Words beginning with Palatals - Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir
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Although "jña" is generally considered to be quite a consonant, it is lastly a "conjunct" formed from "ja" and "ña". Thus, the words beginning with "jña" have been placed along with those beginning with "ja". |
*Sanskrit terms occurring in the definitions have generally their own definition in the Glossary as well.
1. | चक्र | Cakra | This term has two principal meanings: (1) The group of śakti-s or powers; (2) The centers of vital energy. There are a lot of Cakra-s in the subtle body but seven of them are well-known: Mūlādhāra, Svādhiṣṭhāna, Maṇipūra, Anāhata, Viśuddha, Ājñā and Sahasrāra. Kuṇḍalinī passes through them, after rising from Mūlādhāra, in Her long journey to Sahasrāra (Śiva's Abode). |
2. | चक्रेश्वर | Cakreśvara | The master or lord of the Cakra (the group of śakti-s). |
3. | चन्द्र | Candra | Three major meanings for this term which literally means "moon": (1) A Grāhya or Prameya, i.e. an object of experience; (2) Īḍānāḍī or the channel through which the mental śakti flows in the subtle body; (3) Apāna (the vital energy which goes in downward toward the base of spinal column with every inhalation). |
4. | चमत्कार | Camatkāra | Bliss of the supreme I-consciousness. |
5. | चिच्छक्ति | Cicchakti | Cit-śakti or the Power of Cit or Consciousness. A synonymous with Śiva. |
6. | चित् | Cit | The absolute Consciousness. A synonymous with Śiva, that is, this Sublime Reality from which everything and everyone has arisen. The origin of all. It remains as an Eternal Witness to all changes in the universe. YOU YOURSELF. It is also the third stage in Karaṇa (a practice of Āṇavopāya), in which you become conscious of Puruṣa (inner soul). It is also known as Saṁvitti. |
7. | चिति | Citi | The Supreme Power of Cit or Śiva, by which He manifest the entire universe. It is a synonymous with Śakti. |
8. | चित्कला | Citkalā | The Energy of Cit or Consciousness. An epithet of Śakti. |
9. | चित्त | Citta | Individual mind. |
10. | चित्तप्रलय | Cittapralaya | Dissolution of the individual mind in Śiva or Cit. |
11. | चित्तविश्रान्ति | Cittaviśrānti | Repose of the individual mind in Śiva or Cit. |
12. | चित्तसम्बोध | Cittasambodha | Awakening of the individual mind. |
13. | चित्प्रकाश | Citprakāśa | Light of Cit or Consciousness. The effulgence of Śiva. |
14. | चिदाकाश | Cidākāśa | The ether of Cit or Consciousness. |
15. | चिदानन्द | Cidānanda | Bliss of Cit or Consciousness. The Ānanda or Bliss that you experience in the sixth stage of Uccāra (a practice of Āṇavopāya), when you go beyond your physical body and perceive everything as permeated by your own Self or Cit. |
16. | चिदानन्दघन | Cidānandaghana | A mass of Cidānanda. |
17. | चिद्घन | Cidghana | A mass of Cit or Consciousness. |
18. | चिन्ता | Cintā | Thought. |
19. | चेतन | Cetana | Three main meanings for this word: (1) Paramaśiva or Supreme Śiva; (2) Self; (3) conscious being or individual. |
20. | चेतना | Cetanā | An intermediate stage of consciousness between the highest state and the ordinary one. |
21. | चेत्य | Cetya | An object of experience. A knowable. This word is synonymous with Grāhya, Prameya, Jñeya and Meya. |
22. | चैतन्य | Caitanya | The absolute Consciousness or Paramaśiva. Paramaśiva is full of Supreme Freedom of Will or Svātantrya, which allows Him to know and do everything. In other words, He is possessed of complete Omniscience and Omnipotence. |
1. | छेद | Cheda | Cessation of prāṇa (the vital energy going out with every exhalation) and apāna (the vital energy going in with every inhalation) by pronouncing of anacka (vowel-less) sounds. |
1. | जगत् | Jagat | The world. |
2. | जगदानन्द | Jagadānanda | Bliss of Śiva appearing as the entire world or universe. The Ānanda or Bliss that you experience in the seventh stage (the last one) of Uccāra (a practice of Āṇavopāya), when you realize that Śiva is "jagat" or the world, that is, you realize the omnipresence or all-pervasiveness of "I AM". |
3. | जप | Japa | Muttering of a sacred word. |
4. | जाग्रत् | Jāgrat | Two different meanings for this word: (1) Wakefulness; (2) Enlightenment or that condition in which there is no Māyā or delusion and the Self is seen as what He is really. |
5. | जाग्रदवस्था | Jāgradavasthā | The waking state. The other three are: (1) Svapna or dreaming state; (2) Suṣupti or deep/dreamless sleep and (3) Turīya or Turya, i.e. the fourth state. |
6. | जाग्रज्ज्ञान | Jāgrajjñāna | The ordinary knowledge which is common to all people during wakefulness or Jāgrat. |
7. | जीव | Jīva | The individual soul, also known as Puruṣa. This is the conditioned and limited being who identifies himself with his subtle and gross bodies because of the operation of Kañcuka-s. |
8. | जीवन्मुक्त | Jīvanmukta | A being who retains his body even after experiencing Liberation or Mukti, that is, he continues to live as a common person despite he has achieved Self-realization. Those beings who depart from their bodies after experiencing Mukti are called Videhamukta-s. |
9. | जीवन्मुक्ति | Jīvanmukti | Liberation or Mukti without departing from physical body. In short, it is to experience that Śiva is all while still living in the body. |
10. | ज्ञान | Jñāna | Two major meanings for this word: (1) Limited knowledge causing bondage; (2) Supreme Knowledge. |
11. | ज्ञानयोग | Jñānayoga | Yoga of Knowledge, that is, it is the Yoga in which one uses knowledge to attain to Self-realization. A synonymous with Śāktopāya in Trika system. |
12. | ज्ञानशक्ति | Jñānaśakti | The Power of Knowledge. The supreme Power by which Śiva knows all everywhere. It is fully operating in Īśvaratattva. |
13. | ज्ञानी | Jñānī | A man who has attained spiritual wisdom or supreme knowledge. When a woman has achieved that very Jñāna, she is known as Jñāninī. |
14. | ज्येष्ठा | Jyeṣṭhā | The śakti-s or powers who inspire the limited beings for Self-realization. They are benevolent śakti-s pushing Puruṣa-s or Jīva-s toward the Supreme State. It is one of the four śakti-s or powers (the other three are Ambā, Raudrī and Vāmā) of which Yoni or divine Womb is composed. |
1. | झटिति | Jhaṭiti | Instantly, at once. |
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