel Pradīpaka, one of the two founders of this site, and spiritual guru conversant with Sanskrit language and Trika philosophy.

For further information about Sanskrit, Yoga and Indian Philosophy; or if you simply want to comment, ask a question or correct a mistake, feel free to contact us: This is our e-mail address.