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 Parabhairavayogasamayāḥ - Rules in Parabhairavayoga

A compendium of rules for initiates


As the number of initiates accumulate, I decided to compile all the rules Abhinavagupta wrote and quoted in the chapter 15 of his Tantrāloka. I will be quoting many (not all, I guess) of those rules then. I will add some other rules in order to fully adapt this set of observances strictly to the Parabhairavayoga environment. What is Parabhairavayoga? I created Parabhairavayoga as a Yoga exclusively oriented toward Liberation. It is heavily based on Trika Shaivism but it contains things of my own spiritual lineage too. Although Trika Shaivism is basically an aggregate of four schools: Spanda, Pratyabhijñā, Kula and Krama, in Parabhairavayoga Spanda and Pratyabhijñā have predominance. Though some rituales are necessary, Parabhairavayoga does not rest on the whole set of rituals stipulated in Kula, for example. And there is no worship of any goddesses. Our only deity is Śiva (Bhairava) to whom we owe our own existence.

I wrote this in very simple Sanskrit any beginner in the sacred language could follow with no problems. I also provide you with a detailed word for word translation so the meaning of my teaching is very clear. May our Glorious Parabhairava reside always in His sacred teachings!

Keeping the above in mind, now read Parabhairavayogasamayāḥ and experience Supreme Delight, dear Śiva.

Important: All that is in brackets and italicized within the translation has been added by me in order to complete the sense of a particular phrase or sentence. In turn, all that is between double hyphen (--...--) constitutes clarifying further information also added by me.


 Parabhairavayogasamayāḥ (Rules in Parabhairavayoga)

अथ मोक्षाय परभैरवयोगसमयाः परभैरवयोगे सर्वदीक्षितानुष्ठितसमस्तसमयसङ्ग्रहाः श्रीमद्गब्रिएल्प्रदीपकेन विरचिताः॥१॥
Atha mokṣāya parabhairavayogasamayāḥ parabhairavayoge sarvadīkṣitānuṣṭhitasamastasamayasaṅgrahāḥ śrīmadgabrielpradīpakena viracitāḥ||1||

Here begins (atha), for (the attainment of) Liberation (mokṣāya), "Rules in Parabhairavayoga" (parabhairavayoga-samayāḥ), a compendium of all the rules to be followed by all those who were initiated (sarva-dīkṣita-anuṣṭhita-samasta-samaya-saṅgrahāḥ) into Parabhairavayoga (parabhairavayoge), which were written (viracitāḥ) by illustrious Gabriel Pradīpaka (vareṇya-gabriel-pradīpakena)||1||

यथा यथा दीक्षितानां सङ्ख्या सञ्चिततां गता तथा तथा तस्य श्रीतन्त्रालोके पञ्चदशाह्निकेऽभिनवगुप्तपादैर्लिखितानामुद्धृतानां च सर्वेषां समयानां सङ्कलनं कर्तुमहं निश्चितवान्॥२॥
Yathā yathā dīkṣitānāṁ saṅkhyā sañcitatāṁ gatā tathā tathā tasya śrītantrāloke pañcadaśāhnike'bhinavaguptapādairlikhitānāmuddhṛtānāṁ ca sarveṣāṁ samayānāṁ saṅkalanaṁ kartumahaṁ niścitavān||2||

As (yathā yathā... tathā tathā) the number (saṅkhyā) of initiates (dīkṣitānām) accumulates (sañcitatām gatā), I decided (aham niścitavān) to make (kartum) a compilation (saṅkalanam) of all the samaya-s or rules (sarveṣām samayānām) written (likhitānām) and (ca) quoted (uddhṛtānām) by eminent Abhinavagupta (abhinavagupta-pādaiḥ) in the fifteenth chapter (pañcadaśa-āhnike) of his venerable Tantrāloka (tasya śrī-tantrāloke)||2||

Writing in progress




 Further Information

Gabriel Pradīpaka

This document was conceived by Gabriel Pradīpaka, one of the two founders of this site, and spiritual guru conversant with Sanskrit language and Trika philosophy.

For further information about Sanskrit, Yoga and Indian Philosophy; or if you simply want to comment, ask a question or correct a mistake, feel free to contact us: This is our e-mail address.