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Contact us
This is our e-mail address:
Gabriel Pradīpaka is NOT responding e-mails any more directly. Another person (kind of secretary) will be in charge of dealing with the mass of e-mails arriving every week. Reasons for this: He has no time available to respond all that. Besides, 90% is just foolishness (you know, people are like kids). So, from now on (January of 2018) he will only reply serious e-mails passed on to him by his secretary. The rest of e-mails can be easily handled by the secretary.
NEWCOMERS: Read the Guided Tour to understand how this website is organized
Make sure you have read this before e-mailing us
WARNING: Emails of people asking us to translate, write, correct, etc. something in Sanskrit will be considered as 'SPAM' and treated accordingly
'Our website is a kind of temple and not an online translation service'
Anyway, if you need translations you can check these websites instead
Go to
(you will find there an online Monier Williams Dictionary which is exactly the same as the one that Gabriel Pradīpaka uses in his translations. If you do not understand Harvard-Kyoto or ITRANS --the transliteration schemes used by this online dictionary--, read this page)
Besides, you can go to
and ask someone there to translate something for you from/into Sanskrit language.
Also, do not ask us for URLs. All Sanskrit-related URLs we recommend are to be found on our LINKS.