Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (English-Home)

 Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism: Tour - Linguistics section

Birth and development of Sanskrit and other human languages - Tour

This guide follows the main menu's scheme in that it shows only the front page (the main one) in case of a set of pages linked to one another. For instance, Bhagavadgītā is composed of a front page and several subpages (the respective chapters). Well, the main menu just exhibits a link to the front page and "not" to the chapters. This was so designed to make the menu so lighter as possible. Too many submenus in the main menu and those visitors with slow connections will suffer the consequences, you know.

On the contrary, our Sitemap shows "all" links to "all" pages (look for "Vedānta" in the "Scriptures" section of the Sitemap and see it by yourself). In spite of this only difference between the main menu's scheme and that of the Sitemap, there is a complete coherence between both. Ah, a final advise: move the mouse pointer over the list of links to get additional information.

All right, let us get down to work!

Origin: Birth and development of the Indo-European languages
This subsection contains all documents written by Andrés Muni, which deal with the origin and development of all Indo-European languages: Keep studying.
Additional Information: Extra information you may need
Here Andrés Muni gives a recommendable bibliography dealing with the origin and development of Indo-European languages and answers lots of usual questions people ask when studying this subject: Keep reading.
Final words
The Linguistics section is primarily related to birth and development of the Indo-European languages, but includes more relevant stuff as well. Andrés Muni is doing a good job by publishing good information about linguistics in this section, which may be read by everybody without any previous requirements.

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