Words beginning with Labials - Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir
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*Sanskrit terms occurring in the definitions have generally their own definition in the Glossary as well.
1. | पञ्चकृत्य | Pañcakṛtya | The fivefold act of Lord Śiva. It consists of sṛṣṭi (manifestation), sthiti (maintenance of that manifestation), saṁhāra (reabsorption or withdrawal of that manifestation), tirodhāna/pidhāna/vilaya --all of them are synonymous-- (concealment of one's own essential nature) and anugraha (bestowal of divine Grace). In Pratyabhijñāhṛdayam (aphorism 11), these five acts are also respectively called ābhāsana (the act of manifesting), rakti (enjoyment), vimarśana (the act of experiencing oneself as the Self), bījāvasthāpana (the act of sowing the seed) and vilāpana (dissolution). |
2. | पञ्चमन्त्र | Pañcamantra | Lit. "Five mantra-s" or "one who is composed of five mantra-s" (an epithet of Śiva). In other words, the five aspects of Śiva: Īśāna, Tatpuruṣa, Sadyojāta, Vāmadeva and Aghora. |
3. | पञ्चवक्त्र | Pañcavaktra | Lit. "Five-faced" (and epithet of Śiva). Idem Pañcamantra. |
4. | पञ्चशक्ति | Pañcaśakti | The five main powers of Śiva: Cit (Consciousness), Ānanda (Bliss), Icchā (Will), Jñāna (Knowledge) and Kriyā (Action). The word "śakti" or "power" may also be added to those five terms to bring about five new ones: Cicchakti {t + ś = cch by applying in a succesive way the 9th and 4th [1st subrule (a)] Rules of Consonant Sandhi}, Ānandaśakti, Icchāśakti, Jñānaśakti and Kriyāśakti, which means Power of Consciousness, Power of Bliss, Power of Will, Power of Knowledge and Power of Action, respectively. |
5. | पति | Pati | An epithet of Lord Śiva. However, it is also the name which is used to designate an enlightened being. |
6. | पतिदशा | Patidaśā | The state of Pati, i.e. the state of Śiva. Also, it is the state of enlightenment attained by a pati or emancipated being. |
7. | पर | Para | The Highest, i.e. the highest state of consciousness where unity is complete. It is a higher condition than the Parāpara and Apara stages, of course |
8. | परप्रमाता | Parapramātā | The highest experient, also known as Śiva, the Supreme Being. |
9. | परमात्मा | Paramātmā | The Supreme Self. |
10. | परमार्थ | Paramārtha | The Supreme Reality. The Highest Goal. |
11. | परानन्द | Parānanda | Lit. "Supreme Bliss". Also, there is a state in Āṇavopāya (See the third stage of Uccāra method in Meditation 4) in which one experiences a kind of bliss called Parānanda or higher bliss. It occurs when you perceives prāṇa and apāna jointly. As a matter of fact, the process is much more complicated... read that portion of "Meditation 4" then to understand the topic thoroughly. |
12. | परापर | Parāpara | The intermediate state between Para (the Highest) and Apara (the lowest). It is unity in diversity, i.e. unity and difference simultaneously. |
13. | परामर्श | Parāmarśa | The act of seizing something mentally. It also means many other things: contemplation, consciousness of a letter, etc. |
14. | परावाक् | Parāvāk | Lit. "the Highest Speech". It is the stage in which vācya (object) and vācaka (word, i.e. the word denoting that object) remain absorbed in the Supreme Being. In fact, they do not even exist as vācya and vācaka. For example: the word "tree" and the real "tree" do not exist as such, but both of them are one Self. Another name for Parāvāk is Mahāhrada and also Parāśakti. Of course, there are also other stages: Paśyantī, Madhyamā and Vaikharī, where vācya and vācaka go through a process of becoming different and separated gradually so that the physical world may be manifested. See Trika: Six Courses for more information. |
15. | पराशक्ति | Parāśakti | Lit. "the Highest Power". It is the divine Power of Śiva, the Supreme Being. This Power of His is in complete unity with Him just as the rest of your body is in complete unity with your arms. Through Parāśakti, Śiva becomes conscious of Himself in the form of "I am". And from this point on, He unleashes through His Parāśakti the process of universal manifestation. Another name for Parāśakti is Śakti plainly, but She is called in many other ways too, of course: Pūrṇāhantā, Spanda, Parāvāk, Mahāhrada and so forth. |
to be continued
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