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 Learning Sanskrit - Verbs - 2 (Hindi) (I)

Verbs: Present Tense - Examples 1 (GAṆA-S 1, 4, 6 and 10)


Hi, Gabriel Pradīpaka, once more. This document is the first one with examples of roots belonging to Gaṇa-s 1, 4, 6 and 10 being conjugated in the Present Tense. As you surely know, the roots residing in those four Gaṇa-s or Houses have their bases unchangeable. In other words, the base, once formed, does not change before the terminations. Besides, "a" is to be added to the base to form a kind of compound base. A summary now:

1) The base or "Aṅga" is unchangeable. Remember that the base is "generally" the very root but strengthened via Guṇa or Vṛddhi substitutions (or even some other alternative methods). Sometimes, the base coincides with the root.
2) The vowel "
a" is added to the base to form a kind of "compound" base.

The rules to form a proper base are as follows: 

1st (Bhvādi) (a) If the root ends in a vowel, you have to turn this one into its Guṇa substitute.
(b) If the penultimate letter of the root is a "short" vowel, you have to transform this vowel into its Guṇa substitute.
The vowel "a" must be added to the base to form a kind of "compound" base. However, this very "a" is (1) dropped before terminations beginning with "a", and (2) is lengthened before terminations beginning with a Semivowel, a Nasal, "jh" or "bh".
Besides, (3) the penultimate "i", "u", "ṛ" or "ḷ" of a root must be lengthened when followed by "r" or "v" plus any consonant. Careful! Moreover, (4) when the vowel "ṝ" (long) occupies the penultimate or final position in a root and it does not take Guṇa or Vṛddhi or any other change (See 6th Gaṇa), is to be changed to "ir" or to "ur" (only if a Labial or "v" precedes). In turn, "i" in "ir" and "u" in "ur" must be lengthened when "ir" or "ur" is followed by a consonant.
Note that "y", which you add to a root of the 4th Gaṇa to form the base might turned out to be that "additional" consonant which is mentioned in (3) and (4).
4th (Divādi)

(a) Any vowel present in the root remains unchanged [except penultimate "i", "u", "ṛ" and "ḷ" when followed by "r" or "v" plus a consonant; and a penultimate or final "ṝ". See (3) and (4) in Common Features].
(b) The Semivowel "y" is added to the root.

6th (Tudādi) (a) If the penultimate letter of a the root is a vowel (short or long), it remains unchanged [except penultimate "i", "u", "ṛ" and "ḷ" when followed by "r" or "v" plus a consonant; and a penultimate "ṝ". See (3) and (4) in Common Features].
(b) If the final letter of the root is "i", "ī", "u", "ū", "ṛ" or "ṝ", it changes to "iy", "uv", "riy" and "ir" respectively. In other words, "i" and "ī" change to "iy"; "u" and "ū" change to "uv", while "ṛ" changes to "riy" and "ṝ" changes to "ir".
10th (Curādi) (a) If the penultimate letter of the root is a "short" vowel (except "a"), it takes the Guṇa substitute.
(b) If the root has a final vowel or a penultimate "a", not prosodically long, all of them are to be turned into their respective Vṛddhi substitute.
[A vowel is prosodically long when it is followed by two or more consonants; e.g. "a" in "mantra". Note that the penultimate "a" in "mantra" is not originally long, but it becomes so, as it were, because it is followed by three consonants (ntr)]
(c) "ay" is to be ultimately added.
These are the rules. However, a few roots undergo some specific changes apart from those abovementioned. Do not worry, I will explain that to you in due course.

And the terminations to be used are the following:

Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
1st Person मि वस् - वः मस् - मः वहे महे
mi vas(ḥ)* mas(ḥ)* i vahe mahe
2nd Person सि थस् - थः से इथे ध्वे
si thas(ḥ)* tha se ithe dhve
3rd Person ति तस् - तः अन्ति ते इते अन्ते
ti tas(ḥ)* anti te ite ante
* (ḥ) is added for showing that Visarga must be substituted for "s" on certain occasions according to the rules of Visarga Sandhi

Finally, here you are the well-known table to form Guṇa and Vṛddhi:

Gradations of Vowel Alternation
Type Vowels
WEAKENED GRADATION (simple vowels) a i-ī u-ū ṛ-ṝ
PROTRACTED GRADATION (Vṛddhi) ā ai au ār āl

I will not be adding any of these charts every time a root is being conjugated, but I will add the link Rules so many times as necessary so that you may consult the charts when you are in need of more information. Let us get down to work.


 Gaṇa or House 1

In Verbs (2) (English), I taught you how to conjugate the following roots: "purv" (to fill), "laṣ" (to desire) and "īkṣ" (to see). Now, I will teach you how to conjugate the following five roots:

  1. "bhū" (to become, etc.) - Only Parasmaipada (rarely Ātmanepada)
  2. "budh" (to know, etc) - Parasmaipada and Ātmanepada
  3. "" (to guide, etc.) - Parasmaipada and Ātmanepada
  4. "urd" (to measure, etc.) - Only Ātmanepada
  5. "lumb" (to torment, etc.) - Only Parasmaipada

Let us start:

भू - Bhū (to become, etc.) - Only Parasmaipada (rarely Ātmanepada)

1) Forming the base (See Rules): "bhū" changes to "bho" [by (a), 1st (Bhvādi) in Rules]. Then, "a" is added to form the compound base: "bhoa" ("oa" combination is not permitted by the 1st Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi). Therefore, "bhoa" is to change to "bhava" by transforming "o" into "av" according to the 6th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi. So, the compound base is "bhava". The final step is to add the terminations. A summary of the process to form the compound base:

bhū » bho » bho + a » bhoa » bhava

2) Adding terminations:

Note that as "v" in "vas(ḥ)" and "vahe" is a Semivowel and "m" in "mi", "mas(ḥ)" and "mahe" is a Nasal, "a" must be lengthened before those endings by (2) --Common Features-- in Rules.

Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
1st P. भवामि भवावस् - भवावः भवामस् - भवामः भवे भवावहे भवामहे
bhavāmi bhavāvas(ḥ)1 bhavāmas(ḥ)1 bhave3 bhavāvahe bhavāmahe
I become we both become we become I become we both become we become
2nd P. भवसि भवथस् - भवथः भवथ भवसे भवेथे भवध्वे
bhavasi bhavathas(ḥ)1 bhavatha bhavase bhavethe3 bhavadhve
you become you both become you become you become you both become you become
3rd P. भवति भवतस् - भवतः भवन्ति भवते भवेते भवन्ते
bhavati bhavatas(ḥ)1 bhavanti2 bhavate bhavete3 bhavante2
he/she/it becomes they both become they become he/she/it becomes they both become they become
1 (ḥ) is added for showing that Visarga must be substituted for "s" on certain occasions according to the rules of Visarga Sandhi.
2 Final "a" in the compound base "bhava" must be dropped before terminations beginning with "a" -See (1) --Common Features-- in Rules
3 Final "a" in "bhava" (compound base) + "i", "ithe" and "ite" (Ātmanepada terminations) = "e", "ethe" and "ete" respectively, as "a" plus "i" is "e" by 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi.

बुध् - Budh (to know, etc.) - Parasmaipada and Ātmanepada

1) Forming the base (See Rules): "budh" changes to "bodh" [by (b), 1st (Bhvādi) in Rules]. Note that "u" is actually the penultimate letter of the root, since "dh" is an "entire" letter and not d + h, got it? Then, "a" is added to form the compound base: "bodha" So, the compound base is "bodha". The final step is to add the terminations. A summary of the process to form the compound base:

budh » bodh » bodh + a » bodha

2) Adding terminations:

Note that as "v" in "vas(ḥ)" and "vahe" is a Semivowel and "m" in "mi", "mas(ḥ)" and "mahe" is a Nasal, "a" must be lengthened before those endings by (2) --Common Features-- in Rules.

Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
1st P. बोधामि बोधावस् - बोधावः बोधामस् - बोधामः बोधे बोधावहे बोधामहे
bodhāmi bodhāvas(ḥ)1 bodhāmas(ḥ)1 bodhe3 bodhāvahe bodhāmahe
I know we both know we know I know we both know we know
2nd P. बोधसि बोधथस् - बोधथः बोधथ बोधसे बोधेथे बोधध्वे
bodhasi bodhathas(ḥ)1 bodhatha bodhase bodhethe3 bodhadhve
you know you both know you know you know you both know you know
3rd P. बोधति बोधतस् - बोधतः बोधन्ति बोधते बोधेते बोधन्ते
bodhati bodhatas(ḥ)1 bodhanti2 bodhate bodhete3 bodhante2
he/she/it knows they both know they know he/she/it knows they both know they know
1 (ḥ) is added for showing that Visarga must be substituted for "s" on certain occasions according to the rules of Visarga Sandhi.
2 Final "a" in the compound base "bodha" must be dropped before terminations beginning with "a" -See (1) --Common Features-- in Rules
3 Final "a" in "bodha" (compound base) + "i", "ithe" and "ite" (Ātmanepada terminations) = "e", "ethe" and "ete" respectively, as "a" plus "i" is "e" by 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi.

नी - Nī (to guide, etc.) - Parasmaipada and Ātmanepada

1) Forming the base (See Rules): "nī" changes to "ne" [by (a), 1st (Bhvādi) in Rules]. Then, "a" is added to form the compound base: "nea" ("ea" combination is not permitted by the 1st Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi). Therefore, "nea" is to change to "naya" by transforming "e" into "ay" according to the 6th Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi. So, the compound base is "naya". The final step is to add the terminations. A summary of the process to form the compound base:

nī » ne » ne + a » nea » naya

2) Adding terminations:

Note that as "v" in "vas(ḥ)" and "vahe" is a Semivowel and "m" in "mi", "mas(ḥ)" and "mahe" is a Nasal, "a" must be lengthened before those endings by (2) --Common Features-- in Rules.

Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
1st P. नयामि नयावस् - नयावः नयामस् - नयामः नये नयावहे नयामहे
nayāmi nayāvas(ḥ)1 nayāmas(ḥ)1 naye3 nayāvahe nayāmahe
I guide we both guide we guide I guide we both guide we guide
2nd P. नयसि नयथस् - नयथः नयथ नयसे नयेथे नयध्वे
nayasi nayathas(ḥ)1 nayatha nayase nayethe3 nayadhve
you guide you both guide you guide you guide you both guide you guide
3rd P. नयति नयतस् - नयतः नयन्ति नयते नयेते नयन्ते
nayati nayatas(ḥ)1 nayanti2 nayate nayete3 nayante2
he/she/it guides they both guide they guide he/she/it guides they both guide they guide
1 (ḥ) is added for showing that Visarga must be substituted for "s" on certain occasions according to the rules of Visarga Sandhi.
2 Final "a" in the compound base "naya" must be dropped before terminations beginning with "a" -See (1) --Common Features-- in Rules
3 Final "a" in "naya" (compound base) + "i", "ithe" and "ite" (Ātmanepada terminations) = "e", "ethe" and "ete" respectively, as "a" plus "i" is "e" by 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi.

उर्द् - Urd (to measure, etc.) - Only Ātmanepada

1) Forming the base (See Rules): "urd" changes to "ūrd" [by (3), --Common Features-- in Rules]. Note that "u" is not the penultimate letter and you cannot transform it into its Guṇa form by (b) --1st Bhvādi-- in Rules. However, when you have to apply some of the rules to be found in Common Features (see Rules), you may consider "rd" to be an entire letter, as it were, and thus "u" would act as the penultimate letter there. This consideration may seem strange, but it works and is commonly used. Then, "a" is added to form the compound base: "ūrda". So, the compound base is "ūrda". The final step is to add the terminations. A summary of the process to form the compound base:

urd » ūrd » ūrd + a » ūrda

2) Adding terminations:

Note that as "v" in "vahe" is a Semivowel and "m" in "mahe" is a Nasal, "a" must be lengthened before those endings by (2) --Common Features-- in Rules.

Singular Dual Plural
1st P. ऊर्दे ऊर्दावहे ऊर्दामहे
ūrde1 ūrdāvahe ūrdāmahe
I measure we both measure we measure
2nd P. ऊर्दसे ऊर्देथे ऊर्दध्वे
ūrdase ūrdethe1 ūrdadhve
you measure you both measure you measure
3rd P. ऊर्दते ऊर्देते ऊर्दन्ते
ūrdate ūrdete1 ūrdante2
he/she/it measures they both measure they measure
1 Final "a" in "ūrda" (compound base) + "i", "ithe" and "ite" (Ātmanepada terminations) = "e", "ethe" and "ete" respectively, as "a" plus "i" is "e" by 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi.
2 Final "a" in the compound base "ūrda" must be dropped before terminations beginning with "a" -See (1) --Common Features-- in Rules

लुम्ब् - Lumb (to torment, etc.) - Only Parasmaipada

1) Forming the base (See Rules): "lumb" does not undergo any changes, since "u" is neither at the end of the root nor is the penultimate letter. Besides, no rules in Common Features (see Rules), except (2) when conjugated, may be applied to it. Then, "a" is added to form the compound base: "lumba". So, the compound base is "lumba". The final step is to add the terminations. A summary of the process to form the compound base:

lumb » lumb + a » lumba

2) Adding terminations:

Note that as "v" in "vas(ḥ)" is a Semivowel and "m" in "mi" and "mas(ḥ)" is a Nasal, "a" must be lengthened before those endings by (2) --Common Features-- in Rules.

Singular Dual Plural
1st P. लुम्बामि लुम्बावस् - लुम्बावः लुम्बामस् - लुम्बामः
lumbāmi lumbāvas(ḥ)1 lumbāmas(ḥ)1
I torment we both torment we torment
2nd P. लुम्बसि लुम्बथस् - लुम्बथः लुम्बथ
lumbasi lumbathas(ḥ)1 lumbatha
you torment you both torment you torment
3rd P. लुम्बति लुम्बतस् - लुम्बतः लुम्बन्ति
lumbati lumbatas(ḥ)1 lumbanti2
he/she/it torments they both torment they torment
1 (ḥ) is added for showing that Visarga must be substituted for "s" on certain occasions according to the rules of Visarga Sandhi.
2 Final "a" in the compound base "lumba" must be dropped before terminations beginning with "a" -See (1) --Common Features-- in Rules

to be continued


 Further Information

Gabriel Pradīpaka

This document was conceived by Gabriel Pradīpaka, one of the two founders of this site, and spiritual guru conversant with Sanskrit language and Trika philosophy.

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