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Hindi-Home - Sitemap

A complete Sitemap

   Go to the Sitemap!

Important information

But before doing that, you should read the following FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) because it will prove very useful for you:

  1. What is the Sitemap?: A special document that shows, by exhibiting links to all the documents, how this website is organized.
  2. I can access all documents through the main menu already. What is the use of a Sitemap then?: The main menu uses JavaScript. About 10% of visitors will have JavaScript disabled in their browsers for some reason (they do not know how to enable it or they disabled it on purpose, etc.). I explain how to enable JavaScript in the Technical FAQ of the Tour. Those are general instructions that can help you out of the trouble of having JavaScript disabled. Anyway, even if you have it enabled, there might be some bugs preventing you from using the main menu. The Sitemap was built with that in mind. The main menu only contains links to front pages in the case of documents forming a series, while the Sitemap contains links to all the documents of the entire website. In this sense, the Sitemap can be a little more difficult to use, because there are so many documents here. Nevertheless, when the main menu fails for any cause, the Sitemap comes to the rescue by giving you links to all the documents.
  3. Does the Sitemap contain links to all the documents in all the languages?: NO. There is one Sitemap "per language". You can access the other Sitemaps by clicking on the flags on top of the Sitemap in your own language.
  4. Can the Sitemap be opened with any browser?: YES, because it is written in simple HTML any modern browser can understand. Whether or not the main menu works, the Sitemap will always be there for you to access the contents of the website.
  5. Is it accessible?: In my humble opinion, it meets the requirements demanded by the Level Triple-A Conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0. So, yes, it is fully accessible to visitors with disabilities.
  6. If there are any doubts?: The answer is obvious: this is our e-mail address.

Now, go to the Sitemap and check it out by yourself, please Upwards!