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 Learning Sanskrit - Declension - 2 (I)

Declension: Examples of nouns and adjectives ending in "A" and "Ā"

 Nouns and adjectives ending in "A" (masculine)

Two usual examples now: "aśva" (horse) and "Rāma" (the celebrated incarnation of Lord Viṣṇu).

Aśva -- Horse

CASES Singular Dual Plural
Nominative अश्वः अश्वौ अश्वाः
aśvaḥ aśvau aśvāḥ
A horse The two horses The horses
Vocative अश्व अश्वौ अश्वाः
aśva aśvau aśvāḥ
O horse! / Eh horse! O both of horses! / Eh both of horses! O horses! / Eh horses!
Accusative अश्वम् अश्वौ अश्वान्
aśvam aśvau aśvān
To a horse To the two horses To the horses
Instrumental अश्वेन अश्वाभ्याम् अश्वैः
aśvena aśvābhyām aśvaiḥ
By/through/along with/etc.
a horse
By/through/along with/etc.
the two horses
By/through/along with/etc.
the horses
Dative अश्वाय अश्वाभ्याम् अश्वेभ्यः
aśvāya aśvābhyām aśvebhyaḥ
To/for/etc. a horse To/for/etc. the two horses To/for/etc. the horses
Ablative अश्वात् अश्वाभ्याम् अश्वेभ्यः
aśvāt aśvābhyām aśvebhyaḥ
From/on account of/etc.
a horse
From/on account of/etc.
the two horses
From/on account of/etc.
the horses
Genitive अश्वस्य अश्वयोः अश्वानाम्
aśvasya aśvayoḥ aśvānām
Of a horse Of the two horses Of the horses
Locative अश्वे अश्वयोः अश्वेषु
aśve aśvayoḥ aśveṣu
In/on/etc. a horse In/on/etc. the two horses In/on/etc. the horses


CASES Singular Dual Plural
Nominative रामः रामौ रामाः
rāmaḥ rāmau rāmāḥ
Rāma The two Rāma-s The Rāma-s
Vocative राम रामौ रामाः
rāma rāmau rāmāḥ
O Rāma! / Eh Rāma! O both of Rāma-s! / Eh both of Rāma-s! O Rāma-s! / Eh Rāma-s!
Accusative रामम् रामौ रामान्
rāmam rāmau rāmān
To Rāma To the two Rāma-s To the Rāma-s
Instrumental रामेण रामाभ्याम् रामैः
rāmeṇa * rāmābhyām rāmaiḥ
By/through/along with/etc. Rāma By/through/along with/etc.
the two Rāma-s
By/through/along with/etc. the Rāma-s
Dative रामाय रामाभ्याम् रामेभ्यः
rāmāya rāmābhyām rāmebhyaḥ
To/for/etc. Rāma To/for/etc. the two Rāma-s To/for/etc. the Rāma-s
Ablative रामात् रामाभ्याम् रामेभ्यः
rāmāt rāmābhyām rāmebhyaḥ
From/on account of/etc. Rāma From/on account of/etc.
the two Rāma-s
From/on account of/etc.
the Rāma-s
Genitive रामस्य रामयोः रामाणाम्
rāmasya rāmayoḥ rāmāṇām **
Of Rāma / Rāma's Of the two Rāma-s Of the Rāma-s / Rāma-s'
Locative रामे रामयोः रामेषु
rāme rāmayoḥ rāmeṣu
In/on/etc. Rāma In/on/etc. the two Rāma-s In/on/etc. the Rāma-s

* The original termination "ena" changes to "eṇa" by the 18th Rule of Consonant Sandhi.
** The original termination "ānām" changes to "āṇām" by the 18th Rule of Consonant Sandhi.


 Nouns and adjectives ending in "A" (neuter)

Two usual examples now: "dāna" (gift) and "jñāna" (knowledge). Note that these nouns and adjectives are declined in a similar way to those ending in "a" (masculine), except in Nominative, Vocative and Accusative cases.

Dāna -- Gift

CASES Singular Dual Plural
Nominative दानम् दाने दानानि
dānam dāne dānāni
A gift The two gifts The gifts
Vocative दान दाने दानानि
dāna dāne dānāni
O gift! O both of gifts! O gifts!
Accusative दानम् दाने दानानि
dānam dāne dānāni
To a gift To the two gifts To the gifts
Instrumental दानेन दानाभ्याम् दानैः
dānena dānābhyām dānaiḥ
By/through/along with/etc.
a gift
By/through/along with/etc.
the two gifts
By/through/along with/etc.
the gifts
Dative दानाय दानाभ्याम् दानेभ्यः
dānāya dānābhyām dānebhyaḥ
To/for/etc. a gift To/for/etc. the two gifts To/for/etc. the gifts
Ablative दानात् दानाभ्याम् दानेभ्यः
dānāt dānābhyām dānebhyaḥ
From/on account of/etc.
a gift
From/on account of/etc.
the two gifts
From/on account of/etc.
the gifts
Genitive दानस्य दानयोः दानानाम्
dānasya dānayoḥ dānānām
Of a gift Of the two gifts Of the gifts
Locative दाने दानयोः दानेषु
dāne dānayoḥ dāneṣu
In/on/etc. a gift In/on/etc. the two gifts In/on/etc. the gifts

Jñāna -- Knowledge

CASES Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ज्ञानम् ज्ञाने ज्ञानानि
jñānam jñāne jñānāni
Knowledge The two knowledges The knowledges
Vocative ज्ञान ज्ञाने ज्ञानानि
jñāna jñānau jñānāni
O knowledge! O both of knowledges! O knowledges!
Accusative ज्ञानम् ज्ञाने ज्ञानानि
jñānam jñāne jñānāni
To the knowledge To the two knowledges To the knowledges
Instrumental ज्ञानेन ज्ञानाभ्याम् ज्ञानैः
jñānena jñānābhyām jñānaiḥ
By/through/along with/etc.
the knowledge
By/through/along with/etc.
the two knowledges
By/through/along with/etc.
the knowledges
Dative ज्ञानाय ज्ञानाभ्याम् ज्ञानेभ्यः
jñānāya jñānābhyām jñānebhyaḥ
To/for/etc. the knowledge To/for/etc. the two knowledges To/for/etc. the knowledges
Ablative ज्ञानात् ज्ञानाभ्याम् ज्ञानेभ्यः
jñānāt jñānābhyām jñānebhyaḥ
From/on account of/etc.
the knowledge
From/on account of/etc.
the two knowledges
From/on account of/etc.
the knowledges
Genitive ज्ञानस्य ज्ञानयोः ज्ञानानाम्
jñānasya jñānayoḥ jñānānām
Of the knowledge / knowledge's Of the two knowledges Of the knowledges /
Locative ज्ञाने ज्ञानयोः ज्ञानेषु
jñāne jñānayoḥ jñāneṣu
In/on/etc. the knowledge In/on/etc. the two knowledges In/on/etc. the knowledges


 Nouns and adjectives ending in "Ā" (masculine)

Firstly, two usual examples now: "gopā" (cowherd) and "baladā" (an epithet of god Indra --Lord of Heaven--, meaning "strength-giver"). Note that both of nouns have roots ("pā" --to protect-- and "dā" --to give--") as their latter member. Secondly, an example of a noun ("Hāhā", the name of a Heavenly Musician or Gandharva) ending in "ā" but with no root as its latter member. Remember that there are two possibilities regarding masculine nouns and adjectives ending in "ā":

1) As far as those having a root as the latter member are concerned, the final "ā" is to be dropped before the terminations only from the Accusative (pl.) case on.
2) But, if the latter member is not a root, that "ā" is not dropped, "except in dual number!" Thus, you will find that Accusative (pl.), Dative (sing.), Ablative (sing.), Genitive (sing.) and Locative (sing.) have been changed in accordance with the 2nd and 3rd Primary Rules of Vowel Sandhi. In other words, you have to combine that "ā" not being dropped with the respective termination of the abovementioned cases: ā + aḥ = āḥ (Accusative pl.); ā + e = ai (Dative sing.); ā + aḥ = āḥ (Ablative sing.); ā + aḥ = āḥ (Genitive sing.) and ā + i = e (Locative sing.). Thank God this kind of nouns and adjectives are rarely seen.

Gopā -- Cowherd
(This kind of noun has a root --"pā" or "to protect" in this case-- as its latter member)

CASES Singular Dual Plural
Nominative गोपाः गोपौ गोपाः
gopāḥ gopau gopāḥ
A cowherd The two cowherds The cowherds
Vocative गोपाः गोपौ गोपाः
gopāḥ gopau gopāḥ
O cowherd! O both of cowherds! O cowherds!
Accusative गोपाम् गोपौ गोपः
gopām gopau gopaḥ
To a cowherd To the two cowherds To the cowherds
Instrumental गोपा गोपाभ्याम् गोपाभिः
gopā gopābhyām gopābhiḥ
By/through/along with/etc.
a cowherd
By/through/along with/etc.
the two cowherds
By/through/along with/etc.
the cowherds
Dative गोपे गोपाभ्याम् गोपाभ्यः
gope gopābhyām gopābhyaḥ
To/for/etc. a cowherd To/for/etc. the two cowherds To/for/etc. the cowherds
Ablative गोपः गोपाभ्याम् गोपाभ्यः
gopaḥ gopābhyām gopābhyaḥ
From/on account of/etc.
a cowherd
From/on account of/etc.
the two cowherds
From/on account of/etc.
the cowherds
Genitive गोपः गोपोः गोपाम्
gopaḥ gopoḥ gopām
Of a cowherd Of the two cowherds Of the cowherds
Locative गोपि गोपोः गोपासु
gopi gopoḥ gopāsu
In/on/etc. a cowherd In/on/etc. the two cowherds In/on/etc. the cowherds

Baladā -- Strength-giver (an epithet of god Indra)
(This kind of noun has a root --"dā" or "to give" in this case-- as its latter member)

CASES Singular Dual Plural
Nominative बलदाः बलदौ बलदाः
baladāḥ baladau baladāḥ
A strength-giver The two strength-givers The strength-givers
Vocative बलदाः बलदौ बलदाः
baladāḥ baladau baladāḥ
O strength-giver! O both of strength-givers! O strength-givers!
Accusative बलदाम् बलदौ बलदः
baladām baladau baladaḥ
To a strength-giver To the two strength-givers To the strength-givers
Instrumental बलदा बलदाभ्याम् बलदाभिः
baladā baladābhyām baladābhiḥ
By/through/along with/etc.
a strength-giver
By/through/along with/etc.
the two strength-givers
By/through/along with/etc.
the strength-givers
Dative बलदे बलदाभ्याम् बलदाभ्यः
balade baladābhyām baladābhyaḥ
To/for/etc. a strength-giver To/for/etc. the two strength-givers To/for/etc. the strength-givers
Ablative बलदः बलदाभ्याम् बलदाभ्यः
baladaḥ baladābhyām baladābhyaḥ
From/on account of/etc.
a strength-giver
From/on account of/etc.
the two strength-givers
From/on account of/etc.
the strength-givers
Genitive बलदः बलदोः बलदाम्
baladaḥ baladoḥ baladām
Of a strength-giver Of the two strength-givers Of the strength-givers
Locative बलदि बलदोः बलदासु
baladi baladoḥ baladāsu
In/on/etc. a strength-giver In/on/etc. the two strength-givers In/on/etc. the strength-givers

Hāhā -- the name of a Gandharva or Celestial Musician
(This kind of noun has no root as its latter member. The set of declensions is similar to that one used with masculine nouns and adjectives ending in "ā" and having a root as their latter member --See "gopā" and "baladā" above--, except in Accusative pl., Dative sing., Ablative sing., Genitive sing. and Locative sing. In the table below, I have highlighted the changes in green color.)

CASES Singular Dual Plural
Nominative हाहाः हाहौ हाहाः
Hāhāḥ Hāhau Hāhāḥ
Hāhā The two Hāhā-s The Hāhā-s
Vocative हाहाः हाहौ हाहाः
Hāhāḥ Hāhau Hāhāḥ
O Hāhā! O both of Hāhā-s! O Hāhā-s!
Accusative हाहाम् हाहौ हाहाः
Hāhām Hāhau Hāhāḥ
To Hāhā To the two Hāhā-s To the Hāhā-s
Instrumental हाहा हाहाभ्याम् हाहाभिः
Hāhā Hāhābhyām Hāhābhiḥ
By/through/along with/etc.
By/through/along with/etc.
the two Hāhā-s
By/through/along with/etc.
the Hāhā-s
Dative हाहै हाहाभ्याम् हाहाभ्यः
Hāhai Hāhābhyām Hāhābhyaḥ
To/for/etc. Hāhā To/for/etc. the two Hāhā-s To/for/etc. the Hāhā-s
Ablative हाहाः हाहाभ्याम् हाहाभ्यः
Hāhāḥ Hāhābhyām Hāhābhyaḥ
From/on account of/etc.
From/on account of/etc.
the two Hāhā-s
From/on account of/etc.
the Hāhā-s
Genitive हाहाः हाहोः हाहाम्
Hāhāḥ Hāhoḥ Hāhām
Of Hāhā Of the two Hāhā-s Of the Hāhā-s
Locative हाहे हाहोः हाहासु
Hāhe Hāhoḥ Hāhāsu
In/on/etc. Hāhā In/on/etc. the two Hāhā-s In/on/etc. the Hāhā-s


 Nouns and adjectives ending in "Ā" (feminine)

Two usual examples now: "Rādhā" (the celebrated cowherdess beloved by Lord Kṛṣṇa) and "Ramā" (good fortune --an epithet of Mahālakṣmī, the goddess of fortune--).

Rādhā -- The celebrated cowherdess beloved by Kṛṣṇa

CASES Singular Dual Plural
Nominative राधा राधे राधाः
Rādhā Rādhe Rādhāḥ
Rādhā The two Rādhā-s The Rādhā-s
Vocative राधे राधे राधाः
Rādhe Rādhe Rādhāḥ
O Rādhā! O both of Rādhā-s! O Rādhā-s!
Accusative राधाम् राधे राधाः
Rādhām Rādhe Rādhāḥ
To Rādhā To the two Rādhā-s To the Rādhā-s
Instrumental राधया राधाभ्याम् राधाभिः
Rādhayā Rādhābhyām Rādhābhiḥ
By/through/along with/etc.
By/through/along with/etc.
the two Rādhā-s
By/through/along with/etc.
the Rādhā-s
Dative राधायै राधाभ्याम् राधाभ्यः
Rādhāyai Rādhābhyām Rādhābhyaḥ
To/for/etc. Rādhā To/for/etc. the two Rādhā-s To/for/etc. the Rādhā-s
Ablative राधायाः राधाभ्याम् राधाभ्यः
Rādhāyāḥ Rādhābhyām Rādhābhyaḥ
From/on account of/etc.
From/on account of/etc.
the two Rādhā-s
From/on account of/etc.
the Rādhā-s
Genitive राधायाः राधयोः राधानाम्
Rādhāyāḥ Rādhayoḥ Rādhānām
Of Rādhā Of the two Rādhā-s Of the Rādhā-s
Locative राधायाम् राधयोः राधासु
Rādhāyām Rādhayoḥ Rādhāsu
In/on/etc. Rādhā In/on/etc. the two Rādhā-s In/on/etc. the Rādhā-s

Ramā -- The goddess of fortune (an epithet of goddess Mahālakṣmī)

CASES Singular Dual Plural
Nominative रमा रमे रमाः
Ramā Rame Ramāḥ
Ramā The two Ramā-s The Ramā-s
Vocative रमे रमे रमाः
Rame Rame Ramāḥ
O Ramā! O both of Ramā-s! O Ramā-s!
Accusative रमाम् रमे रमाः
Ramām Rame Ramāḥ
To Ramā To the two Ramā-s To the Ramā-s
Instrumental रमया रमाभ्याम् रमाभिः
Ramayā Ramābhyām Ramābhiḥ
By/through/along with/etc.
By/through/along with/etc.
the two Ramā-s
By/through/along with/etc.
the Ramā-s
Dative रमायै रमाभ्याम् रमाभ्यः
Ramāyai Ramābhyām Ramābhyaḥ
To/for/etc. Ramā To/for/etc. the two Ramā-s To/for/etc. the Ramā-s
Ablative रमायाः रमाभ्याम् रमाभ्यः
Ramāyāḥ Ramābhyām Ramābhyaḥ
From/on account of/etc.
From/on account of/etc.
the two Ramā-s
From/on account of/etc.
the Ramā-s
Genitive रमायाः रमयोः रमानाम्
Ramāyāḥ Ramayoḥ Ramāṇām *
Of Ramā Of the two Ramā-s Of the Ramā-s
Locative रमायाम् रमयोः रमासु
Ramāyām Ramayoḥ Ramāsu
In/on/etc. Ramā In/on/etc. the two Ramā-s In/on/etc. the Ramā-s

* The original termination "ānām" changes to "āṇām" by the 18th Rule of Consonant Sandhi.


 Some sentences including declined nouns
and adjectives ending in "A" and "Ā"

To adequately finish this interesting document, a few simple sentences including nouns and adjectives ending in "a" and "ā":

शिवो दिव्यपुरुषो भवति - Śivo divyapuruṣo bhavati / Śiva (śivaḥ) is (bhavati) the Divine (divya) Person (puruṣaḥ) / "Śiva" and "puruṣa" are masculine nouns ending in "a". "Divya" (divine) is a masculine noun ending in "a" in this case. Finally, "bhavati" is the conjugation for the 3rd person sing. Present Tense of the root "bhū" (to be, become).

यत्र यत्र धूमस्तत्र तत्र पावकः - Yatra yatra dhūmastatra tatra pāvakaḥ / Lit. "Wherever (yatra yatra) there is smoke (dhūmaḥ), in that place there is (tatra tatra) fire (pāvakaḥ)" (i.e. "Where there is smoke, there is fire") / "Dhūma" and "pāvaka" are both masculine nouns ending in "a".

यथा वृक्षस्तथा फलम् - Yathā vṛkṣastathā phalam / Lit. "Like (yathā) the tree (vṛkṣaḥ), like (tathā) the fruit (phalam)" (i.e. "A chip off the old block" or "Like father, like son") / "Vṛkṣa" is a masculine noun ending in "a", while "phala" is a neuter noun ending in "a".

सिंहो व्याधस्य बाणेन हतः - Siṁho vyādhasya bāṇena hataḥ / The lion (simhaḥ) was killed (hataḥ) by the arrow (bāṇena) of the hunter (vyādhasya)" / "Siṁha" is a masculine noun ending in "a". In turn, "bāṇena" and "vyādhasya" are the Instrumental sing. of "bāṇa" (arrow) and the Genitive sing. of "vyādha" (hunter), respectively. Both "bāṇa" and "vyādha" are masculine nouns ending in "a". Finally, "hata" is the past participle of "han" (to kill), but here it is dealt with as a masculine noun ending in "a" (hataḥ) as it is related to "siṁhaḥ" (the lion that is killed).

कृष्णो राधायाः प्रीतः - Kṛṣṇo rādhāyāḥ prītaḥ / Kṛṣṇa (kṛṣṇaḥ) is dear (prītaḥ) to Rādhā (rādhāyāḥ) (i.e. "Rādhā loves Kṛṣṇa dearly") / "Kṛṣṇa" is a masculine noun ending in "a". The word "rādhāyāḥ" is the Ablative sing. of "Rādhā", a feminine noun ending in "ā". Finally, "prīta" is the past participle of "prī" (to love), but here it is dealt with as a masculine noun ending in "a" (prītaḥ) as it is related to "kṛṣṇaḥ" (the subject of the sentence).

सर्पेण दष्टा गोपा मृताः - Sarpeṇa daṣṭā gopā mṛtāḥ / The cowherd (gopāḥ), who was bitten (daṣṭāḥ) by a snake (sarpeṇa), has died (mṛtāḥ) / "Gopā" is a masculine noun ending in "ā". The word "sarpeṇa" is the Instrumental sing. of "sarpa" (snake), a masculine noun ending in "a". Finally, both "daṣṭa" and "mṛta" are past participles of "daṁs" (to bite) and "mṛ" (to die) respectively, but here they are dealt with as masculine nouns ending in "ā" ("daṣṭāḥ" and "mṛtāḥ") as they are related to "gopāḥ" (the subject of the sentence).

रमया दानानि दत्तानि - Ramayā dānāni dattāni / The gifts (dānāni) are given (dattāni) by Ramā --the goddess of fortune-- (ramayā) / "Ramā" is a feminine noun ending in "ā". The word "dānāni" is the Nominative pl. of "dāna" (gift), a neuter noun ending in "a". Finally, "datta" is the past participle of "dā" (to give), but here it is dealt with as a neuter noun ending in "a" ("dattāni") in plural number, as it is related to "dānāni" (the subject of the sentence).

राधाया मित्रा दीना भवन्ति - Rādhāyā mitrā dīnā bhavanti / The friends (mitrāḥ) of Rādhā (rādhāyāḥ) are (bhavanti) sad (dīnāḥ) / "Mitrāḥ" is the plural number of a masculine noun ending in "a", that is, "mitra" (friend). The word "Rādhāyāḥ" is the Genitive sing. of "Rādhā" (the cowherdess beloved by Lord Kṛṣṇa), a feminine noun ending in "ā". "Dīnāḥ" is the plural number of "dīna" (sad), a masculine noun ending in "a". Finally, "bhavanti" is the conjugation for the 3rd person pl. Present Tense of the root "bhū" (to be, become).

And a long one to finish this set of simple sentences:

स्वसेनया रावणस्य देशमाक्रम्य रामः सीतां बन्धनान्मुमुचे - Svasenayā rāvaṇasya deśamākramya rāmaḥ sītāṁ bandhanādmumuce / Having invaded (ākramya) the country (deśam) of Rāvaṇa (rāvaṇasya) with his own (sva) army (senayā), Rāma (rāmaḥ) rescued (mumuce) Sītā (sītām) from (her) confinement (bandhanāt) / "Rāma" (the subject of this sentence) is a masculine noun ending in "a". The word "sva" indicates "one's own" (in this case, "his own", that is, "Rāma's"). "Senayā" is the Instrumental sing. of "senā" (army), a feminine noun ending in "ā". In turn, "rāvaṇasya" is the Genitive sing. of "Rāvaṇa" (the name of the celebrated chief of the demons and archenemy of Rāma). The term "deśam" is the Accusative sing. of "deśa" (country), a masculine noun ending in "a". "Ākramya" is the indeclinable past participle of "ākram" (to invade) and it is to be translated as "having invaded". "Sītām" is the Accusative sing. of "Sītā" (the name of the Rāma's wife). The word "bandhanāt" is the Ablative sing. of "bandhana" (confinement), a neuter noun ending in "a". Finally, "mumuce" is the proper conjugation for the 3rd sing. Perfect Tense (which indicates remote past) of the root "muc" (to rescue, set free, etc.). I could also have written "mumoca" instead of "mumuce". Both of ways to conjugate "muc" (3rd person sing. Perfect Tense) are correct.

Well, this document is finished. Study it over and over again until you can completely understand how to decline nouns and adjectives ending in "a" and "ā". See you soon.


 Further information

Gabriel Pradīpaka

This document was conceived by Gabriel Pradīpaka, one of the two founders of this site, and spiritual guru conversant with Sanskrit language and Trika philosophy.

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