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 Svātantryasūtram (Svatantryasutram) Devanāgarī - Non-dual Shaivism of Rosario

The aphorisms on Absolute Freedom - "Devanāgarī only" version

 Introduction to Svātantryasūtram

Hi, Gabriel Pradīpaka once more. This is the first scripture I compose in Sanskrit. I am making this great effort for two reasons:

  1. To reconnect spiritual aspirants with their own Self.
  2. To make Sanskrit literature up to date and fully alive.

At this time of extreme technology I cannot say any more "Before I put pen to paper...", but "before I started to type in front of my monitor" the very first aphorism, I had to vanquish waves after waves of inner demons, hehe, telling me that the mission was impossible and only intended for great sages. If I am going to wait for Gabriel Pradīpaka to become a great sage, this scripture would never have been written, let alone published. After about two weeks fighting against all those hosts appearing as multiple thoughts full of fear, I could finally develop momentum enough as to begin composing my first scripture in Sanskrit. The task looked absolutely immense, not only because Sanskrit grammar can cause one thousand lions to flee in a trice, but also because I had to explain, by brief statements, three complex subjects: Highest Reality, spiritual ignorance and Self-recognition (also known as Self-realization).

Fortunately to me (and to everybody), ego is never the real doer and the aphorisms just came up spontaneously. My work was mainly to eavesdrop attentively on the instructions the inner Guru whispered and then write all that down into Sanskrit. This is always so, but till the moment one starts one cannot understand it. Practically nothing was planned beforehand. Everything just flowed naturally from inside. Unlike most people (including myself before writing this scripture) might believe, the aphorisms were not passed onto me in regular succession. No, they just appeared and I had to put them in order, as if they were bricks forming a wall. Once the wall was complete, I could not add more aphorisms and that was it. Strangely, I could polish every aphorism (brick) but I could not change it drastically or insert it somewhere else because the structure of the wall did not allow me to do that. A very interesting experience I wanted to share with the reader. The feeling that one is never a real doer is pretty obvious while composing a scripture in Sanskrit.

Every aphorism has been succinctly explained by me in order to make the meaning even clearer and stop all possible tergiversation of the original purport. In order to throw more light on this subject, I am in the process of composing an entire and big commentary also in Sanskrit on the present scripture. Obviously, I am always mainly following the teachings of Trika (Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir) because it is my specialty, but I added my own personal experiences too, all of which constitutes what I am now calling: Rosario's Trika or Non-dual Shaivism of Rosario.

All corrections are welcome, since I feel like a rookie in Sanskrit always as I can easily forget, in spite of so many years studying it, one or the entire set of thousands of rules and respective exceptions. People will be able to say that I am a bad writer perhaps or that my knowledge about Sanskrit grammar is poor, but they will never be able to say that I did not try to help spiritual aspirants to the best of my capacity, even crossing the line of my own limitations. In the end, all this is nothing but a drop of His Ocean of Compassion. So, read the Svātantryasūtram and be extremely Happy and Free like the Self.

This is a "Devanāgarī only" version, i.e. the entire text appears as it was composed originally in Sanskrit by the author. There is neither translation nor transliteration.


 Original Scripture



यावचिन्त्यावात्मास्य शक्तिश्चैतौ परमार्थो भवतः॥१॥

तयोरुभयोः स्वरूपं स्वातन्त्र्यानन्दात्मकैकघनत्वेनापि तत्सन्तताध्ययनाय वचोविषय एव द्विधाकृतम्॥२॥

आत्मा प्रकाशात्मकशुद्धबोधोऽपि सोऽहमिति वचोविषये स्मृतः॥३॥

या प्रथमस्पन्दात्मिकास्य शक्तिः साहंविमर्श एव॥४॥

तस्मादहंविमर्शरूपात्प्रथमस्पन्दात्परमस्य शक्तिस्त्रिविधा भवति॥५॥

त्रिविधा भूत्वा सा विश्वमुत्पादयति॥६॥

विश्वमिदमस्य शक्त्या जन्यते न तु प्रत्यक्षमात्मनैव॥७॥

सा शक्तिरहंविमर्शभावेन तत्स्फारात्मकविश्वरूपेण वा तिष्ठति॥८॥

आत्मा सदा विविक्तं तिष्ठति॥९॥

परमार्थो स्वातन्त्र्यानन्दस्वभावघनो नाभावत्वं सम्पूर्णशून्यता कदाचिदस्ति॥१०॥

नास्य परमार्थस्याभावो जातुचित्साधितुं शक्यते॥११॥

परमार्थः परमं पदं कृत्स्नस्य विश्वस्य भित्तिभूतस्तदभावस्य तथा॥१२॥

यत्त्वेकरसं सर्वेषां भूतानामेतत् परमं पदम्॥१३॥

एषा परमा दशा सर्वदारोध्या॥१४॥

परमार्थो घन इत्युच्यते स्वसर्वव्यापकत्वात्॥१५॥

न परमार्थात्पृथक् किञ्चिदप्यस्ति॥१६॥


आत्मा स्वतन्त्रो विश्वस्य सत्तां नैव जानाति॥१॥

विश्वमस्य शक्तेः स्फारमात्रम्॥२॥



अज्ञानादेव सर्वा अन्याः परिमितता उत्थिताः॥५॥

अणुरात्मा खल्वज्ञानेन तु बद्धः॥६॥

अयं बन्धोऽस्य शक्तेः क्रीडा केवलम्॥७॥

अणवोऽज्ञानमूलका अस्या दिव्यायाः क्रीडायाः फलम्॥८॥

अज्ञानं पश्चाद्बन्धश्चात्मनः स्वाच्छन्द्यं दर्शयतः॥९॥


आत्मन एषा परमा दशा यद्यपि सर्वेषु भूतेषु वर्तते तथापि नैव सर्वैस्तैः प्रत्यभिज्ञायते॥१॥

सर्वमिदं स्वस्वातन्त्र्यमपि दर्शयति॥२॥

यस्मादात्मा स्वेच्छयैवाज्ञानेनाणवमलेन बद्धस्तस्मात्स्वाच्छन्द्येनाप्यज्ञानेन मुक्तः॥३॥

तस्य हेतोरणोः प्रयत्नोऽज्ञानं नाशयितुं न शक्नोति॥४॥

अनुपाय आत्मानुग्रहमात्रेण तात्कालिकं स्वस्वरूपप्रकाशनम्॥५॥

अनुभवपुण्यराशीकरणार्थमन्ये त्रय उपायाः॥६॥

शाम्भवोपाय इच्छोपाय आत्मन उद्यम उन्मज्जनेऽवहितता॥७॥

शाक्तोपाये ज्ञानोपायेऽहंविमर्शेऽवधानम्॥८॥

आणवोपाये क्रियोपाये कस्मिंश्चिदन्यस्मिन्नप्यवधानं दत्तम्॥९॥

मोक्षो नान्यः स्वस्वभावप्रत्यभिज्ञायाः॥१०॥

आत्मनि प्रसन्ने मोक्षो भवति॥११॥

शाम्भवशाक्ताणवोपायेष्वभ्यस्तेष्विच्छाज्ञानक्रियाशक्तय उत्थिताः॥१२॥

मोक्षात्पूर्वं च तास्तिस्रः शक्तय आनन्दशक्तितां यान्ति॥१३॥

यावत्परमानन्दोन्मज्जनं चमत्कारप्रकर्षाद्विस्मयमुद्रा वर्तते॥१४॥

इहास्याचिन्त्यशक्तेरहंविमर्शस्य सारं ज्ञायते॥१५॥

परमानन्दस्य चोन्मज्जनमहन्तारसशालि न चास्ति मोक्षः स्वस्वातन्त्र्यशक्त्यभावात्॥१६॥

अस्मिन् पदे सहसैव शिखाग्रे सहस्रार उन्मनाभूमिरनुभूता॥१७॥

उन्मनायामुदितायां चित्तं संह्रियते॥१८॥

इह स्वतन्त्रताभावेन स्वात्मप्रकाशनमस्ति॥१९॥

तदात्मा ह्यात्मानं प्रत्यभिजानात्येव॥२०॥

मोक्षः सम्यगासक्त्यभावलक्षणः॥२१॥

एतत्परमं पदमुच्यते यतोऽस्मात्परतरं नान्यत्किञ्चिदस्ति॥२२॥

आत्मैवाज्ञानेन स्वशक्तिविजृम्भितेन बद्धः स्वानुग्रहेण वा मुक्तः स स्वातन्त्र्यभरितः सर्वदा॥२३॥

कृतिः श्रीमुक्तानन्दपरमहंसोपजीविनः परमशिवदत्तोपदेशस्य गब्रिएल्प्रदीपकनाम्नो योगिनः। श्रीमदभिनवगुप्तस्य महाशिष्याय श्रीक्षेमराजाय नमोऽस्तु। इति शिवम्॥


 Further Information

Gabriel Pradīpaka

This document was conceived by Gabriel Pradīpaka, one of the two founders of this site, and spiritual guru conversant with Sanskrit language and Trika philosophy.

For further information about Sanskrit, Yoga and Indian Philosophy; or if you simply want to comment, ask a question or correct a mistake, feel free to contact us: This is our e-mail address.