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Bullets for Masculine (. - black), Feminine (. - red) and Masculine/Feminine (. - orange) names
The list is in Sanskrit alphabetical order (see the alphabet here). Abbreviations m. and f. = masculine and feminine. Red transliteration (in brackets) follows the ITRANS encoding scheme, see here. You can use Itranslator 99 along with your chosen name in ITRANS to get "marvelous results". See how here.

 Names beginning with "I" and "Ī"

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  1. Icchāvasu (icChAvasu) (इच्छावसु) m.: One who possesses all longed-for wealth.
  2. Ijya (ijya) (इज्य) m.: One who is to be revered or honored, a teacher - Epithet for Bṛhaspati, the Guru of the gods. [bR^ihaspati - guru]
  3. Ijyā (ijyA) (इज्या) f.: Sacrifice, making offering to the Godhead.
  4. Iṭa (iTa) (इट) m.: A type of reed or grass, a mat woven from it.
  5. Iḍa (iDa) (इड) m.: One who is to be invoked with a stream of sacred words and worship - Epithet for Agni, the god of fire. [agni]
  6. Iḍaspati (iDaspati) (इडस्पति) m.: Lord of refreshment - Epithet for Bṛhaspati, the Guru of the gods. [bR^ihaspati]
  7. Iḍā (iDA) (इडा) f.: Refreshment, holy libation.
  8. Ina (ina) (इन) m., Inā (inA) (इना) f.: Able, strong, lord, master.
  9. Indirā (indirA) (इन्दिरा) f.: Beauty, splendor - Epithet for Lakṣmī. [lakSmI]
  10. Indirāmandira (indirAmandira) (इन्दिरामन्दिर) m.: The home or temple of Lakṣmī - Epithet for Viṣṇu. [lakSmI - viSNu]
  11. Indu (indu) (इन्दु) m.: Moon.
  12. Induja (induja) (इन्दुज) m.: Son of the moon - Epithet for the planet Mercury.
  13. Indubhṛt (indubhR^it) (इन्दुभृत्) m.: One who bears the crescent on his forehead - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  14. Indumatī (indumatI) (इन्दुमती) f.: Day of full moon.
  15. Indumauli (indumauli) (इन्दुमौलि) m.: One who has the moon on his head - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  16. Induśekhara (indushekhara) (इन्दुशेखर) m.: One who has the moon on his head - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  17. Indra (indra) (इन्द्र) m.: Chief, best, the first one - Name of the god of the atmosphere and sky.
  18. Indraṛṣabhā (indraR^iSabhA) (इन्द्रऋषभा) f.: One who has god Indra as a bull - Epithet for the earth. [indra]
  19. Indrakarmā (indrakarmA) (इन्द्रकर्मा) m.: One who performs Indra's deeds - Epithet for Viṣṇu. [indra - viSNu]
  20. Indraguru (indraguru) (इन्द्रगुरु) m.: Guru of Indra - Epithet for the sage Kaśyapa. [guru - indra- kashyapa]
  21. Indraghoṣa (indraghoSa) (इन्द्रघोष) m.: One who has the name Indra. [indra]
  22. Indrajit (indrajit) (इन्द्रजित्) m.: Conqueror of the god Indra. [indra]
  23. Indrapālita (indrapAlita) (इन्द्रपालित) m.: One who is protected by Indra. [indra]
  24. Indrabhaginī (indrabhaginI) (इन्द्रभगिनी) f.: Indra's sister - Epithet for Pārvatī, second wife of Śiva. [indra - pArvatI - shiva]
  25. Indralokeśa (indralokesha) (इन्द्रलोकेश) m.: Lord of Indra's world - Epithet for Indra. [indra]
  26. Indrasārathi (indrasArathi) (इन्द्रसारथि) m., Indrasārathi (indrasArathi) (इन्द्रसारथि) f.: Companion of Indra - Epithet for Vāyu. [indra - vAyu]
  27. Indrasuta (indrasuta) (इन्द्रसुत) m.: Son of Indra. [indra]
  28. Indrasūnu (indrasUnu) (इन्द्रसूनु) m.: Son of Indra. [indra]
  29. Indrasenā (indrasenA) (इन्द्रसेना) f.: The army of Indra. [indra]
  30. Indrānuja (indrAnuja) (इन्द्रानुज) m.: The young brother of Indra - Epithet for Viṣṇu. [indra - viSNu]
  31. Indrāvaraja (indrAvaraja) (इन्द्रावरज) m.: The young brother of Indra - Epithet for Viṣṇu. [indra - viSNu]
  32. Indrota (indrota) (इन्द्रोत) m.: One who is promoted by Indra. [indra]
  33. Indriyātmā (indriyAtmA) (इन्द्रियात्मा) m.: One whose essence is the senses - Epithet for Viṣṇu. [viSNu]
  34. Idhma (idhma) (इन्ध्म) m.: Fuel.
  35. Irā (irA) (इरा) f.: Any drinkable fluid, food, enjoyment, water.
  36. Irāja (irAja) (इराज) m.: One who is born from water - Epithet for Kāmadeva. [kAmadeva]
  37. Ireśa (iresha) (इरेश) m.: Lord of water - Epithet for Viṣṇu. [viSNu]
  38. Irya (irya) (इर्य) m., Iryā (iryA) (इर्या) f.: Vigorous, active.
  39. Iṣa (iSa) (इष) m., Iṣā (iSA) (इषा) f.: One who has sap and strength.
  40. Iṣira (iSira) (इषिर) m., Iṣirā (iSirA) (इषिरा) f.: Vigorous, refreshing - Epithet for Agni, the god of fire. [agni]
  41. Iṣṭakāmadhuk (iSTakAmadhuk) (इष्टकामधुक्) f.: One who grants desires - Epithet for the cow of plenty.

 Names beginning with "Ī"

  1. Īraja (Iraja) (ईरज) m.: One who is born from the wind - Epithet for Hanumān, the great devotee of Lord Rāmacandra. [hanumAn - rAmacandra]
  2. Īraputra (Iraputra) (ईरपुत्र) m.: Son of the wind - Epithet for Hanumān, the great devotee of Lord Rāmacandra. [hanumAn - rAmacandra]
  3. Īśa (Isha) (ईश) m.: Lord, ruler - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  4. Īśasakhi (Ishasakhi) (ईशसखि) m.: Friend of Śiva - Epithet for Kuvera, the god of treasures. [shiva - kuvera]
  5. Īśāna (IshAna) (ईशान) m., Īśānā (IshAnA) (ईशाना) f.: Ruler, master - Epithet for Śiva (Īśāna) and Durgā (Īśānā). [shiva - durgA]
  6. Īśvara (Ishvara) (ईश्वर) m., Īśvarā or Īśvarī (IshvarA or IshvarI) (ईश्वरा or ईश्वरी) f.: Master, lord - Epithet for Śiva (Īśvara) and Durgā (Īśvarā or Īśvarī). [shiva - durgA]
  7. Īśvaradatta (Ishvaradatta) (ईश्वरदत्त) m.: One who is given or presented by the Lord.
  8. Īśvarasena (Ishvarasena) (ईश्वरसेन) m.: One who owns the army of the Lord.

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