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Words beginning with Sibilants and Sonant Aspirate - Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir


Śa Ṣa Sa Ha Back to Trika's Glossary



*Sanskrit terms occurring in the definitions have generally their own definition in the Glossary as well.

1. शक्ति Śakti The Supreme Power of Śiva. She causes Śiva (the Supreme Being) to become conscious of His own existence in the form of "I am", and simultaneously unleashes the process of universal manifestation. She has countless names: Parāśakti, Pūrṇāhantā, Citi, Mahāhrada, Parāvāk and so on.
2. शक्तिचक्र Śakticakra Lit. "the group of powers". They are the infinite number of aspects in which the Supreme Power or Śakti shines forth. The sage Kṣemarāja has give many other interpretations of "śakticakra" in his commentary on Spandakārikā-s called Spandanirṇaya (Specially look for his various interpretations of the term "śakticakravibhavaprabhavam" occurring in the first aphorism).
3. शक्तितत्त्व Śaktitattva The second tattva or category of universal manifestation. As a matter of fact, it is not a tattva as it has not been manifested but it is the Manifesting Power Itself. It is the same thing as Śakti, of course.
4. शक्तिपञ्चक Śaktipañcaka Idem Pañcaśakti.
5. शक्तिपात Śaktipāta Lit. "descent of Power". The act of divine Grace bestowed by Śiva upon an individual so that he may realize his one's own essential nature. It has to do with the fifth act (called Anugraha) carried out by the Supreme Lord. Anugraha along with the remaining four acts (Sṛṣṭi, Sthiti, Saṁhāra and Vilaya --also called Tirodhāna or Pidhāna--) forms the celebrated Pañcakṛtya.
6. शक्तिमान् Śaktimān Lit. "one who is possessed of Śakti or Power; powerful". An epithet of Lord Śiva, the Supreme Being.
7. शक्तिविकास Śaktivikāsa Unfoldment or display of śakti or power. It is a state where one is conscious of his inner Self despite his senses are completely working and open to the external objects.
8. शक्तिसङ्कोच Śaktisaṅkoca Contraction of śakti or power. It is a state where the senses are withdrawn from their respective external objects and one's own attention is focused on the inner Self. It is the opposite condition to Śaktivikāsa.
9. शब्द Śabda Lit. "word, sound". Idem Śabdatanmātra.
10. शब्दतन्मात्र Śabdatanmātra It is one of the five Tanmātra-s or subtle elements. It is the "pattern sound " by which one perceives the different sounds. The other four Tanmātra-s are: Sparśa, Rūpa, Rasa and Gandha.
11. शब्दब्रह्म Śabdabrahma The most pristine form of sound. The sound of the Absolute. A condition in which word and thought are one and the same thing.
12. शब्दराशि Śabdarāśi Lit. "multitude of sounds" or also "all existing words". On the other hand, it is the technical term to designate too the entire arrangement of letters from "a" to "kṣa". The traditional Sanskrit alphabet ends with "ha". However, sometimes the conjunct "kṣa" (ka + sa) is added to the list despite it is not a single letter but the combination of two.
13. शाक्त Śākta Lit. "related to Śakti or Power". Anything connected with Śakti or Power. It is also the name of a follower of the divine Śakti, just as "śaiva" is the one of a follower of Lord Śiva.
14. शाक्तजप Śāktajapa Continuous remembrance of the Self in the form of I-consciousness or Śakti (Power).
15. शाक्तयोग Śāktayoga Idem Śāktopāya.
to be continued


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