Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (English-Home)

 About us

A brief information about the authors

The website

Title: Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism (not "Sanskrit & Trika Shaivism - The sun of Sanskrit knowledge" or plainly "The sun of Sanskrit knowledge"). People giving us a backlink and having problems to get that "á" in "Sánscrito" for some reason (e.g. they get funny characters like these "Sanskrit & Sánscrito"), the workaround is generally replacing "á" with " & aacute ; " in the source code. So, they should write "Sánscrito" in the source code to work around the problem. The cause for those funny characters is that most of servers do not have UTF-8 by default for their character set, but iso-8859-1 (very usual in the West), etc. Of course, this workaround is not intended for people that use professional web editing software.

Inspiring phrase: The sun of Sanskrit knowledge. It is not a part of the title at all. It might be considered as a kind of subtitle perhaps. That phrase was revealed in meditation to Gabriel Pradīpaka and he decided to add it under the title itself. Some people, very angry, e-mailed Gabriel Pradīpaka with complaints about that this website was not the sun of Sanskrit knowledge at all, but just another site dealing with Sanskrit! OK, the following clarification needs to be made then:

By "The sun of Sanskrit knowledge" he did not mean that "This website is the sun of Sanskrit knowledge while the rest are like planets, asteroids, comets, etc. or even worse, space garbage floating in the outer space"... NO. Despite he was not born in the land of humbleness (lol!), he is not so crazy yet. The real meaning is as follows: "Sanskrit knowledge is like a sun shedding its light on everyone, without making any differences at all". So, "sun" refers to "Sanskrit knowledge" and not to this website. Yes, the phrase looks a little ambiguous regarding its meaning, but he wanted to write it exactly as revealed to him in meditation. Sorry about any inconveniences. Well, now everything is clear.

Our respective photos and an individual description of who we are and what we did/do as regards this website.


Gabriel Pradīpaka

Gabriel Pradīpaka

Spiritual name: Pradīpaka (lit. "the one who sheds light", i.e. the one who sheds light on the secret meanings of the scriptures).

Nationality: Argentinian. He was born in Rosario but lives in Moscow.

Age: 61.

Spiritual lineage: In 1983 (April) he received spontaneous initiation in the form of Śaktipāta (lit. "descent of Power", i.e. divine Grace) by repeating the sacred mantra "Om̐ namaḥ śivāya" while he was watching a photo of Svāmī Muktānanda. Hence, despite Svāmī Muktānanda having passed away in 1982, Gabriel Pradīpaka considers him to be his Guru. A few months later (October, 1983), he was "formally" initiated by Svāmī Alakṣānanda, also belonging to the Muktānanda's spiritual lineage. As you surely know... or maybe not... Muktānanda is the Master who brought the Siddha Yoga path to the West. Gabriel Pradīpaka was learning/working in the well-known Siddha Yoga community till 1989. Since late 1989 through the end of 1991 and since late 1994 through the end of 1997, he was learning/teaching/working with another teacher (a disciple of the great Muktānanda too), who was crucial in his life as a yogī. And since 1997 he has been on his own.

He also recognizes Svāmī Lakṣmaṇa Joo as his Trika Guru.

In February of 2016, he founded the Parabhairavayoga, a brandnew spiritual movement that is just starting to spread around the world.

In short, he is a spiritual guru, conversant with Sanskrit language and Trika philosophy, who sheds light on spirituality as a whole and helps spiritual aspirants out with the process known as Self-realization or Final Liberation.

Studies: Sanskrit, Trika (Non-dual Shaivism of Kashmir), Tantra, Patañjali's Yoga, Sāṅkhya, Vedānta, Vedic rituals, etc. Anyway, his specialty is Trika and Sanskrit. He has been learning/teaching Trika and Sanskrit in depth since 1989.

Scriptures: All scriptures that Gabriel Pradīpaka has translated and composed.

Languages: Spanish, English and Sanskrit.

Offline courses (given): Between 1989 and 2004. Since 2005 through 2013 he was completely devoted to teaching people by means of this website. Now, he teaches online and offline too. For more information about his courses, use the e-mail address of the website to consult him.

What he did/does now regarding this website: Apart from being the original founder of it in June of 1999, he is also the webmaster, i.e. the one who built and currently maintains the site. Obviously, he is the author of the vast majority of documents you will find here as well. Besides, he is the guy who responds the people's e-mails.

 Andrés Muni

Andrés Muni

Spiritual name: Muni (lit. "sage", especially one who has taken the vow of silence).

Nationality: Argentine. He was born in Rosario and lives right now in his native city.

Age: 67.

Spiritual lineage: The same lineage as Gabriel Pradīpaka, because Andrés Muni is his oldest disciple. He has been with Pradīpaka since 1989.

Studies: He has strived to learn so much as possible from his teacher over all these years of receiving direct knowledge from him, no doubt about it. Still, Sanskrit was never his "strong spot". He has also studied linguistics and history for a long time.

Languages: Spanish, French, German, Russian and ancient Attic Greek.

Offline courses (given): No.

What he did/does now regarding this website: Aside from being a cofounder of it in June of 1999, he also wrote the pages you find in the "Linguistics" section of the site plus a few articles. However, his main activity as regards the site has always been to put the necessary money to keep the project up and running. Anyway, right now he is not participating in anything with reference to this website.

Collaborators (by arrival order)

 Nando Penteado (Mantrī)

Nando Penteado (Mantrī)

Spiritual name: Mantrī (lit. "the adviser").

Nationality: Brazilian, born in Piracicaba and living at Campinas, both in São Paulo.

Age: 55.

Spiritual lineage: The same lineage as Gabriel Pradīpaka.

Studies: He is a professional musician graduated at UNICAMP (University of Campinas) in 1993 and his main occupations are to play music and to teach people how to do it too. Nando studied engineering at USP (University of São Paulo) for some years. Since his childhood he was involved with both Yoga and computer programming. Thus, nowadays he is devoting his free time to developer software and web software for making it easier to read and write in Sanskrit. As Sanskrit is the very pillar for studying Yoga, he believes that all this effort will help people on their path of spiritual growth, and consequently on their pursuit of happiness.

Languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.

Offline courses (given): Music (since 1984) and recently informatics classes.

What he did/does now regarding this website: A few translations into Brazilian Portuguese and some data processing. Anyway, right now he is not participating in anything with reference to this website.


Nando performing: Night and Day - Imagine

 Paulo & Claudio

Nationality: Brazilian twins that were born and live in Rio de Janeiro.

Age: 34.

What they did/do now regarding this website: Translations into Brazilian Portuguese.

 Hildebrando Campos Neto

Nationality: Brazilian. He lives in Ilhéus, Bahia.

What he did/does now regarding this website: Translations into Brazilian Portuguese. Anyway, right now he is not participating in anything with reference to this website.

 Marlon Melin

Nationality: Canadian.

Age: 55.

Language: English.

What he did/does now regarding this website: Software design.

 Zoltán Kṣemarāja

Spiritual name: Kṣemarāja (lit. "a king in keeping safe", i.e. "one who is a king in preserving the teachings").

Nationality: Hungarian.

Age: 51.

Languages: Hungarian and English.

What he did/does now regarding this website: New website development.

New website design by:


 Tamás Tryambaka

Tamás Tryambaka

Nationality: Hungarian.

Age: 45.

Spiritual lineage: The same lineage as Gabriel Pradīpaka.

Studies: Trika.

What he did/does now regarding this website: Translations into Hungarian language.

Category: Parabhairavayogopācārya (Parabhairavayoga's Upācārya - Parabhairavayoga teacher) - More information


 Natalia Ambikā

Natalia Ambikā

Nationality: Russian (she lives in Moscow).

Age: 69.

Spiritual lineage: The same lineage as Gabriel Pradīpaka. As Natalia Ambikā is his wife, she is affectionaly called Gurumā (mother Guru).

Languages: Russian and English.

Studies: Trika and Sanskrit.

What she did/does now regarding this website: Translations into Russian language.




 Irina Vallabhā

Irina Volkova

Nationality: Russian (she lives in Moscow).

Age: 44.

Spiritual lineage: The same lineage as Gabriel Pradīpaka.

Languages: Russian, English and Spanish.

Studies: Trika and Sanskrit.

What she did/does now regarding this website: Translations into Russian language. Anyway, right now she is not participating in anything with reference to this website.


 Sāī Abhinavagupta

Sāī Abhinavagupta

Nationality: Indian.

Age: 32.

Spiritual lineage: The same lineage as Gabriel Pradīpaka.

Languages: English, Telugu and Hindī.

Studies: Trika.

What he did/does now regarding this website: Different tasks. Anyway, right now he is not participating in anything with reference to this website.



 Robert Bhāskara

Robert Bhāskara

Nationality: Hungarian.

Age: 29.

Spiritual lineage: The same lineage as Gabriel Pradīpaka.

Languages: Hungarian and English.

Studies: Trika.

What he did/does now regarding this website: Different kinds of collaboration.

Category: Parabhairavayogopācārya (Parabhairavayoga's Upācārya - Parabhairavayoga teacher) - More information




 Ivan Nandī

Ivan Nandī

Nationality: Russian.

Age: 35.

Spiritual lineage: The same lineage as Gabriel Pradīpaka.

Languages: Russian, English and French.

Studies: Trika and a little bit of Fourth Way.

What he did/does now regarding this website: Transcription of Satsaṅga-s' recordings and a little programming of the website.








 Nicole Satī

Nicole Satī

Nationality: Argentinian.

Age: 28.

Spiritual lineage: The same lineage as Gabriel Pradīpaka.

Languages: Spanish.

Studies: Trika, transpersonal psychology and something about compared religions.

What he did/does now regarding this website: Different kinds of collaboration.

Websites: Conocimiento de Ser - Blog and Instagram - Conocimiento de Ser