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 Learning Sanskrit - Sandhi in action (1)

Studying Sandhi with Śivasūtra-s


Gabriel Pradīpaka again. I am really glad because this series of pages known as "Sandhi in action" has lastly started. For the time being, you have learnt Sandhi Rules in a separate way. It is now time for you to begin learning how to use and detect all those Rules while they work together in a real text. I have chosen "Śivasūtra-s" for the first part of our study. You can find one version of it on this website: Śivasūtra-s. Here, you will be able to understand how Śivasūtra-s were wonderfully written by Śiva's finger on the celebrated big stone in Kashmir [Read Trika 1 (English) for the full story]. I consider this opportunity I have to share this knowledge with you to be a real blessing. You and me have now the chance to understand that which was in the dark before. A mystery will be revealed through this page and that is something rare indeed. As you study Śivasūtra-s, you will understand what I mean.

I have used a color code to show you which rule is working in a particular area of an aphorism. For making things even easier, I have utilized the same colors as on Rules of Sandhi page, that is:

Vowel Sandhi:
Primary Rules
Vowel Sandhi:
Secondary Rules
Visarga Sandhi
Consonant Sandhi

Within the transliteration, every time a Rule is being used, you will see the respective letters with the corresponding color plus the number of the Rule beneath. Besides, if you can see a number in brackets along with the main number, it means that there is a sub-rule that is being utilized. Below the number, you will see the final result after applying Sandhi to the original words. For example:

The original words before using Rules of Sandhi ज्ञानम् बन्धः॥२॥
Jñānam bandhaḥ||2||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Jñāna m b andhaḥ||2||
Space reserved for comments 10 Space reserved for comments
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
Space reserved for comments ṁ b Space reserved for comments
The full-fledged aphorism ज्ञानं बन्धः॥२॥
Jñānaṁ bandhaḥ||2||
The (limited or contracted) knowledge (jñānam) is bondage (bandhaḥ).

If 10th Rule of Consonant Sandhi in the above example had had a sub-rule, I should have written "10 (x)" where "x" is the number of that sub-rule. Of course, as a matter of fact, 10th Rule of Consonant Sandhi has no sub-rules.

In many aphorisms, no Sandhi Rules will be needed. Even in this case, you will get a complete explanation by me. Remember that Sandhi in Śivasūtra-s is relatively easy. This was one of the reasons for which I chose it as a first text to teach you Sandhi in "real" world. "Sandhi in action 2" will include a scripture with a more complicated Sandhi and so on. Let us go on step by step, little by little. You have to learn how to walk before attempting to run.

Ah!, a last thing: have Rules of Sandhi page at hand. Print it if you can.


 First Section

This first section consists of twenty-two aphorisms, which deal with Śāmbhavopāya (the Means or Method in which you use Icchāśakti --Power of Will-- to realize the Supreme Self).

The original words before using Rules of Sandhi चैतन्यम् आत्मा॥१॥
Caitanyam ātmā||1||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Caitanyam ātmā||1||
The two words will be joined together, but no Sandhi Rules are necessary
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
The full-fledged aphorism चैतन्यमात्मा॥१॥
Consciousness which is omniscient and omnipotent (caitanyam) is the Self or true nature of Reality (ātmā).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi ज्ञानम् बन्धः॥२॥
Jñānam bandhaḥ||2||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Jñāna m b andhaḥ||2||
This rule is commonly used 10 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- ṁ b --
The full-fledged aphorism ज्ञानं बन्धः॥२॥
Jñānaṁ bandhaḥ||2||
The (limited or contracted) knowledge (jñānam) is bondage (bandhaḥ).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi योनि वर्गः कला शरीरम्॥३॥
Yoni vargaḥ kalā śarīram||3||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Yoni-varga ḥ k alā-śarīram||3||
Note that Visarga is added to "varga" in order to decline it in Nominative case (See Declension pages) 1 A Visarga generally remains the same if followed by a hard Guttural or Labial or a Sibilant, that is, "k, kh, p, ph, ś, ṣ and s" (exceptions are derived from using 4th, 5th, 6th and 10th Rules of Visarga Sandhi)
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- ḥ k Note that all remained the same despite you use a rule of Visarga Sandhi. Sandhi is not always synonymous with "change or transformation".
The full-fledged aphorism योनिवर्गः कलाशरीरम्॥३॥
Yonivargaḥ kalāśarīram||3||
The source (yoni) and her progeny (vargaḥ), (along with) that whose form (śarīram) is activity (kalā) (are also bondage).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi ज्ञान अधिष्ठानम् मातृका॥४॥
Jñāna adhiṣṭhānam mātṛkā||4||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Jñān a a dhiṣṭhāna m m ātṛkā||4||
Very simple Sandhi Rules have been used indeed 3 -- 10 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- ā -- ṁ m --
The full-fledged aphorism ज्ञानाधिष्ठानं मातृका॥४॥
Jñānādhiṣṭhānaṁ mātṛkā||4||
The basis (adhiṣṭhānam) of the (limited and contracted) knowledge (jñāna) is the un-understood Mother (mātṛkā).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi उद्यमः भैरवः॥५॥
Udyamaḥ bhairavaḥ||5||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Udyama ḥ bh airavaḥ||5||
A very useful and common Rule of Visarga Sandhi is used here 2 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- Firstly
u bh
and then
o bh
Note that "u" plus final "a" in "udyama" form "o" by 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi
The full-fledged aphorism उद्यमो भैरवः॥५॥
Udyamo bhairavaḥ||5||
Bhairava --Supreme Being-- (bhairavaḥ) is a sudden flash or elevation of divine Consciousness (udyamaḥ).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi शक्ति चक्र सन्धाने विश्व संहारः॥६॥
Śakti cakra sandhāne viśva saṁhāraḥ||6||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Śakti-cakra-sandhāne viśva-saṁhāraḥ||6||
No Sandhi Rules are necessary
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
The full-fledged aphorism शक्तिचक्रसन्धाने विश्वसंहारः॥६॥
Śakticakrasandhāne viśvasaṁhāraḥ||6||
Through union (sandhāne) with the collective group (cakra) of powers (śakti), (there is) the disappearance (samhāraḥ) of the universe (viśva).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi जाग्रत् स्वप्न सुषुप्त भेदे तुर्य आभोग सम्भवः॥७॥
Jāgrat svapna suṣupta bhede turya ābhoga sambhavaḥ||7||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Jāgrat-svapna-suṣupta-bhede tury a ā bhoga-sambhavaḥ||7||
A very useful and common Primary Rule of
Vowel Sandhi is used here
3 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- ā --
The full-fledged aphorism जाग्रत्स्वप्नसुषुप्तभेदे तुर्याभोगसम्भवः॥७॥
Jāgratsvapnasuṣuptabhede turyābhogasambhavaḥ||7||
(Even) during such different (states of consciousness) (bhede) as waking (jāgrat), dreaming (svapna) and profound sleep (suṣupta), there is (sambhavaḥ) the delight and enjoyment (ābhoga) of the Fourth State (turya).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi ज्ञानम् जाग्रत्॥८॥
Jñānam jāgrat||8||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Jñāna m j āgrat||8||
No special comments 10 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- ṁ j --
The full-fledged aphorism ज्ञानं जाग्रत्॥८॥
Jñānaṁ jāgrat||8||
Knowledge (jñānam) is the waking state of consciousness (jāgrat).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi स्वप्नः विकल्पाः॥९॥
Svapnaḥ vikalpāḥ||9||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Svapna ḥ v ikalpaḥ||9||
-- 2 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- Firstly
u v
and then
o v
Note that "u" plus final "a" in "svapna" form "o" by 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi
The full-fledged aphorism स्वप्नो विकल्पाः॥९॥
Svapno vikalpāḥ||9||
The dream state of consciousness (svapnaḥ) is thoughts and ideations (vikalpāḥ).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi अविवेकः माया सौषुप्तम्॥१०॥
Avivekaḥ māyā sauṣuptam||10||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Aviveka ḥ m āyā-sauṣuptam||10||
-- 2 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- Firstly
u m
and then
o m
Note that "u" plus final "a" in "aviveka" form "o" by 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi
The full-fledged aphorism अविवेको मायासौषुप्तम्॥१०॥
Aviveko māyāsauṣuptam||10||
Non-discernment or lack of awareness (aviveko) is the profound sleep (sauṣuptam) of Māyā --delusion-- (māyā).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi त्रितय भोक्ता वीर ईशः॥११॥
Tritaya bhoktā vīra īśaḥ||11||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Tritaya-bhoktā vīr a ī śaḥ||11||
"e" is the Guṇa form of "ī", as you surely know 2 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- e --
The full-fledged aphorism त्रितयभोक्ता वीरेशः॥११॥
Tritayabhoktā vīreśaḥ||11||
He is a master (īśa) of (his) senses (vīra)1 who is an enjoyer (of the aforesaid "ābhoga"2 or divine delight) (bhoktā) in the triad (of waking, dreaming and deep sleep) (tritaya).
1 Even though "vīra" literally means "hero", it is to be understood here as "sense". I will explain this to you later on, in "Śivasūtra-s" page.
2 See Aphorism 7.
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi विस्मयः योग भूमिकाः॥१२॥
Vismayaḥ yoga bhūmikāḥ||12||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Vismaya ḥ y oga-bhūmikāḥ||12||
-- 2 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- Firstly
u y
and then
o y
Note that "u" plus final "a" in "vismaya" form "o" by 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi.
The full-fledged aphorism विस्मयो योगभूमिकाः॥१२॥
Vismayo yogabhūmikāḥ||12||
The stages (bhūmikāḥ) of Yoga (yoga) are a fascinating wonder (vismayaḥ).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi इच्छा शक्तिः उमा कुमारी॥१३॥
Icchā śaktiḥ umā kumārī||13||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Icchā-śakti ḥ u mā kumārī||13||
This Rule is commonly used too 7 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
Note that I use the Sandhi Rule and then join "r" and "u" into "ru". I might optionally keep the words separate, but this is not commonly seen. r u
and then
By joining "r" and "u" together, I give consistence to the sentence and, as a by-product, I save some space.
The full-fledged aphorism इच्छाशक्तिरुमा कुमारी॥१३॥
Icchāśaktirumā kumārī||13||
The Will (icchā) power (śaktiḥ) (of the enlightened Yogī) is the "Splendor of Śiva" (umā) that is Kumārī (kumārī).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi दृश्यम् शरीरम्॥१४॥
Dṛśyam śarīram||14||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Dṛśya m ś arīram||14||
No special comments 10 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- ṁ ś --
The full-fledged aphorism दृश्यं शरीरम्॥१४॥
Dṛśyaṁ śarīram||14||
All phenomena (outer or inner) (dṛśyam) are the body (śarīram) (of the enlightened Yogī).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi हृदये चित्त संघट्टात् दृश्य स्वाप दर्शनम्॥१५॥
Hṛdaye citta saṁghaṭṭāt dṛśya svāpa darśanam||15||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Hṛdaye citta-saṁghaṭṭā t d ṛśya-svāpa-darśanam||15||
Another usual Rule 2 (3) The third sub-rule of the 2nd Rule of Consonant Sandhi is being used here.
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
Note that I use the Sandhi Rule and then join "d" and "d" into "dd". I might optionally keep the words separate, but this is not commonly seen. dd By joining "d" and "d" together, I give consistence to the sentence and, as a by-product, I save some space.
The full-fledged aphorism हृदये चित्तसंघट्टाद्दृश्यस्वापदर्शनम्॥१५॥
Hṛdaye cittasaṁghaṭṭāddṛśyasvāpadarśanam||15||
Through the union (saṁghaṭṭāt) of the mind (citta) on the core of Consciousness (hṛdaye), there is appearance (darśanam) of (all) phenomena
(outer or inner)
(dṛśya) (and even) the void (svāpa) (as they are in their essential reality).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi शुद्ध तत्त्व सन्धानात् वा अ पशु शक्तिः॥१६॥
Śuddha tattva sandhānāt vā a paśu śaktiḥ||16||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Śuddha-tattva-sandhānā t v ā a -paśu-śaktiḥ||16||
-- 2 (3) 3 Two well-known Rules have been used here.
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
Note that I use the Rule of Consonant Sandhi and then join "d" and "v" into "dv". I might optionally keep the words separate, but this is not commonly seen. dv ā --
The full-fledged aphorism शुद्धतत्त्वसन्धानाद्वापशुशक्तिः॥१६॥
Or (vā) by union (sandhānāt) with the Pure (śuddha) Principle (tattva), (the Yogī becomes like one in whom) the (binding) power (śaktiḥ) (existing in) a limited and conditioned being (paśu) is absent (a).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi वितर्कः आत्म ज्ञानम्॥१७॥
Vitarkaḥ ātma jñānam||17||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Vitarka ḥ ā tma-jñānam||17||
Another usual Rule 9 I choose to drop Visarga
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
Despite there are two possibilities of Sandhi here, Visarga is generally dropped. ā However, I might choose not to drop it. In this case, I should substitute "y" for Visarga. Thus, the final result would be:
an optional form to write the aphorism
The full-fledged aphorism वितर्क आत्मज्ञानम्॥१७॥
Vitarka ātmajñānam||17||
Firm and unwavering awareness (vitarkaḥ) (that I am Śiva) is the knowledge (jñānam) of Self (ātma).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi लोक आनन्दः समाधि सुखम्॥१८॥
Loka ānandaḥ samādhi sukham||18||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Lok a ā nanda ḥ s amādhi-sukham||18||
A common Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi 3 Note that Visarga is added to "ānanda" in order to decline it in Nominative case (See Declension pages) 1 A Visarga generally remains the same if followed by a hard Guttural or Labial or a Sibilant, that is, "k, kh, p, ph, ś, ṣ and s" (exceptions are derived from using 4th, 5th, 6th and 10th Rules of Visarga Sandhi)
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- ā -- ḥ s Note that all remained the same despite you use a rule of Visarga Sandhi. Sandhi is not always synonymous with "change or transformation".
The full-fledged aphorism लोकानन्दः समाधिसुखम्॥१८॥
Lokānandaḥ samādhisukham||18||
The Bliss (that the Yogī feels in abiding as the Knower or Perceiver) (ānandaḥ) of the world (—consisting of subjects and objects—) (loka) is (his) delight (sukham) of Samādhi (samādhi).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi शक्ति सन्धाने शरीर उत्पत्तिः॥१९॥
Śakti sandhāne śarīra utpattiḥ||19||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Śakti-sandhāne śarīr a u tpattiḥ||19||
"o" is the Guṇa form of "u", as you surely know 2 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- o --
The full-fledged aphorism शक्तिसन्धाने शरीरोत्पत्तिः॥१९॥
Śaktisandhāne śarīrotpattiḥ||19||
On being united (sandhāne) with the Power (of Will) (śakti) (there is) production or creation (utpattiḥ) of bodies (śarīra) (according to the Yogī's desire).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi भूत सन्धान भूत पृथक्त्व विश्व संघट्टाः॥२०॥
Bhūta sandhāna bhūta pṛthaktva viśva saṁghaṭṭāḥ||20||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Bhūta-sandhāna-bhūta-pṛthaktva-viśva-saṁghaṭṭāḥ||20||
No Sandhi Rule has been used in this long compound
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
The full-fledged aphorism भूतसन्धानभूतपृथक्त्वविश्वसंघट्टाः॥२०॥
(The other supernormal powers of the enlightened Yogī are: the power of) putting together (sandhāna) existent entities (bhūta); (the power of) separating (pṛthaktva) them all --i.e. the existent entities-- (bhūta) (and the power of) assembling --saṁghaṭṭa-- (saṁghaṭṭāḥ) everything (viśva) (what has been separated by space and time).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi शुद्ध विद्या उदयात् चक्र ईशत्व सिद्धिः॥२१॥
Śuddha vidyā udayāt cakra īśatva siddhiḥ||21||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Śuddha-vidy ā u dayā t c akr a ī śatva-siddhiḥ||21||
"o" is the Guṇa form of "u", as you surely know 2 -- 4 (1a) Sub-rule 1(a) of the 4th Rule of Consonant Sandhi 2 "e" is the Guṇa form of "ī", as you surely know
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- o -- cc -- e --
The full-fledged aphorism शुद्धविद्योदयाच्चक्रेशत्वसिद्धिः॥२१॥
Full acquisition (siddhiḥ) of mastery (īśatva) over the collective group of powers (cakra) (is achieved by the Yogī) through the emergence (udayāt) of Śuddhavidyā (śuddhavidyā).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi महा ह्रद अनुसन्धानात् मन्त्र वीर्य अनुभवः॥२२॥
Mahā hrada anusandhānāt mantra vīrya anubhavaḥ||22||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Mahā-hrad a a nusandhānā t m antra-vīry a a nubhavaḥ||22||
A simple Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi 3 Note that I use the Rule of Consonant Sandhi and then join "n" and "m" into "nm". I might optionally keep the words separate, but this is not commonly seen. 6 This 6th Rule is a complement to the third sub-rule of the 2nd Rule of Consonant Sandhi. 3 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- ā -- nm -- ā --
The full-fledged aphorism महाह्रदानुसन्धानान्मन्त्रवीर्यानुभवः॥२२॥
By uniting (anusandhānāt) with the Great (mahā) Lake (hrada), (the Yogī has) the experience (anubhavaḥ) of the generative source --virility or potency-- (vīrya) of (all) mantra-s (mantra).


 Second Section

This second section consists of ten aphorisms, which deal with Śāktopāya (the Means or Method in which you use Jñānaśakti --Power of Knowledge-- to realize the Supreme Self).

The original words before using Rules of Sandhi चित्तम् मन्त्रः॥१॥
Cittam mantraḥ||1||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Citta m m antraḥ||1||
This rule is commonly used 10 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- ṁ m --
The full-fledged aphorism चित्तं मन्त्रः॥१॥
Cittaṁ mantraḥ||1||
The mind (of someone who constantly ponders over the Highest Reality) (cittam) is the Mantra (mantraḥ).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi प्रयत्नः साधकः॥२॥
Prayatnaḥ sādhakaḥ||2||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used
Prayatnaḥ sādhakaḥ||2||
No Sandhi Rules are necessary
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
The full-fledged aphorism प्रयत्नः साधकः॥२॥
Prayatnaḥ sādhakaḥ||2||
(Zealous and spontaneous) effort (prayatnaḥ) is effective in fulfillment (sādhakaḥ).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi विद्या शरीर सत्ता मन्त्र रहस्यम्॥३॥
Vidyā śarīra sattā mantra rahasyam||3||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Vidyā-śarīra-sattā mantra-rahasyam||3||
No Sandhi Rules are necessary
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
The full-fledged aphorism विद्याशरीरसत्ता मन्त्ररहस्यम्॥३॥
Vidyāśarīrasattā mantrarahasyam||3||
The (luminous) Existence or Being (of the Perfect I-consciousness) (sattā), (which consists of multitude of words) whose essence (śarīra) is the knowledge (of the highest non-dualism) (vidyā), is the secret (rahasyam) of the Mantra (mantra).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi गर्भे चित्त विकासः अविशिष्ट विद्या स्वप्नः॥४॥
Garbhe citta vikāsaḥ aviśiṣṭa vidyā svapnaḥ||4||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Garbhe citta-vikāsa ḥ a viśiṣṭa-vidyā-svapnaḥ||4||
-- 2 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- Firstly
u a
and then
o '
Note that "u" plus final "a" in "vikāsa" form "o" by 2nd Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi. In turn, the initial "a" in "aviśiṣṭa" changes to an apostrophe.
The full-fledged aphorism गर्भे चित्तविकासोऽविशिष्टविद्यास्वप्नः॥४॥
Garbhe cittavikāso'viśiṣṭavidyāsvapnaḥ||4||
Mental (citta) satisfaction (vikāsaḥ) in (limited) mayic powers (garbhe) is a (mere) dream (svapnaḥ) (based upon) inferior (aviśiṣṭa) knowledge (vidyā).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi विद्या समुत्थाने स्वाभाविके खेचरी शिव अवस्था॥५॥
Vidyā samutthāne svābhāvike khecarī śiva avasthā||5||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Vidyā-samutthāne svābhāvike khecarī śiv a a vasthā||5||
A simple Primary Rule of Vowel Sandhi 3 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- ā --
The full-fledged aphorism विद्यासमुत्थाने स्वाभाविके खेचरी शिवावस्था॥५॥
Vidyāsamutthāne svābhāvike khecarī śivāvasthā||5||
On the spontaneous (svābhāvike) emergence (samutthāne) of the (Highest) Knowledge (vidyā), (occurs) a movement in the unlimited space of Consciousness (khecarī), (which is known as) the state (avasthā) of Śiva (śiva).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi गुरुः उपायः॥६॥
Guruḥ upāyaḥ||6||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Guru ḥ u pāya
This Rule is commonly used 7 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
Note that I use the Sandhi Rule and then join "r" and "u" into "ru". I might optionally keep the words separate, but this is not commonly seen. r u
and then ru
By joining "r" and "u" together, I give consistence to the sentence and, as a by-product, I save some space.
The full-fledged aphorism गुरुरुपायः॥६॥
The Guru (guruḥ) is the means (upāyaḥ).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi मातृका चक्र सम्बोधः॥७॥
Mātṛkā cakra sambodhaḥ||7||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Mātṛkā-cakra-sambodhaḥ||7||
No Sandhi Rules are necessary
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
The full-fledged aphorism मातृकाचक्रसम्बोधः॥७॥
(From a pleased Guru accrues) enlightenment (sambodhaḥ) regarding the group (cakra) of letters (mātṛkā).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi शरीरम् हविः॥८॥
Śarīram haviḥ||8||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Śarīra m h aviḥ||8||
No special comments 10 --
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
-- ṁ h --
The full-fledged aphorism शरीरं हविः॥८॥
Śarīraṁ haviḥ||8||
The body (of a person into whom the aforesaid enlightenment was poured) (śarīram) (becomes) an oblation (haviḥ).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi ज्ञानम् अन्नम्॥९॥
Jñānam annam||9||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Jñānam annam||9||
No Sandhi Rules are necessary. However, note how I have joined final "m" and initial "a" into "ma" for giving consistence to the sentence and, as a by-product, saving some space.
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
The full-fledged aphorism ज्ञानमन्नम्॥९॥
The (limited) knowledge (jñānam) is the food (annam).
The original words before using Rules of Sandhi विद्या संहारे तद् उत्थ स्वप्न दर्शनम्॥१०॥
Vidyā saṁhāre tad uttha svapna darśanam||10||
Forming compounds when necessary and separating the words through hyphen(s); after that, I proceed to mark the Sandhi Rules to be used Vidyā-saṁhāre tad-uttha-svapna-darśanam||10||
No Sandhi Rules are necessary. However, note that if final "d" in "tad" were to be followed by a hard consonant ("u" is a Vowel and all Vowels except Visarga are soft letters) would not remain the same by 4th and 5th Rules of Consonant Sandhi.
Final result after using
Sandhi Rules
The full-fledged aphorism विद्यासंहारे तदुत्थस्वप्नदर्शनम्॥१०॥
Vidyāsaṁhāre tadutthasvapnadarśanam||10||
On the submergence (saṁhāre) of the (Pure) Knowledge (vidyā), there is appearance (darśanam) of mental modifications (like in a dream) (svapna) arising (uttha) because of it (tad) (that is, "arising because of the previous submergence of the Pure Knowledge").

to be continued


 Further information

Gabriel Pradīpaka

This document was conceived by Gabriel Pradīpaka, one of the two founders of this site, and spiritual guru conversant with Sanskrit language and Trika philosophy.

For further information about Sanskrit, Yoga and Indian Philosophy; or if you simply want to comment, ask a question or correct a mistake, feel free to contact us: This is our e-mail address.