Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (English-Home)
Bullets for Masculine (. - black), Feminine (. - red) and Masculine/Feminine (. - orange) names
The list is in Sanskrit alphabetical order (see the alphabet here). Abbreviations m. and f. = masculine and feminine. Red transliteration (in brackets) follows the ITRANS encoding scheme, see here. You can use Itranslator 99 along with your chosen name in ITRANS to get "marvelous results". See how here.

Names beginning with "BA" and "BHA" (1)

First page

  1. Bakajit (bakajit) (बकजित्) m.: Conqueror of the demon Baka - Epithet for Bhīma, one of the celebrated Pāṇḍava-s. [baka - bhIma - pANDava]
  2. Bakaniṣūdana (bakaniSUdana) (बकनिषूदन) m.: Destroyer of the demon Baka - Epithet for Bhīma, one of the celebrated Pāṇḍava-s. [baka - bhIma - pANDava]
  3. Bakarāja (bakarAja) (बकराज) m.: One who is a king of the cranes.
  4. Bakaripu (bakaripu) (बकरिपु) m.: One who is the enemy of the demon Baka - Epithet for Bhīma, one of the celebrated Pāṇḍava-s. [baka - bhIma - pANDava]
  5. Bakāri (bakAri) (बकारि) m.: One who is the enemy of the demon Baka - Epithet for Bhīma, one of the celebrated Pāṇḍava-s. [baka - bhIma - pANDava]
  6. Baṭu (baTu) (बटु) m.: Boy - Epithet for Lord Śiva. [shiva]
  7. Baṭuka (baTuka) (बटुक) m.: Boy - Epithet for Lord Śiva. [shiva]
  8. Baṭukabhairava (baTukabhairava) (बटुकभैरव) m.: Lord Bhairava (Supreme Self) in the form of a boy. [bhairava]
  9. Bandhakartā (bandhakartA) (बन्धकर्ता) m.: One who binds or restrains - Epithet for Śiva. [shiva]
  10. Bandhamocanikā (bandhamocanikA) (बन्धमोचनिका) f.: One who releases from bonds.
  11. Bandhamocinī (bandhamocinI) (बन्धमोचिनी) f.: One who releases from bonds.
  12. Babhru (babhru) (बभ्रु) m., Babhru or Babhrū (babhru or babhrU) (बभ्रु or बभ्रू) f.: Reddish-brown, tawny.
  13. Babhrumālī (babhrumAlI) (बभ्रुमाली) m.: One who wears reddish-brown garlands.
  14. Babhruvāhana (babhruvAhana) (बभ्रुवाहन) m.: One whose vehicle is reddish-brown - Name of a son of Arjuna, the celebrated Pāṇḍava hero of Mahābhārata. [arjuna - pANDava - mahAbhArata]
  15. Babhruka (babhruka) (बभ्रुक) m., Babhrukā (babhrukA) (बभ्रुका) f.: Brownish.

to be continued

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